AASV 2006 Annual Meeting
March 4-7, 2006
Westin Crown Center
Kansas City, Missouri USA
Program chair: Dr. Scott Dee
"Beyond the Basics: What does the future hold and how do we get ready?"
Pre-conference Seminars
Additional registration fees apply for the pre-conference
seminars on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. You must be registered
for the annual meeting in order to register for the pre-conference
seminars. Sorry, we cannot accept registrations for the seminars
Swine Welfare Assurance Program
(SWAP) Educator Training
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fee: $50.00; box lunch provided
Limit: 30 registrants
Coordinator: Paul Sundberg
The Swine Welfare Assurance Program (SWAP) continues to be the industry standard in assessing welfare. Veterinarians will be important to the delivery of the program – sitting down with clients to discuss the SWAP Care and Well-being Principles – assessing the welfare of the animals – and working with the clients to do a walk-through assessment.To be part of that process, veterinarians need to understand the Care and Well-being Principles and be trained in conducting the assessment before being named a Certified SWAP Educator (CSE).
In 2006 SWAP will be revised to ensure that it satisfies the welfare expectations of the pork chain. Veterinarians who are already CSE’s will receive the revision information via the SWAP web site and will not need to recertify.In this workshop, AASV members wanting to become a CSE and provide this service to their clients will go through the program and the performance of the SWAP assessment.
The qualifications for attending this training session to become a Certified SWAP Educator are:
- Being a veterinarian, an Extension Specialist, or an Ag Educator and
- Having a DVM, or a BS in Animal Science, or equivalent, and
- Having two years of recent documentable swine production experience, and
- Resident of the U.S.
Faculty: Anna Johnson and Jim McKean
Seminar #1: Applied Pharmacology and Antimicrobial Issues
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Fee: $85.00
Coordinator: Glen Almond
This timely session will provide an excellent review of
antimicrobial resistance with an emphasis on appropriate antibiotic
selection. With public and political concerns regarding antimicrobial
resistance, this session will give practitioners solid background
knowledge on the status of foodborne pathogens in pigs and at slaughter.
To reinforce the importance of antimicrobial resistance in food
borne pathogens, one session will review the Danish experience in
Salmonella control programs. Finally, participants will
learn the new concepts of population pharmacokinetics and their
future role in antimicrobial therapy.
1:00 Antimicrobial resistance and applied pharmacology
Mike Apley
3:00 BREAK
3:15 Antimicrobial resistance in foodborne pathogens
Wondwossen Gebreyes
3:45 The Danish experience in Salmonella
control and antibiotics
Scott Hurd
4:15 Population pharmacokinetics and modeling
Tomas Martin-Jimenez
4:45 Panel Discussion
All speakers
5:00 Session concludes
Seminar #2: Grow Finish Records: Taking a look at real
time monitoring
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Fee: $85.00
Coordinator: Tom Wetzell
Participants will hear new and innovative ways that producers
and veterinarians are using real time grow finish records to impact
day to day performance decisions. Identifying useful information,
ways to collect the data, how to interpret the information and making
the data impact day to day decisions will be explored.
1:00 Communicating real time data to influence production
and health
Jim Lowe
1:30 Out of feed and water events and their influence
on GF production
Mike Brumm
2:15 Dealing with swine variation at marketing
Brad Knippelmeir
3:00 BREAK
3:15 Marketing decisions based on real time information
Matt Ackerman
3:45 Utilizing nursery/grow finish records to make
day-to-day production/feeding decisions
Jim Moody
4:15 Using real time information for tactical animal
Robert Baarsch
5:00 Session concludes
Seminar #3: Case Studies: Take your thinking cap out of
the box
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Fee: $85.00
Coordinator: Jason Kelly
The aim of this session is to focus on the critical thinking
involved in dealing with problems beyond normal, everyday disease.
Although basic disease and production practices will be discussed,
the emphasis will be on how good critical thinkers approach and
work their way through something out of the ordinary.
