AASV 2007 Annual Meeting Program
March 3-6, 2007
Doubletree Hotel at the Entrance to Universal Orlando
Orlando, Florida USA
Program Chair: Dr. Daryl Olsen
“AASV: From Good to Great”
Pre-conference Seminars
Additional registration fees apply for the pre-conference seminars on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. You must be registered for the annual meeting in order to register for the pre-conference seminars. Sorry, we cannot accept registrations for the seminars only.
Seminar #1: PRRS Management Tools
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Seminar Chair: Doug Groth
This seminar will look at new diagnostic tools that have been developed to monitor PRRS as well as current PRRS management strategies being put into place on the farm. Real scenarios will be presented showing the application of what we know about PRRS today. Example herds will range from individual farms to whole systems. Costs and benefits of herd closure associated with PRRS eradication will be presented.
1:00 New diagnostic tool for monitoring: Saliva
Jeff Zimmerman
1:30 Putting test/removal to work: Success/failure
Keith Erlandson
2:15 Planned PRRS exposure in sow herds: What to expect
Paul Ruen
2:45 BREAK
3:15 Overview of multiple approaches to system-wide eradication of PRRS
Neil DeBuse
3:45 Costs and benefits of herd closure associated with PRRS eradication
Paul Dubois
4:30 Roundtable Q & A
All speakers
5:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #2: Achieving 2# Average Daily Gain
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Seminar Chair: Dale Mechler
Presentations will explore key nutritional, genetic, disease and production elements that will enable or hinder producers’ efforts to achieve 2 lb average daily gains.
1:00 Fueling the ADG pig engine
Steve Dritz
1:45 Choosing the right genetics
Allan Schinckel
2:30 BREAK
3:00 Major diseases that impact ADG and how to control them
Bill Hollis
3:45 Production management for high ADG
Jim Lowe
4:30 Roundtable Q & A
All speakers
5:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #3: Case Studies
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Seminar Chair: Ian Levis
This seminar will have four distinctly different cases aimed at providing something of interest to everyone. As in similar sessions from previous years, these case studies will provide good examples of critical thinking skills and how to apply those skills in practice. The final presentation will highlight how case studies should be applied in evidence-based medicine.
1:00 Unique findings in niche production
Kurt VanHulzen
1:45 Use of exposure and closure to stabilize health in a large multi-age finishing site
Jeremy Pittman
2:30 BREAK
3:00 K88 and F18 E. coli control/prevention programs in wean-to-finish barns
Cameron Schmitt
3:45 Swine tuberculosis: A case of Mycobacterium avium infection in growing pigs
C. Scanlon Daniels
4:30 The contribution and utility of case studies in evidence-based medicine
Locke Karriker
5:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #4: Achieving High Total Born and Maximizing Pigs Weaned (Making Good Farms Great)
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Seminar Chair: Tim Loula
Today’s genetics and production systems have the potential to achieve 30 pigs/sow/year but most farms are failing to reach this level of production. This session will help define what it takes to turn good farrowing house performance into great farrowing house performance.
1:00 Achieving 14+ total born: Today’s new goal
Tim Loula
1:40 Feeding and conditioning the sow for maximum total born, large birth weights, and large weaning weights
Steve Dritz
2:20 Day 1 critical care: How to get pigs out alive and started right
Sarah Probst Miller
3:00 BREAK
3:15 Keeping pigs alive: Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of common piglet diseases
Hans Rotto
3:55 How new technology and products help achieve high total born and more pigs weaned
Dennis Villani
4:35 Roundtable Q & A
All speakers
5:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #5: Biosecurity Issues
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Seminar Chairs: Jer Geiger and Angela Baysinger
Establishing a healthy herd or eradicating a disease from a herd is good: Keeping it healthy is GREAT. This seminar builds on the Good to Great theme by examining the science and application of new technologies, reviewing the basics, and achieving that goal.
1:00 Air filtration: Is it a feasible and economic option to reduce area spread?
