AASV 2011 Annual Meeting Program
Evidence-based Practice: How do we get there?
March 5-8, 2011
Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort
Phoenix, Arizona
Program Chair: Dr. Randy Jones
AASV Committee Meetings
7:00 AM - 12:00 PM
PRRS Risk Assessment Training for the Breeding Herd
Coordinator: Derald Holtkamp
Limit: 20 participants (AASV membership required)
Fee: No charge
7:30 AM – 12:00 PM
This training will guide you through the use of the web-based PRRS Risk Assessment known as the Production Animal Disease Risk Assessment Program (PADRAP). PADRAP has improved access, ease of use, and the ability to view benchmarking reports immediately after submitting an assessment.
Three ways veterinarians have applied the PRRS Risk Assessment:
- Evaluate current biosecurity protocols and /or develop new biosecurity protocols to avoid risk
- Communicate risks and the importance of biosecurity procedures to clients or production personnel
- Aid in the decision to initiate a project to eliminate PRRSv from a breeding herd site and identify modifiable risk factors in an effort to increase the likelihood that an elimination project will be successful long-term.
This session is open to AASV member veterinarians who have not previously used the PRRS Risk Assessment, as well as those who have previously been trained on the spreadsheet version. Please bring a laptop with MS Windows 2000, XP, Vista, or Windows 7 capable of accessing the internet via wireless connection.
7:30 Welcome and introductions (note the early start time!)
Derald Holtkamp
7:45 Application of PRRS Risk Assessment
Egan Brockhoff
8:00 Overview of PRRS Risk Assessment
Dale Polson
8:45 “How to” Tour of PADRAP:
Changing site admin profile, creating a new production system, setting up a site and survey, navigating through a survey, duplicating and taking multiple surveys
Chris Mowrer
9:45 BREAK
10:00 Hands-on use of the Risk Assessment; User interview
Dale Polson
12:00 Demonstration of pareto chart and the database and benchmarking tool for risk assessment data: Interpreting results
Derald Holtkamp
12:30 Training concludes
Entrance Examination: American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (ABVP): Swine Health Management
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Additional registration fees apply for the pre-conference seminars on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. You must be registered for the annual meeting in order to register for the pre-conference seminars. Sorry, we cannot accept registrations for the seminars only.
Seminar #1: Diagnostics
Seminar Chair: Simone Oliveira
Moderator: Jeff Zimmerman
Fee: $90
1:00 - 5:00 PM
The objective of this year’s diagnostics seminar is to update swine veterinarians on the latest news in development, validation, and field applications of NEW diagnostic tests. Key diagnosticians from Iowa State University, Minnesota, and South Dakota diagnostic laboratories will share the newest technologies available to address the most recent challenges faced by today’s swine industry. Three field veterinarians who have applied such innovative technologies will join the diagnosticians to share their experiences with these new methods and tests under field conditions. This section will address evidence-based medicine from two important perspectives: laboratory and field.
1:00 New developments in oral fluid testing
Jeff Zimmerman
1:30 Field experiences with oral fluid PCR and serology for viral and bacterial pathogens
Luc Dufresne
2:00 New testing algorithms and development of multiplex assays for swine influenza diagnostics
Jane Christopher-Hennings
2:30 Field experiences with swine influenza in Hutterite colonies in South Dakota
Monte Fuhrman
3:00 BREAK
3:30 Diagnostics of peri-weaning failure to thrive syndrome
Kurt Rossow
4:00 Field experiences with peri-weaning failure to thrive syndrome: Clinical case
Mike Eisenmenger
4:30 Validation of FTA paper for PRRS virus diagnostics
Montse Torremorell
5:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #2: Alternative (Opportunity?) Feed Ingredients in Swine Diets
Seminar Chair: Harold Tilstra
Fee: $90
1:00 - 5:00 PM
The pork industry has become quite skillful at using dried distillers grains with solubles in pig diets. That experience may have increased awareness of other ingredient possibilities. There are ingredients from other grain-processing industries as well as locally available ingredients that may provide individual opportunity feeding possibilities. Also, the bio-fuels industry is trending towards further bio-refinements that change the nutritional profiles of the remaining feed ingredients. There are ingredient possibilities that literally reach from “a” to “z”: alfalfa meal to zein protein. Even though the probability of a specific ingredient’s use may vary, it is very likely that swine veterinarians will encounter production situations and/or producer questions relating to the use of some type of alternative ingredient. This seminar will provide information about maximizing the benefits and avoiding the pitfalls of using alternative ingredients in swine diets.
1:00 What does a swine veterinarian “need” to know about alternative ingredients?
Joel DeRouchey
1:45 Do I have to compromise performance when I feed alternative ingredients?
John Patience
2:30 BREAK
3:00 Doc, can I feed ___________ to my pigs?