1:00 Trials and tribulations with mulberry heart disease
Max Rodibaugh
1:30 Cost/benefit analysis of autosort facilities
Chris Rademacher
2:00 Strange but true biosecurity stories
Scanlon Daniels
2:30 How likely is APP area spread?
Doug Powers
3:00 BREAK
3:30 High mortality H. parasuis
Curt Teggatz
4:00 Stray voltage effects on sow mortality and performance
Cameron Schmitt
4:30 Double stocking wean-to-finish barns: A barn efficiency
dream but health nightmare
Tara Donovan
5:00 Session concludes
Seminar #4: Gilt Development
1:00 - 5:15 pm
Fee: $85.00
Coordinator: Joel Nerem
The focus of this seminar is on the techniques used to
properly prepare replacement gilts for entry into the breeding herd.
Gilt selection, reproductive management, nutrition, and health management
will be discussed against the backdrop of the most recent research
and economic information available.
1:00 Research, techniques, and economics of gilt development
George Foxcroft
2:00 Heat induction and boar exposure techniques
Joaquin Sporke
2:30 Danish "surprise party"
Anders Mikkelsen
3:00 BREAK
3:15 Introduction of Isowean replacement gilts
Martin Bonneau
3:45 Replacement gilt nutrition
Steve Dritz
4:15 Gilt selection
John Deen
4:45 Health assurance and acclimatization: One system's
Joel Nerem
5:15 Session concludes
Seminar #5: Boar Stud Issues
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Fee: $85.00
Coordinator: Chris Kuster
This session features leading experts of PRRSV transmission,
prevention, and diagnostic monitoring presenting current research,
explaining the basic science of diagnostic tests, revealing the
similarities and potential differences between laboratories, and
reviewing the technique of blood swab sampling and associated clinical
case reports. Dose quality monitoring will also be addressed, including
the introduction of the Consortium of Independent Veterinary Andrology
Laboratories (CIVAL). During the final discussion section, practitioners
and researchers will be encouraged to share current observations
and/or questions relevant to boar studs to raise the awareness of
the AASV membership and encourage collaboration.
1:00 Prevention of PRRSV transmission to boar studs
Scott Dee
1:30 PRRSV diagnostics for boar studs and methodology
Jane Christopher-Hennings
2:15 Basic science of diagnostic PCR and methodology
Kurt Rossow
3:00 Methodology of ISU PRRSV PCR
Kyoung-Jin Yoon
3:15 BREAK
3:30 Blood swab techniques for PRRSV: Research and
clinical case reviews
Darwin Reicks
3:45 Panel discussion: PRRSV transmission, diagnostics,
and practice
All speakers
4:15 Product quality monitoring and assessment of semen
by veterinary laboratories
Gary Althouse
4:45 Discussion section: research updates and clinical
Chris Kuster, moderator
5:00 Session concludes
Special seminar
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Swine Health Management board certification: Getting
started and seeing it through
Fee: No charge
Dave Madsen, chair
This seminar is designed to walk you through the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (ABVP) Swine Health Management board certification process from beginning to end - including case report examples, mentoring, fees, and timelines - as well as answering questions. Learn why ABVP certification may benefit you. Registration is not necessary for this seminar, which is offered at no charge.
Pre-conference Seminars
Additional registration fees apply for the pre-conference
seminars on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. You must be registered
for the annual meeting in order to register for the pre-conference
seminars. Sorry, we cannot accept registrations for the seminars
Seminar #6: Foreign Animal Disease
8:00 am - 12:00 noon
Fee: No charge
Coordinator: Mike Senn
Co-sponsored by the USDA
This seminar will provide a review of foreign animal diseases (FAD) for the veterinarian. This session will provide an overview of the bioterrorist/agroterrorist threat, explaining the interwoven characteristics of bioterrorism and agroterrorism. It will address the significant vulnerabilities of our agricultural infrastructure and discuss the potential impacts of a bioterrorist or agroterrorist event on our public health and economic security. Continuing education opportunities and the role of the veterinarian in the event of an FAD outbreak in the U.S. will be addressed. The potential for a global influenza pandemic and the role of interspecies transmission including swine will be presented.