Laura Batista
1:55 Transportation: TADD, science and practicality
Bob Thompson
2:50 BREAK
3:10 Rules for keeping herds/systems healthy
Doug Groth
4:05 Compliance: Fulfilling the expectation
Doug MacDougald
5:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #6: Foreign Animal Disease: Planning, Review and Surveillance
8:00 am - 12:00 noon
Seminar Chair: Mike Senn
This seminar will provide:
- insight into preparations for a foreign animal disease outbreak at the federal, state, and local level, including the veterinarian’s role in preparedness,
- a thorough review of the foreign animal diseases specific to swine,
- an update on the USDA Classical Swine Fever Surveillance Program, and
- an update on the status of the National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility
8:00 Federal, state, and local foreign animal disease prevention, mitigation, response and recovery
Barry Pittman
8:50 The veterinarian’s role in community planning
Sandy Amass
9:40 BREAK
9:55 Foreign animal diseases of swine
Samia Metwally
11:10 USDA classical swine fever surveillance program update
Eric Bush
11:40 National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility update
Tam Garland
12:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #7: “Backseat” Respiratory Diseases
8:00 am - 12:00 noon
Seminar Chair: Michelle Jens
This session is titled “‘Backseat’ Respiratory Diseases,” in congruence with the theme of the meeting, “Good to Great.” In the book Good to Great by Jim Collins, the author talks about getting the right people on the bus. The goal of this seminar is to get the right tools and information on the bus to help practitioners make informed decisions when dealing with respiratory diseases that often take a backseat to PRRSV and PCV2. The focus of attention will be on Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and swine influenza virus (SIV). The speakers have diverse backgrounds and will be able to provide clinically relevant research information as well as “real-world” experiences. You will leave this session with the tools and information necessary to combat these “backseat” respiratory diseases!
8:00 When “backseat” diseases drive the bus
Jim Lowe
8:30 Mycoplasma diagnostics: Do we have the tools we need?
Eileen Thacker & Erin Strait
9:15 Controlling mycoplasma: Good to great strategies
Maria Pieters
9:45 BREAK
10:15 SIV: An update on circulating strains, advances in diagnostic tests, and interpretation of test results
Marie Gramer
11:00 Using serology data to make health management decisions
Jason Kelly
11:30 Clinical application of vaccine strategies in gilt developer units and sow farms
Ross Kiehne
12:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #8: A Practical and Effective Approach to Swine Diagnostics
8:00 am - 12:00 noon
Seminar Chairs: Michael Kuhn and John Harding
The samples and tests you choose determine your probability of being either good or great!
This seminar offers a look at basic and disease-specific diagnostic techniques related to some of the most important and economically significant diseases in the swine industry today. This is an essential workshop for swine veterinarians needing a refresher in basic diagnostics and those wanting to learn about the latest and greatest in diagnostic techniques for some specific diseases.
If you’ve ever been confused by diagnostic results or needed help with interpretation; if you want to hear about cutting edge technologies or just need some updating: come hear from our panel of experts on practical and effective diagnostic techniques.
8:00 Antigen and antibody tests
Greg Stevenson
8:30 Demystifying the polymerase chain reaction and other molecular diagnostic techniques
Vikram Misra
9:00 Gene sequencing and dendograms
Marie Gramer
9:30 BREAK
10:00 PRRS diagnostics
Monte McCaw
10:30 Haemophilus parasuis diagnostics
Simone Oliveira
11:00 Swine influenza virus diagnostics
John Johnson
11:30 Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae diagnostics
Estela Cornaglia
12:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #9: Reproduction:
Optimizing Genetics, Health and Production
8:00 am - 12:00 noon
Seminar Chair: Scanlon Daniels
In Jim Collins' bestselling book, Good to Great, he describes the Stockdale Paradox. Many of us have been guilty of viewing animal introductions as a compromise to health and production. In this pre-conference seminar, attendees will gain insights on how to optimize the positive effect of animal introductions. You will learn that you can have genetic improvement AND not compromise health AND improve production.
8:00 Maintaining health or introducing genetics: Paradox or problem solved?