Robert Fischer
3:45 Energy and nutrient concentration and digestibility in alternative feed ingredients and recommended inclusion rates
Hans Stein
4:30 Roundtable Q & A
5:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #3: “We the Jury…” – Seeking, Interpreting, and Using the Evidence of Trial Data
Seminar Chair: Spencer Wayne
Fee: $90
1:00 - 5:00 PM
Making decisions by gut feelings? Want your decisions to be guided more by evidence and less by opinions? The seminar will start out by refreshing your understanding of what numbers mean (interpreting P-values, confidence intervals, and power-analysis). After re-establishing your footing in stats, we move into field trial design from the perspectives of both a field practitioner deriving knowledge for clients’ needs and a system research director discussing how to arrive at a verdict on current pork-production practices and products through the use of commercial research barns. Discussion will be focused on commercial trial evaluations with an understanding of setting up objectives, treatment design, randomization activities, data interpretation and how to work through unexpected events during a trial. We’ll utilize an interactive approach, working through 2 or 3 examples of setting up a trial barn based on objectives, study design, and required methodology. Examples will include blocking trials based on weaning events as well as in litter based trials. Finally, we’ll get an inside view of how commercial product research is designed, executed, evaluated, presented, and otherwise used. Here we’ll outline the span of clinical studies from discovery to the development process for biologics and pharmaceuticals; with a discussion of USDA/FDA requirements for licensure, the statistical methods implemented, etc. Seminar participants will leave with a deepened appreciation and understanding of how evidential data can and should guide a decision-making process.
1:00 Can we believe the result: Basic statistical concepts for study design and interpretation
Peter Davies
1:45 How to do trials in the field and get good information
Paul Yeske
2:30 BREAK
3:00 The truth on our own terms – best utilization of research barns
Laura Greiner
3:45 What’s behind your bottles?
Paul Dorr
4:30 Roundtable Q & A
5:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #4: Communicating Using Social MediaSeminar Chair: Lisa Tokach
Fee: $90
1:00 - 5:00 PM
Does the thought of online social networking send shivers down your spine? Would you like to learn more about how to jump on the social media bandwagon and use social media for marketing purposes? If your answer is “yes,” come join Brenda Tassava, a certified veterinary practice manager and social media enthusiast to get started.
Speaker: Brenda Tassava
1:00 Using social media appropriately
Social media calls for a whole new approach to media and the Internet, not just for you and your practice but also for your staff. This means creating a policy that makes sense, as well as training your staff to use social media appropriately. This session will cover example policies, best practices, as well as a formula for training your team in a staff meeting setting. Have a staff that embraces social media concepts? I’ll introduce you to a tool that enhances your internal team communications, using a social media format
2:45 BREAK
3:15 Social media marketing for your veterinary practice
Social media marketing is a necessity in today’s world. This session will cover the ways the world has changed very quickly in the past 5 years, which has led to a need to market veterinary practices differently. Social media isn’t just about Twitter and Facebook. Your practice needs a strategy, but first you need to fully understand what social media is, and best practices for its use, then we’ll walk through building your practice’s social media strategy.
5:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #5: AASV’s Got Talent (Practice Tips)Seminar Chair: Jeff Harker
Fee: $75
1:00 - 5:00 PM
Who says you can’t learn while having fun? This session, while entertaining and competitive, will also provide valuable information for attendees only. The busy practitioners in this session have not been required to write papers so you’ll have to pay attention and take notes! There will be no celebrity judges, just voting by those in attendance for the “people’s choice” best tip award. This group represents a wide range of experience and proves that “AASV’s Got Talent.”
1:00 Daryl Olsen
Ian Levis
Mary Battrell
Mike Pierdon
Nathan Winkelman
Greg Wideman
Aaron Lower
Craig Rowles
2:30 BREAK
Steve Henry
Pete Thomas
Pablo Moreno
Amber Stricker
Egan Brockhoff
Clark Huinker
Max Rodibaugh
5:00 Seminar concludes
SUNDAY, March 6
Canadian Swine Veterinarians
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Additional registration fees apply for the pre-conference seminars on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. You must be registered for the annual meeting in order to register for the pre-conference seminars. Sorry, we cannot accept registrations for the seminars only.
Seminar #6: Reproduction: Tools and Technology for Improving Boar and Sow Reproductive Performance
Seminar Chair: Rick Tubbs
Fee: $90
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
This seminar will focus on the latest, up-to-date information on new tools and technology for improving boar and sow reproductive performance. Speakers will address boar productivity, semen quality, semen use, insemination protocols, reproductive pharmacology, diagnostic ultrasound and reproductive pathology.
8:00 Insemination technologies: Science in practice
Chris Kuster
8:55 Inducing estrus and controlling ovulation: How and why?