8:00 Influenza: Interspecies transmission and pandemic
Chris Olsen
9:00 The agroterrorism threat
Jerry Jaax
10:00 BREAK
10:15 The veterinarian's role in a FAD outbreak
Joe Annelli
10:35 Foreign animal disease review
Jim Roth
11:35 Foreign animal disease educational opportunities
Jim Roth
12:00 Session concludes
Seminar #7: Sow Productivity/Reproduction
8:00 am - 12:00 noon
Fee: $85.00
Coordinator: Cameron Schmitt
The aim of this session is to provide practitioners with
tools to improve their clients' sow productivity. Benchmarking,
farrowing rate troubleshooting, economic drivers and physiologic
factors will be discussed.
8:00 30 p/s/y: Hidden implications associated with
inadequate uterine capacity
John Harding
8:30 Benchmarking sow productivity - Non-system
Tom Gillespie
9:00 90% Farrowing rate - Tools for improvement
Gordon Spronk & Gustavo Pizarro
10:00 BREAK
10:15 Benchmarking sow productivity - Large system
Mark Schwartz
11:00 Productivity and economic impacts of wean age
- World perspectives
Malachy Young
12:00 Session concludes
Seminar #8: The Business of Veterinary Medicine for the
Soon-to-be Veterinarian
8:00 am - 12:00 noon
Fee: $85.00; Free for veterinary students and '04 and '05 DVM graduates
Coordinator: Larry Firkins
This session will be interactive throughout the program
so come ready to participate and contribute. Learn what actions
you can take today to allow you to be better prepared for your first
years in practice. Three veterinarians that regularly teach business
principles will share their knowledge in the areas of personal budgeting,
developing your leadership skills and financial management that
will impact your career and your life. Mark Mayfield is a nationally
recognized comedian, author, and captivating speaker. He takes business
and personal management principles and presents them in an unbelievably
hilarious fashion.
8:00 Taking one for the team
Larry Firkins
8:45 Personal budgeting for the veterinary student
David Reeves
9:30 Budgeting and prioritizing revenue disbursement
after graduation
Robert Morrison
10:00 BREAK
10:30 Budgeting and prioritizing revenue disbursement after graduation (cont.)
Robert Morrison
11:00 Was Humpty Dumpty's mom a great big chicken?
Mark Mayfield
12:00 Session concludes
Seminar #9: Nutrition Update
8:00 am - 12:00 noon
Fee: $85.00
Coordinator: Matt Ackerman
Ongoing improvements in seedstock genetics have necessitated
a re-evaluation of the nutrient requirements for pigs. The Kansas
State group will provide an update of their recommendations for
the nutrition of growing pigs. There is a trend toward higher levels
of synthetic amino acid supplementation. During this seminar we
will explore the upper limits of synthetic amino acid inclusion
in swine diets at various stages of growth. Expectations of pig
performance and financial return drive many nutritional decisions.
With the increasing availability of dried distillers grain solubles,
a review of this cost effective ingredient is timely. Also, some
nutritional decisions are made for less tangible reasons; in this
regard, the impact of feed formulation on farm odor will also be
8:00 Grow finish update - Take-home recommendations
Mike Tokach & Bob Goodband
9:00 Low crude protein diets with high crystalline
lysine levels for finishing pigs: What are the limits and benefits?
James Usry
9:45 BREAK
10:15 From corn to DDGS to pigs
Harold Tilstra
11:00 Nutrition, nutrient excretion and odor: Current
and future opportunities
Brian Richert
11:45 Panel discussion
All speakers
12:00 Session concludes
Seminar #10: AASV Foundation Financial Planning
8:00 am - 12:00 noon
Fee: $50.00
Coordinator: Rod Johnson
Speaker: Don DeWaay
Co-sponsored by the AASV Foundation
Are you concerned about your retirement? Do you have a business succession plan? Is your estate plan up-to-date? Don DeWaay of DeWaay Capital Management, Inc., in Des Moines, Iowa will bring his unique insight and strategies to the podium as a featured guest speaker.