Luke Minion
8:30 Managing genetic improvement during health improvement processes
Gregg Eckardt
9:15 BREAK
9:45 Methods for disease-free introduction of germplasm resources
Curtis R. Youngs
10:30 Influencing length of productive life of the sow herd
Ken Stalder
11:15 Feeding boars for optimum sperm production
Mike Tokach
12:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #10: Swine Production and Medicine for Veterinary Students
8:00 am - 12:00 noon
Seminar Chairs: Larry Firkins and Brian Payne
This session will be interactive throughout the program so come ready to participate and contribute. Learn what actions you can take today to allow you to be better prepared for your first years in practice. Swine veterinarians will be presenting practical information and providing useful resources to veterinary students in the areas of both swine production and swine medicine. The objective of this session is to allow all students to become familiar with many basic aspects of swine practice by introducing the day-to-day decision making that will be required of them upon graduation.
8:00 Working as a team
Larry Firkins
8:30 Problem solving: Putting your common sense to work
Erin Johnson
9:00 You’re the boss: What next?
Sarah Probst Miller
9:45 BREAK
10:00 Respiratory diseases in swine: Learning as you go
Brian Payne
10:30 Swine barn surgical procedures
Amy Woods
11:00 Wean-to-finish diarrhea: “It’s the ----- ”
Keith Erlandson
11:30 Roundtable Q & A
All speakers
12:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #11: Nutrition That Makes a Difference
8:00 am - 11:30 am
Seminar Chair: Reed Leiting
Excellence in a wide variety of core competencies in swine production is necessary to take the swine veterinarian from good to great. This program is full of new concepts and nutritional issues that are discussed every day in swine systems. Expect to take home information that you can bring to producers and see put to use today!
8:00 Good to great productivity: a role for milk decks
Kevin Cera
9:00 Water: Production, performance, and behavior considerations
Lee Whittington
9:45 BREAK
10:15 Taking phosphorus nutrition from good to great: Increasing options in phytase products for use in swine
Mark Whitney
11:00 Distillers grains for swine: Present and future
Mark Giesemann
11:30 Seminar concludes
All sessions from this point forward are included in the registration fee for the meeting.
Student Poster Session
12:00 noon - 5:00 pm
Glen Cassar, chair
Poster authors will be present with their posters from 12:00 noon until 1:00 pm. Posters will remain on display throughout the afternoon.
1. Characterizing temperature abuse in diagnostic submissions
Jennifer Christensen, Iowa State University
2. Effect of neonatal piglet management on piglet performance, thermoregulation and passive antibody transfer
Clayton Johnson, University of Illinois
3. Discoloration of bones in market hogs
Andrea Lazier, University of Guelph
4. Occurrence of PCVAD and associated risk factors in a production system
Mary Luebbers, University of Minnesota
5. A kinematic analysis of walking posture and gait in neonatal pigs after castration
Valerie Millette, University of Saskatchewan
6. An observational research study of porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC) in
finishing phase pigs and the impact of parenteral anti-infectives
Megan Nemechek, North Carolina State University
7. Observations of aggression during lairage in cull slaughter boars from country assembled for export
Leanne Paetkau, University of Saskatchewan
8. Case Study: Chronic ear necrosis syndrome
Christine Pelland, University of Guelph
9. Herd dynamics of Lawsonia intracellularis: Cross-sectional and series studies using IPMA, PCR and VNTR
Beth Thompson, University of Minnesota
10. Quantification of antimicrobial resistance: tet(C) as a model
James White, Ohio State University
Industrial Partners Poster Session
12:00 - 5:00 pm
Harry Snelson, chair
Poster authors will be present with their posters from 12:00 noon until 1:00 pm. Posters will remain on display throughout the afternoon.