Roy Kirkwood
9:50 BREAK
10:10 Current and new applications for diagnostic ultrasound in female and male swine reproduction
Johannes Kauffold
11:15 Reproductive pathology
Kurt Rossow
12:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #7: Case Studies from the “Young Guns of the AASV”Seminar Chair: John Waddell
Fee: $90
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
This year’s case study seminar will be presented through the eyes of AASV’s “young guns.”
Being recent grads, they look at health and production challenges through a fresh set of eyes, and cases that may have become mundane to the seasoned practitioner are “new and exciting” to these guys. This session promises to be a quick-hitting series of case presentations that will certainly provide some nuggets to recent grads as well as “old dogs.” Come, see, and be challenged!
8:00 Introduction
8:10 A case of severe porcine respiratory disease complex (PRDC) in an open-market scenario
Mitch Christensen
8:30 Evaluation of sudden death in finishing pigs
Jason Kelly
8:50 Case study: Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae on a farrow-to-finish farm
Seth Krantz
9:10 Break
9:20 A case of vitamin D deficiency leading to severe hypocalcemia in growing pigs
Brad Leuwerke
9:40 Nursery mortality associated with a virulent Streptococcus suis infection
Aaron Lower
10:00 BREAK
10:30 Assessing the causes of pre-weaning mortality: A case study
Amanda Ness
10:50 Investigation of a potential zoonotic case of H3N2 swine influenza virus
Mike Pierdon
11:10 Break
11:20 Transient clinical porcine circovirus type 2 in a commercial sow farm
Michelle Sprague
11:40 Case study of lameness in wean-to-market pigs
Jason Verbeck
12:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #8: Driving ChangeSeminar Co-chairs: Dale Polson & Bill Minton
Fee: $90
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The goal of this seminar is to provide an understanding of the necessary ingredients for driving change at the business organizational and industry levels, as well as an appreciation for the inevitable challenges, costs, and risks that go along with such change-management efforts.
8:00 Welcome
8:15 The process part of the change equation: What methods, tools, skills and experience does it take to drive change?
Ryan Bracken
10:00 BREAK
10:15 The people part of the change equation: What does it take to achieve buy-in and willing participation in driving change?
Carl Aspler
12:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #9: “Young Guns”Seminar Co-chairs: Brian Payne and Larry Firkins
Fee: $90; No charge for veterinary students and '09 and '10 DVM graduates
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The theme is focused on veterinary students and recent graduates. This year we will continue with the most requested item from the past: an interactive case study. We will also have seasoned veterinarians discuss what it takes to be a successful veterinarian. Ethics (specifically related to being a swine vet), finances and key tips will all be addressed. Interaction with the presenters will be an important part of the seminar.
8:00 Fundamentals of finance
Larry Firkins
8:45 Ethical dilemma resolution in practice
David Reeves
9:30 BREAK
9:45 Case study
Angie Supple
11:00 To: students
Subject: U hav 2 no this
Monte Fuhrman
11:45 Roundtable Q & A
12:00 Seminar concludes
All sessions from this point forward are included in the registration fee for the meeting.
RESEARCH TOPICS - NEW, note the Sunday MORNING time for this session!
Session Chair: Montse Torremorell
Sunday, March 6
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
8:00 Swine influenza active surveillance in the United States
Cesar Corzo
8:15 The disease ecology of influenza virus in swine breeding farms
Matt Allerson
8:30 Transmission patterns of influenza virus in vaccinated and non-vaccinated pig populations
Anna Romagosa
8:45 Influenza antibody detection over time using the novel NP multispecies ELISA assay
Christa Irwin
9:00 Detection of influenza virus in air from artificially generated aerosols and experimentally infected pigs
Cesar Corzo
9:15 Detection of swine influenza virus in oral fluids at pen level
Anna Romagosa
9:30 Oregano essential oil improves sow and piglet performance - a summary of three field investigations
Marnie Mellencamp
9:45 BREAK
10:15 Spread of Lawsonia intracellularis in a pure culture seeder pig challenge study
Dana Beckler
10:30 The impact of air filtration on PRRS control in 7 breeding herds from a commercial system of swine production
Gordon Spronk
10:45 Porcine peri-weaning failure to thrive syndrome (PFTS): Part III: Intestinal function and morphology
Adam Moeser
11:00 PCV2 vaccination prevented clinical PCVAD and reduced PCV2 viremia and virus shedding in semen of boars concurrently infected with PCV2b and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
Tanja Opriessnig
11:15 Evaluation of FTA cards as a tool to submit samples for PRRSv diagnostics
Daniel Linhares
11:30 Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) in serum and oral fluid samples from individual boars: Will oral fluid replace serum for PRRSV surveillance?