There may be a ticking time bomb in your retirement plan. Don says there are ways to avoid the tax traps that lurk for investors with large IRAs and retirement plans. Investors considering a rollover of their 401(k) should beware of some common mistakes which could cost them a lot of money. Don will explain the reasons as to why a self-directed IRA may be the right answer.
With mounting threats to the U.S. economy, today’s volatile market could implode your portfolio. Don will assess the economy and expound on why traditional stock and bond investments in these uncertain times could bring you mediocre returns. Find out how market alternative investments may help you diversify your portfolio and potentially bring you higher portfolio returns.
Don DeWaay is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and is a registered representative of VSR Financial Services, Member NASD/SIPC.
Seminar #11: Parity Segregation
8:00 am - 12:00 noon
Fee: $85.00
Coordinator: R.B. (Butch) Baker
The parity segregation seminar will be a continuation of
last year's pre-conference seminar with additional data, applications,
and experience. The AASV 2006 speakers bring a wide range of varying
expertise and sophisticated know-how. Management examples will come
from the longest operational parity segregated system in the world;
provide both large and small producer applications, and copious
amounts of health, management, and nutritional examples. The opportunities,
advantages, and challenges encountered in parity segregated farms
or systems will be thoroughly explored. An open round table discussion
will follow the presentations.
8:00 A large system parity segregation experience
Luc Dufresne
8:35 Segregated parity management to improve progeny
and sow herd performance: A nutritionist perspective
Dean Boyd
9:10 Applications of parity segregation for small producers
Jim Kober
9:45 BREAK
10:15 Parity segregation: A producer's tool for disease
Bill Hollis
10:50 Large system disease management and elimination
through parity segregation
Lisa Becton
11:25 Panel discussion
All speakers
12:00 Session concludes
Seminar #12: PCV2/PMWS: Understanding factors that impact
disease expression and control
8:00 am - 12:00 noon
Fee: $85.00
Coordinator: Carol Jakel
The overall goal of this seminar is to increase participants'
understanding of the factors (infectious, non-infectious and management)
that impact the expression of clinical PMWS on their clients' farms
and to provide them with a set of working tools they can "take home" for immediate use in their practice.
8:00 PMWS case definition and clinical pathology
Joaquim Segales
8:20 Using diagnostic tools: IHC, PCR and ELISA tests
Tanja Opriessnig
8:40 Update on prevalence, severity and distribution
of PMWS cases in Europe and the USA
Joaquim Segales and Jerry Torrison
9:00 The building blocks of PMWS: Co-factors, host
susceptibility, strain characterization and viral immunogencity
Pat Halbur
9:20 Risk factors associated with clinical outbreaks
Mark Engle
9:50 BREAK
10:10 Economic losses associated with PMWS
Joe Connor
10:30 Practical management of PMWS: The Canadian experience
Francois Cardinal
11:00 Practical management of PMWS: The American experience
Pat Halbur
11:30 Roundtable Q & A
All speakers
12:00 Session concludes
AASV Annual Meeting
All sessions from this point forward are included in the registration
fee for the meeting.
Session #1: Student Seminar
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Session Chairs: Sandy
Amass & Tom Fangman
1:00 The effect of stringent cleaning and subtherapeutic
chlortetracycline on the prevalence of Salmonella in commercial
swine farms
Andrew Mack, The Ohio State University
1:15 Does weaning age influence immediate and long-term
gastrointestinal health in the pig?