1. Comparison of in vitro MIC values for various swine respiratory pathogens to chlortetracycline (CTC) and oxytetracycline (OTC) for 2003-2006
Presenter: Teddi Wolff
Sponsor: Alpharma Animal Health
2. Pursuing American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (ABVP) certification in Swine Health Management
Presenter: James Kober
Sponsor: American Board of Veterinary Practitioners
3. Inactivation of swine vesicular disease virus in porcine plasma by spray-drying
Presenter: Joy Campbell
Sponsor: APC
4. Performance enhancement of weaned piglets with a combination of acidifier and phytobiotics
Presenter: Christian Lueckstaedt
Sponsor: Biomin
5. Increasing carcass uniformity by use of Enterisol Ileitis immunization
Presenter: Harm Voets
Sponsor: Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica
6. Use of a web-based Veterinary Feed Directive (electronic VFD) system for Pulmotil in swine
Presenter: Ginger Pelger
Sponsor: Elanco Animal Health
7. Evaluating the "healing effect" of a new product containing arginine aminobenzoate for shoulder sores in sows
Presenter: Roy Schultz
Sponsor: Epicare
8. Influence of anti-PCV2 passively acquired antibodies on efficacy of Suvaxyn® PCV2 vaccination in pigs experimentally infected with PCV2
Presenter: Tanja Opriessnig
Sponsor: Fort Dodge Animal Health
9. Implementation of an automated collection system for boar studs
Presenter: Darwin Reicks
Sponsor: Genes Diffusion
10. Utilization of an amino acid and peptide product to improve the performance of cull sows
Presenter: Mike Johnston
Sponsor: Hanor Company of Wisconsin
11. Utilization of Matrix[TM] for synchronizing estrus in start-up swine herds
Presenter: Brad Thacker
Sponsor: Intervet
12. Vaccination of sows and gilts against PCV2 diseases with CIRCOVAC® (Merial): Field experience in Europe
Presenter: Francois Joisel
Sponsor: Merial
13. Comparison of Automate[TM] and gloved-hand methods of boar semen collection
Presenter: Steve Terlouw
Sponsor: Minitube
14. Semen quality in boars injected with Draxxin[TM] injectable solution (tulathromycin)
Presenter: Carissa Schloesser
Sponsor: Pfizer Animal Health
15. Application of new genetic technologies to improve reproductive performance
Presenter: Montserrat Torremorell
Sponsor: PIC North America
16. Non-nutrient additives alter aspects of the innate and adaptive immune responses in nursery pigs
Presenter: Keith Haydon
Sponsor: Prince Agri Products
17. Utilization of a bovine colostrum extract product to improve the survivability and pre-weaning weight gain in low birth weight piglets
Presenter: Joseph Hahn
Sponsor: Ralco Nutrition
18. Evaluation of efficacy of Haemophilus parasuis serotype 12 bacterin (Parapac®) in providing a protection against serotype 5
Presenter: Jason Erskine
Sponsor: Schering-Plough Animal Health
Session #1: Student Seminar
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Tom Fangman and Sandy Amass, co-chairs
1:00 Comparison of porcine circovirus type 2 serology tests
Margaret Aleff, Iowa State University
1:15 Characterization of the prevalence and impact of coccidia in suckling piglets
Emma Webster, University of Guelph
1:30 Comparison of preweaning mortality and weight gain of low viability pigs raised in elevated pig decks or nursing sows
Carissa Schloesser, University of Minnesota
1:45 Identification of water system biofilm bacteria and the negative effects on reproductive traits
Amanda Ness, University of Illinois
2:00 Grow-finish population dynamics: Assessing an individual's risk of contributing to attrition
Todd Wolff, Michigan State University
2:15 Improving the quality of mortality data through necropsy
Aaron Lower, University of Illinois
2:30 Comparison of different sampling sites and materials for detection of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome infection (PRRSV)
Genevieve Remmers, University of Montreal
2:45 An investigation into the impact of age, sex, breed, laboratory, test date, and farm on the specificity of a PRRS virus ELISA assay
Nicola Jackson, University of Prince Edward Island
3:00 BREAK
3:15 Evaluation of alternative antemortem diagnostic samples for the detection of PRRSV
Abby Patterson, Iowa State University
3:30 A pilot study to reassess aerosol transmission of PRRSV using a tube model
Jenny Cho-MacSwain, University of Minnesota
3:45 Effect of herd closure for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus elimination on total pigs weaned
Nathan Schaefer, University of Minnesota
4:00 Serum inoculation in a sow herd for the control of PRRSV: A case report
