Meeting information submission

Thank you for providing information about your meeting to the AASV. Please complete as many fields as seem appropriate and useful. Your submission will not appear online until AASV staff have approved it.

You can leave this blank for one-day meetings
Please provide city (and country if not USA) or a street address. Please write out names of states, provinces, countries, etc.
Optional; useful when not already part of the meeting name.

Meeting contact information

Primary contact

What this contact handles (optional)
An address, contact name, or both

Second contact (optional)

What this contact handles (optional)
An address, contact name, or both

Your contact information

Occasionally meeting information needs verification; please provide your name and email address; this will be available only to AASV staff; it is not displayed or printed with your meeting information. These values are required:

Junk meeting submissions were a problem, so...

Below you should see Google's "reCAPTCHA" to prove you're a human and not a robot. If you don't see it, make sure you aren't blocking third-party scripts, particularly If you don't complete it, your form data will be lost.

Privacy statement:

This information may be used on our web site and, as space permits, in our print publication, The Journal of Swine Health and Production. Additionally, your IP address and the time at which this form is submitted will be stored. AASV staff may use your name and email addresses provided to ask for clarification.