Adam Moeser, North Carolina State University
1:30 The influence of using intrauterine insemination
with a reduced number of spermatozoa in sows with synchronized ovulation
Christine Pelland, University of Guelph
1:45 Analyzing growth curves as a predictive indicator
for hemorrhagic bowel syndrome in swine
Ryan Schaefer, Iowa State University
2:00 Urine abnormalities in lactating sows
Lindsay Simpson, North Carolina State University
2:15 A survey of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae assays
offered by veterinary diagnostic labs in the United States
J. Joel Sullivan , Iowa State University
2:30 Clinical signs of stress in finisher pigs transported
to market in the summer
Janet Sunstrum, University of Guelph
2:45 Managing a PRRSV outbreak in one naïve gilt herd
in a multi-herd production system
Krista Toner, University of Prince Edward Island
3:00 BREAK
3:15 Comparison of an ELISA versus a radioimmunoassay
for measuring serum progesterone levels in swine
Amber Borcherding, Iowa State University
3:30 An evaluation of isolate pathogenicity on PRRSV
concentration in aerosol shedding and transmission
Jenny Cho-MacSwain, University of Minnesota
3:45 Duration of viability of dessicated PRRSV in a
PRRS MLV vaccine
Angie Delks, Purdue University
4:00 The effects of farrowing induction on suckling
pig performance
Rayna Gunvaldsen, University of Saskatchewan
4:15 Impact of injectable and oral iron treatments
on performance and hematological values of suckling and nursery
Heather James, University of Saskatchewan
4:30 The effect of downtimes on swine transport trailer
contamination when high heat/high power dryers are used post-disinfection
Sarah Jensen, Colorado State University
4:45 Periparturient risk factors for sow mortality
Maya Kuratomi, University of Minnesota
5:00 Session concludes
Session #2: Industrial Partners
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Session Chair: Montse Torremorell
1:00 Public policy issues impacting the swine industry
Michael Dykes
Monsanto Choice Genetics
1:15 Safety in the swine industry
Mark Eisenhart
Monsanto Choice Genetics
1:30 Advancements in swine genomics
Mark Eisenhart
Monsanto Choice Genetics
1:45 Impact of weaning age on reproductive and growing
pig performance of PIC products
Noel Williams
2:00 Crossbred breeding values: selecting for commercial
Dave McLaren
2:15 Application of genomics of health in animal breeding:
impacting full value pigs sold
Montse Torremorell
2:30 Establishment of large gilt PRRS-negative positive
Lisa Becton
2:45 Assessments and actions following a boar stud
biosecurity breach
Matt Anderson
3:00 BREAK
3:15 Evaluating profitability of wean:finish operations
John Sonderman
Danbred North American Association of Swine Veterinarians
3:30 Weaning more pigs/pounds per crate
Darwin Kohler
Babcock Genetics
3:45 The Auto Mate[TM] system for boar semen collection
Mark Wilson
Minitube of America
4:00 Cloning, a tool for genetic transfer
Mark Wilson
Minitube of America
4:15 Efficacy of PG 600/Matrix in meeting gilt mating
George Foxcroft
4:30 Using Matrix[TM] and PG 600® in a commercial swine
operation: impact on gilt pool size
Matt Ackerman
4:45 DuPont's new biosecurity systems
Carl Erkenbrecher
DuPont Animal Health Solutions
5:00 Session concludes
Session #3: Industrial Partners
1:00 - 5:30 pm
Session Chair: Laura Batista
1:00 A new method for tracking pig flow through complex,
large-scale pork production system
Tom Stein
1:15 A new model for projecting pig flow through complex,
large-scale pork production systems
Tom Stein
1:30 Reporting and analyzing management process efficiency
in sow farms
Tom Stein
1:45 Behavioral responses in finishing pigs fed Paylean
Madonna Benjamin
Elanco Animal Health
2:00 The impact of Pulmotil feeding in the nursery
on finishing performance of at-risk pigs
Jeff Harker
Elanco Animal Health
2:15 Healthy pigs, safe food
Scott Hurd
Elanco Animal Health
2:30 Use of Nuflor and Banamine for individual treatment