Laura Bruner, University of Minnesota
4:15 Umbilical hernias and abscesses: A result of management issues, not genetics
Heather James, University of Saskatchewan
4:30 Efficacy of tulathromycin for the treatment of at risk nursery pigs
Matt Allerson, University of Minnesota
4:45 Pulmotil® 18 inclusion in sow lactation diets
Kristopher Eads, North Carolina State University
5:00 Session concludes
Session #2: Research Topics
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Patrick Halbur, chair
1:00 Salmonella prevalence in “first pull” versus “close out” market pigs
Marcos Rostagno
1:15 A longitudinal study of the Salmonella status and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) on Ontario swine farms within the time period 2001-2006
Abdolvahab Farzan
1:30 The economic cost of major health challenges in large US swine production systems
Derald Holtkamp
1:45 Evaluation of virological and clinical parameters after PRRSV vertical transmission
J.P. Cano
2:00 Susceptibility of young pigs to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection by aerosol route of exposure
Joseph Hermann
2:15 An alternate method for PRRSV surveillance: Experimental data
John Prickett
2:30 Identifying the sources of variation in estrus and ovulation in weaned sows for optimal AI timing and application of fixed time AI
Robert Knox
2:45 Prospective and retrospective studies on Clostridium perfringens type A enteritis in neonatal swine
Michael Yaeger
3:00 BREAK
3:15 Failure of protection against a US H1N2 swine influenza virus in pigs vaccinated with an inactivated classical swine H1N1 vaccine
Amy Vincent
3:30 Use of an NS-1 mutant attenuated influenza virus as a modified live against swine influenza viruses
Amy Vincent
3:45 Efficacy of a Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae bacterin in pigs challenged with new field isolates
Erin Strait
4:00 Establishment of markedly improved tools for the diagnosis and further characterization of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae infections
Tanja Opriessnig
4:15 Comparison of ELISA assays and PCR for the detection of anti-PCV2 antibodies and PCV2-antigen or DNA in porcine serum, oral fluids, and fecal samples
Tanja Opriessnig
4:30 Application of oral fluid sampling to population diagnostics for porcine circovirus type 2
Wonil Kim
4:45 Effect of porcine circovirus type 2 on porcine cell populations
Shan Yu
5:00 Session concludes
Session #3: Industrial Partners
1:00 - 5:30 pm
Ron White, chair
1:00 Evaluation of a new transdermal Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae bacterin to control mycoplasmal pneumonia in pigs experimentally co-infected with PRRSV and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
Speaker: Eileen Thacker
Sponsor: Merial
1:15 Evaluation of changes in mortality rates after six months use of CIRCOVAC® (Merial) porcine circovirus type 2 vaccine in Canada
Speaker: Norm Machell
Sponsor: Merial
1:30 Implications of the MAGIC investigation into cofactors and management practices affecting acute PCVAD in North America
Speaker: John Kolb
Sponsor: Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica
1:45 Preliminary results with Ingelvac CircoFLEX to protect multiple ages of Quebec pigs against PCVAD
Speaker: Robert Desrosiers
Sponsor: Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica
2:00 Dietary spray-dried porcine plasma reduces mortality attributed to porcine circovirus associated disease syndrome
Speaker: Sylvain Messier
Sponsor: APC
2:15 Field efficacy of Suvaxyn® PCV2 One Dose in pigs
Speaker: Joe Connor
Sponsor: Fort Dodge Animal Health
2:30 Efficacy and safety studies of Fort Dodge Animal Health's Suvaxyn® PCV2 One Dose in pigs
Speaker: Stephen Wu
Sponsor: Fort Dodge Animal Health
2:45 Experience in procuring PCV2 negative pigs by the Caesarian derived colustrum deprived method
Speaker: Rexanne Struve
Sponsor: Struve Labs
3:00 Field performance of a conditionally licensed vaccine: U.S. experience
Speaker: Charles Francisco
Sponsor: Intervet
3:15 Field performance of a conditionally licensed vaccine: Canadian experience
Speaker: Francisco de Grau
Sponsor: Intervet Canada
3:30 Effect of BMD® in sow diets on clostridial numbers, sow weight loss, and neonatal piglet performance
Speaker: Billy Flowers
Sponsor: Alpharma Animal Health
3:45 Using the IntegraTM micrometer to administer Aureo S-P 250® and Aureomycin® chlortetracycline granular in a commercial wean to finish facility
Speaker: Teddi Wolff
Sponsor: Alpharma Animal Health
4:00 Is selling 5000 pounds of full value carcass per sow per year attainable?
