Veterinary Feed Directive

General Topics

Changes in the Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD): What the swine veterinarian needs to know -- This brochure has been prepared by the American Association of Swine Veterinarians to highlight the changes to the VFD, the responsibilities of the veterinarian issuing the VFD, and the information that must be supplied on every VFD.

Federal Register. Final Rule: Veterinary Feed Directive -- Federal Register publication of the revised Veterinary Feed Directive final rule effective October 1, 2015.

US Food and Drug Administration. Does the State or Federal VCPR Definition Apply to a Lawful VFD in my State? -- The issuance of a VFD requires a valid veterinary client patient relationship. This link describes the minimum requirements for a VCPR and includes a table describing whether or not the state VCPR meets those minimum requirements.

VFD Final Rule Fact Sheet -- FDA's Veterinary Feed Directive home page.

Drugs Transitioning from Over-the-Counter (OTC) to Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) Status -- This list represents the antimicrobials approved for use in or on animal feed affected by GFI #213. The complete list of affected applications will continue to be updated as changes are made and can be located here.


VFD Forms

VFD Sample Form -- FDA Guidance for Industry #233 describes a suggested common format for VFD forms. Veterinarians, however, may create a form of their choosing as long as it contains the required information. GFI #233 also provides guidance concerning the elements that must be included on the VFD and the elements that may be included on the VFD and provides examples of a suggested VFD format.


Pharmaceutical manufacturer's forms -- The following pharmaceutical companies have supplied drug-specific VFD forms for use with their products. Click on the logos below to access their VFD information.

Description: Zoetis_SIG