of PMWS and PCV-2 associated pneumonia
Francois Cardinal
Schering Plough Animal Health Canada
2:45 Use of statistical process control analysis to
evaluate the effects of spray-dried plasma in gestation and lactation
feed on sow productivity in a PRRS-unstable farm
Joy Campbell
3:00 BREAK
3:15 Therapeutic lung exposure to feed-administered chlortetracycline is premix
brand dependent
Teddi Wolff
Alpharma Animal Health
3:30 Pasteurella multocida as a component of porcine respiratory disease
complex (PRDC)
Dianna Jordan
Alpharma Animal Health
3:45 Efficacy of Aureomycin® chlortetracycline (CTC)
granulated premix in decreasing the potentiation of PRRSV pneumonia
by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
Eileen Thacker
Alpharma Animal Health
4:00 Elimination of Lawsonia intracellularis from
pigs medicated with carbadox (Mecadox)
Keith Kinsley
Phibro Animal Health
4:15 AvailaCu improves nursery pig performance
Tim Fakler
Zinpro Corporation
4:30 PigCHAMP Care for diagnostic research
Lois Fransen
4:45 Prima Tech presents LectraVet
Greg Lehman
Prima Tech USA
5:00 Utility of the IDEXX ELISA SIV H1N1: An investigation
of serologic response following vaccination for SIV
Robyn Fleck
Schering-Plough Animal Health
5:15 Cross protection of a Haemophilus parasuis
serotype 12 vaccine (Parapac®) against serotype 4
Huchappa Jayappa
Schering-Plough Animal Health
5:30 Session concludes
Session #4: Industrial Partners
1:00 - 5:30 pm
Session Chair: Reid Philips
1:00 Efficacy of lincomycin in-feed (Lincomix®) and/or
a porcine proliferative enteropathy (ileitis) vaccine (Enterisol®
Ileitis; Boehringer Ingelheim) administered to pigs artificially
challenged with Lawsonia intracellularis
Jim Bradford
Pfizer Animal Health
1:15 RFID technology to measure individual pig response
to treatment with Excede for Swine®
Michael Kuhn
Pfizer Animal Health
1:30 Efficacy and safety of FarrowSure Gold B
Jeff Kula
Pfizer Animal Health
1:45 Efficacy of Enterisol Ileitis against recent field
isolates of Lawsonia intracellularis
Jeremy Kroll
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica
2:00 Comparison of two commercial Salmonella
vaccines in swine
Jeff Husa
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica
2:15 Considerations with simultaneous use of oral bacterial
Don Walter
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica
2:30 Control of porcine enteritis association with
Clostridium perfringens type A: Is alpha toxoid the solution?
Brad Bosworth
Novartis Animal Health
2:45 Reactivity profile of two parvovirus-erysipelas-leptospira
(PEL) vaccines - a safety study
Mark Hammer
Novartis Animal Health
3:00 BREAK
3:15 Comparison of five adjuvants in inducing systemic
immune responses against H1N1 and H3N2 swine influenza A viruses
in young pigs vaccinated with inactivated swine influenza vaccines
Boh Chang Lin
MVP Laboratories
3:30 Myco Silencer® ONCE, new two dose approval: Challenge
efficacy and serological response studies
Rich Schlueter
3:45 U.S. status of circovirus (PCV2)/post-weaning
multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) according to recently surveyed
swine practitioners
Tom Gillespie
4:00 Update on circovirus (PCV2)/post-weaning multisystemic
wasting syndrome (PMWS) vaccination strategies
John Ellis
4:15 Efficacy and safety of needle-free transdermal
delivery of a novel Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae bacterin
Gregory Royer
4:30 Comparison of the BioRad MyiQ Real Time system
and the Cepheid Smart Cycler using Tetracore's U.S. PRRS virus detection
Scanlon Daniels
Newport Laboratories
4:45 Potentiation of PCV2-associated PMWS by vaccinations
with certain Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae killed adjuvanted
Steven Krakowka
Fort Dodge Animal Health (USA) & Wyeth Animal Health (Canada)
5:00 Detection of PRRS seroconversion and persisting
antibody titers in swine following controlled infection during a
long-term study.