Speaker: John Sonderman
Sponsor: Danbred North America
4:15 Evaluation of inactivation of pathogens in swine transport trailers following wash, disinfect, and heat assisted drying using Bio-Dri system from Automated Production Systems
Speaker: Ron White
Sponsor: Automated Production Systems
4:30 Use of commercial pig embryo transfer for genetic rescue from PRRSV infected sows
Speaker: Steve Terlouw
Sponsor: Minitube of America
4:45 Capturing productivity gains with heterosis
Speaker: Allan Schinckel
Sponsor: National Swine Registry
5:00 Utilization of an amino acid and peptide product to improve the performance of lactating sows
Speaker: Mike Johnston
Sponsor: Hanor Company of Wisconsin
5:15 Evaluation of a siderophore receptor and porin vaccine composition derived from Salmonella Newport and Escherichia coli in swine
Speaker: Mary Jo Baarsch
Sponsor: Epitopix
Session #4: Industrial Partners
1:00 - 5:30 pm
Kerry Keffaber, chair
1:00 Why and how to diagnose Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae sub-clinical infections
Speaker: Andre Broes
Sponsor: Biovet
1:15 DraxxinTM injectable solution (tulathromycin) duration of therapeutic levels using an Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae model
Speaker: Alan Scheidt
Sponsor: Pfizer Animal Health
1:30 An intensive App control program using DraxxinTM injectable solution, ExcedeTM for swine and Pulmotil® 90
Speaker: James Kober
Sponsor: Pfizer Animal Health
1:45 Antibody response of young pigs to autogenous Haemophilus parasuis vaccine
Speaker: Boh Chang Lin
Sponsor: MVP Laboratories
2:00 The C29: A new member of the Camborough family
Speaker: Mark Engle
Sponsor: PIC North America
2:15 How to wean eleven pigs per litter
Speaker: Noel Williams
Sponsor: PIC North America
2:30 Feeding for the pig and the environment
Speaker: Harold Tilstra
Sponsor: Land O’Lakes
2:45 New strategies to counteract the negative impact of mycotoxins on piglets
Speaker: Ursula Hofstetter
Sponsor: Biomin
3:00 Review of Lawsonia intracellularis seroprevalence screening in the United States, June 2003 to July 2006
Speaker: John Deen
Sponsor: Elanco Animal Health
3:15 Influence of Pulmotil, Tylan, and Paylean on pig growth performance and weight variation
Speaker: Crystal Groesbeck
Sponsor: Elanco Animal Health
3:30 Summary of Lawsonia intracellullaris detection with IR test rapid penside diagnostics
Speaker: Tim Trayer
Sponsor: Newport Laboratories
3:45 Impact of dietary vitamin E and selenium source on body vitamin E and selenium status and performance of nursery pigs
Speaker: Hong Yang
Sponsor: ADM Animal Nutrition Research
4:00 Clostridium perfringens Type A toxoid field findings in a pig herd
Speaker: Mark Hammer
Sponsor: Novartis Animal Health US
4:15 In vitro testing of antimicrobial agents for Lawsonia intracellularis
Speaker: Suphot Wattanaphansak
Sponsor: Novartis Animal Health US
4:30 The interactive effects of Biosaf® yeast and in-feed antimicrobials on the growth and performance of weanling pigs
Speaker: Thomas Burkey
Sponsor: Prince Agri Products
4:45 Impact of oregano essential oils on sperm quality and output in boar stud
Speaker: Mark Wilson
Sponsor: Ralco Nutrition
5:00 The impact of the Collectis® automated boar collection system on the productivity and economics in commercial boar studs
Speaker: Sergio Barrabes
Sponsor: Genes Diffusion
5:15 Effect of Mypravac Suis® on colonization, serologic status and enzootic pneumonia lung lesions in Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M hyo) vaccinated pigs and pigs from M hyo vaccinated sows
Speaker: Marina Sibila
Sponsor: Laboratorios Hipra
5:30 Session concludes
8:00 am – 12:00 noon
Program chair: Daryl Olsen
8:00 Howard Dunne Memorial Lecture
AASV: Good to great
Tom Burkgren
9:00 Professionalism in veterinary medicine: Good to great
Beth Lautner
9:45 BREAK
10:15 Alex Hogg Memorial Lecture
Swine medicine: What we must do to have a seat on this bus
Steve Henry
11:00 Porcine circoviral disease (PCVD): The brutal facts
John Harding
12:00 Session concludes
Concurrent session #1: Finishing Diseases
1:30 pm – 5:15 pm
Session chair: Craig Rowles
1:30 Diagnostic update
Kent Schwartz
2:00 Mycoplasma vaccine strategies
Joe Connor
2:30 Mycoplasma eradication strategies
Paul Yeske
3:00 BREAK
3:15 Update on Actinobacillus suis diagnosis, epidemiology, and control: On the path from good to great
Simone Oliveira
3:45 Update on Strep. suis and lessons learned from China’s outbreak: Risk for humans
Marcelo Gottschalk
4:15 Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotypes, pathogenicity, and virulence
Marcelo Gottschalk
4:45 Treatment and management of “suicide” diseases
Jason Kelly
5:15 Session concludes
Concurrent session #2: Epidemiology of Swine Pandemics
1:30 pm – 5:15 pm
Session chair: H. Scott Hurd
1:30 Recipe for a pandemic
John Kaneene
2:40 Case definition and its importance to epidemics
Scott Hurd
3:15 BREAK
3:30 Elements of a pandemic: Lessons learned
Robert Wills
3:45 “Wicked problems” in swine health risk management: Solving the new risks that we face after solving the old risks
Dale Polson
4:15 Outbreak response; avian influenza applications
Diane Gross
4:45 Control of epidemics: Vaccines and other tools – The Danish experience
Jan Dahl
5:15 Session concludes
Concurrent session #3: Opportunities or Threats to Our Economic Engine
1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Session chair: Luke Minion
1:30 US swine industry as part of the global economy
Steve Meyer
2:00 Japanese Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs): Manufacturer’s perspective
Mike Senn
2:20 Japanese Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs): Packer’s perspective
Collette Schultz Kaster
2:40 Japanese Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs): Practitioner’s perspective
Mark Brinkman
3:00 BREAK
3:30 National issues on the horizon
Kay Johnson
4:15 Euthanasia: Practical applications
Scanlon Daniels
5:00 Session concludes
Concurrent session #4: PRRS
1:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Session chair: Pete Sherlock
1:30 PRRS eradication task force update
Paul Yeske
2:00 PRRS Risk Assessment
Dale Polson
2:30 PRRS Risk Assessment: On-farm use
Michelle Jens
3:00 BREAK
3:15 An update on aerosol transmission of PRRSV: Application to the field
Andrea Pitkin
3:40 PRRS transmission: Part II
Jeff Zimmerman
4:15 Vaccines: Present and future
Hank Harris
5:00 Session concludes
General Session: PCVAD: Essentials for Survival
9:00 am – 10:30 am
Session Chair: John Harding
9:00 Pathogenesis of PCV2
Hans Nauwynck
9:45 Immunology of PCV2
Kenneth McCullough
10:30 BREAK
Concurrent Session #1: How to Treat, Control, and Manage PCVAD
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Session Chair: Mary Battrell
11:00 How to treat, control, and manage PCVAD
Jan Dahl
11:45 Field experiences with PCVAD
Locke Karriker
12:20 PCV2 Vaccinology
X.J. Meng
12:45 Roundtable Q & A
Locke Karriker and X.J. Meng
1:00 Session concludes
Concurrent Session #2: PCVAD and Emerging Disease Diagnosis
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Session Chair: Steve Henry
11:00 Clinical considerations in PCVAD diagnosis
Steve Henry
11:30 Laboratory considerations in PCVAD diagnosis
Michael Yaeger
12:00 PCVAD diagnosis and emerging diseases: Building a systematic approach
Kelly Lager
12:30 Roundtable Q & A
All speakers
1:00 Session concludes
Concurrent Session #3: The International Perspective on PCVAD
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Session Chair: Ron White
11:00 The Australia/New Zealand perspective on PCVAD
Trish Holyoake
11:40 PCV2 strain variation: What does it mean?
Carl Gagnon
12:20 Do boar studs serve as a potential source of PCVAD and PRRS spread? The Danish experience
Jan Dahl
1:00 Session concludes