Ricardo Munoz
5:15 A multicenter efficacy trial of different vaccination strategies against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in Europe
Mark Mombarg
Fort Dodge Animal Health (USA) & Wyeth Animal Health (Canada)
5:30 Session concludes
Special seminar
Qualified Accredited Veterinarian (QAV) training:
Trichinae certification (limit 10)
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Fee: no charge
Limit 10 participants
David Pyburn, chair
The Trichinae Certification Program is a developing USDA pre-harvest pork safety program that will provide documentation of swine management practices which minimize risk of exposure of swine to the zoonotic parasite Trichinella spiralis. The program establishes a set of processes that enable producers to raise swine that are not a risk to human health due to parasite exposure. This program has been piloted in the Midwest. Draft regulations in support of this program have been written and are currently being reviewed.
Your role in the program as the Qualified Accredited Veterinarian (QAV) for production sites requesting to enter into the program is to objectively assess the existence of the risk factors for trichinella infection. The program audit form will lead you through the site assessment. As a USDA accredited veterinarian, completion of the QAV training session will qualify you to perform this on-farm auditing service for pork production units and it will train you on how to assess trichinella infection risk factors.
Since all Qualified Accredited Veterinarians must first be accredited by USDA, this workshop is only open to currently accredited veterinarians. The training is conducted via computer CD ROM and will take approximately 3 1/2 hours. Computers and all needed materials will be supplied for your use at the workshop.
General Session: Beyond the Basics
8:00 am - 12:00 noon
Session Chair: Scott Dee
8:00 Howard Dunne Memorial Lecture
Beyond the basics: What will the future bring and how will we get
Gregg BeVier
9:00 Challenges and changes in the swine industry:
A practitioner's perspective
Jim Lowe
9:45 BREAK
10:00 Challenges and changes in the swine industry:
A producer's perspective
Steven Pollmann
10:45 Challenges and changes in the swine industry:
A packer's perspective
Gary Louis
11:30 Success and failure in the swine veterinary profession:
What have we learned?
Roy Schultz
12:00 Session concludes
Concurrent Session #1: Professional Development
1:30 - 5:15 pm
Session Chair: Kurt Van Hulzen
1:30 Role of mentors and peer groups in professional
Randy Jones
2:00 Field trial design and implementation
Locke Karriker
2:30 Critical thinking, technical writing, and grant
proposal writing
Bob Morrison
3:00 Grant writing - practitioner's perspective - Where
is the money, what gets funded, and how do practitioners apply?
Paul Yeske
3:30 BREAK
3:45 Advanced degrees and board certification - A practitioner's
Warren Wilson
4:15 Communication and presentation skills
Rowena Crosbie, Tero International
4:45 Ethics and the swine practitioner
Max Rodibaugh
5:15 Session concludes
Concurrent Session #2: Swine Welfare
1:30 - 5:15 pm
Session Chair: John Deen
1:30 The Swine Welfare Assurance Program (SWAP): Progress
and opportunities
Paul Sundberg
2:00 Auditing animal welfare
Angela Baysinger
2:30 Welfare decision making
John Deen
3:15 BREAK
3:30 Space requirements for pigs
Mike Brumm
4:15 Measuring pain and pain control
Leena Anil
4:45 Roundtable Q & A
All speakers
5:15 Session concludes
Concurrent Session #3: Diagnostics: Management of Diagnostic
1:30 - 5:30 pm
Session Chair: Keith Wilson
1:30 Basic interpretation of diagnostic data
Peter Davies
2:00 Management of diagnostic data within a veterinary
Steve Dudley
2:45 Application of system necropsy examinations
Luc Dufresne
3:30 BREAK
4:00 Using diagnostics to justify intervention strategies
Mike Mohr
4:45 Diagnostic information flow and analysis in a
large production system
Howard Hill and Julie Mulford
5:30 Session concludes
Concurrent Session #4: Emerging diseases
1:30 - 5:00 pm
Session Chairs: Jim Lowe and Montse Torremorell
1:30 An evolutionary view of disease emergence: Why
and how organisms become pathogens, and implications for emerging
Tony Goldberg
2:00 Swine influenza virus in the United States and
its emergence as a zoonotic pathogen
Richard Webby
2:30 Emergence of antibiotic resistance across bacterial
and animal populations
Randy Singer
3:00 BREAK
3:30 PMWS in Quebec : Is it an emerging disease?
Laura Batista
3:50 Collecting the right information and samples on
a farm with strange clinical signs
Jim Collins
4:10 Emergence of PMWS in Quebec : Lessons learned
and the role of the practitioner in managing outbreaks of disease
Francois Cardinal
4:30 Panel discussion
All speakers
5:00 Session concludes
Concurrent Session #1: Regional Eradication
9 am - 1 pm
Session Chair: Peter Davies
9:00 Regional eradication: An option
today or for the future?
Carlos Pijoan
9:20 Update of PRRSV biosecurity research
Scott Dee
9:45 Industry experience with PRRS elimination: Thwarting
Butch Baker
10:20 Experiences with regional control of PRRS in
Bob Morrison
10:40 BREAK
11:00 PRRSV eradication in Chile : A country-wide approach
Juan Carlos Pinilla and Marta Rojas
11:30 Eradication of Mycoplasma hyopneumonia
in Switzerland
Katharina Stärk
12:00 The potential spread of foot-and-mouth disease
in US swine: Case studies in California and Iowa
Tim Carpenter
12:30 Panel discussion
All speakers
12:45 Closing
Carlos Pijoan
1:00 Session concludes
Concurrent Session #2: Research Topics
9 am - 1 pm
Session Chair: Jim Lowe
9:00 Sow shoulder lesions: risk factors and treatment
effects on an Ontario farm
Kathy Zurbrigg
9:15 A study investigating whether performance in the
nursery is a predictor of performance in the grower-finisher barn
in all-in-all-out swine systems in Canada
Tiffany Cottrell
9:30 Salmonella in the finishing pig - does
size matter?
Thomas Rosendal
9:45 Prevalence of Salmonella enterica and
S. enterica serotype typhimurium in swine at
Marcos Rostagno
10:00 Prevalence of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
in piglets at weaning as a predictor of the severity of the disease
in growing pigs
Eduardo Fano
10:15 Comparison of the transmission ratio from Mycoplasma
hyopneumoniae of vaccinated and non-vaccinated nursery piglets
Tom Meyns
10:30 Effect of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
vaccination in swine experimentally co-infected with M. hyopneumoniae
and porcine circovirus type 2
Pat Halbur
10:45 BREAK
11:00 Comparison of the pathogenicity of U.S. PCV2
field isolates in an experimental pig model
Tanja Opriessnig
11:15 Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) infection decreases
the efficacy of a modified live porcine reproductive and respiratory
syndrome (PRRSV) vaccine
Tanja Opriessnig
11:30 Use of an experimental model to test the efficacy
of planned exposure to live PRRSV
Tanja Opriessnig
11:45 Experimental quantification of effect of PRRS
vaccination on PRRSV transmission
Enrique Mondaca-Fernandez
12:00 Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome
virus modulates the main innate immunity function of porcine plasmacytoid
dendritic cells
Federico Zuckermann
12:15 Reassortant human/swine H1N1 and H1N2 influenza
virus infections in U.S. swine
Marie Gramer
12:30 Improved serology testing for swine influenza
Kyoung-Jin Yoon
12:45 Evaluation of North American hemagglutinin subtype
1 swine influenza isolates
Amy Vincent
1:00 Session concludes