Apisat Kittawornrat
11:45 Development of a novel universal and species-specific Haemophilus parasuis ELISA test
Nubia Macedo
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Session #1: Student Seminar
Session Co-chairs: Alex Ramirez & Peter Davies
1:00 Comparison of PCR data for pre-wean pooled-serum to post-wean oral fluid for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus monitoring in sow farms
Paul Thomas, Iowa State University
1:15 PRRS diagnostics: Correlation of serum, tonsil scrapings, and oral fluids in growing gilts with natural exposure
Deanne Day, Iowa State University
1:30 Survey of transport vehicle decontamination practices for PRRSv in the swine industry
Peter Schneider, Iowa State University
1:45 Evaluation of a novel electrocution device in swine from birth to fifteen pounds
Jessica McKinney, University of Illinois
2:00 Salmonella environmental contamination assessment in a commercial swine nursery barn
Anna Massie, University of Illinois
2:15 Validation of Swiffer® cloth-origin neutralizing broth samples for detection of PRRS virus in the environment
Kristy Kenney, North Carolina State University
2:30 Identification of a new potentially virulent Brachyspira species affecting swine
Alexander Primus, University of Minnesota
2:45 BREAK
3:15 Detection of ceftiofur and oxytetracycline in oral fluids of swine with a pen-side competitive ELISA test after intramuscular injection
Allison Meiszberg, Iowa State University
3:30 Use of Ingelvac® PRRS MLV to stabilize a farrow-to-finish herd dually infected with both NA and EU PRRS field strains
Britni Miller, University of Illinois
3:45 Genetic diversity of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in Pennsylvania herds
Andrew Stas, University of Pennsylvania
4:00 Optimization of an antibiotic sensitivity assay for Mycoplasma hyosynoviae and susceptibility profile of recent field isolates
Kimberly Schultz, Iowa State University
4:15 Characterization of antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella isolates from swine under varying ceftiofur use
Marlena McCarty, The Ohio State University
4:30 Feasibility of oral fluids for detection of antibody response to porcine parvovirus, Leptospira, swine influenza, Lawsonia, or Salmonella in adult swine
Jeremy Johnson, Iowa State University
4:45 Pen-based oral fluid sampling for PRRSV using an improved PRRSV PCR assay is highly effective for the detection of virus in low prevalence populations
John Prickett, Iowa State University
5:00 Characterization and quantification of risks related to exhibition pigs in a PRRS area-region control & elimination project
Jordan Graham, Iowa State University
Session #2: Industrial Partners
Session Co-chairs: Brad Thacker and Dan McManus
1:00 Differences in efficacy of various formulations of oral and injectable vitamin E products in newly weaned pigs
Robert Stuart
1:15 Genomic markers associated with disease tolerance in swine
Archie Clutter
1:30 Checkerboard analysis of in vitro activity of florfenicol with other antimicrobials
Timothy Kniffen
1:45 Presentation withdrawn
2:00 Circumvent® PCV M: A new tool for combination PCV2 and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae vaccination
Karen Lehe
2:15 Addressing pre-weaning mortality
Juan Carlos Pinilla
2:30 Improving fertility through reciprocal translocation identification
Amanda Williams
2:45 BREAK
3:15 Elimination of PRCV and H3N2 swine influenza virus from a production network using a 4-week batch farrowing system
Manon St-Hilaire
3:30 Revisiting creep feeding
Dan McManus
3:45 Aerosolization and detection of porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus (PRRSV) under different climatic conditions
Tom Duinhof
4:00 PRRS-free herd certification: Description of a western Canada pilot project
Leigh Rosengren
4:15 Benefits of combined Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and PCV2 vaccination
Hanne Bak
4:30 Comparative injection site reactivity of one- and two-dose PCV2-Mhyo vaccine mixtures
Angela Baysinger
4:45 Observations of sustained PRRS control by modified-live vaccination of sows and pigs
Edgar Diaz
Session #3: Industrial Partners
Session Co-chairs: Greg Armbruster and Eva Jablonski
1:00 Evaluation of an avirulent live Haemophilus parasuis vaccine in commercial nurseries
Douglas Stine
1:15 Dynamics of Lawsonia intracellularis shedding and seroconversion in a mid-finishing challenge model
Greg Armbruster
1:30 New possibilities in Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae diagnostic testing
Erin Strait
1:45 MJ PRRS vaccine: Field efficacy
Patrick Graham
2:00 Effect of including Cel-Can®, an anzymatically hydrolyzed yeast product, in sow diets on pig birth weight
Merlin Lindemann
2:15 Benefits of fixed-time breeding protocols
Louisa Zak
2:30 Focusing nutrition on animal health: Can novel anti-infective agents support sustainability goals?"
Aidan Connolly
2:45 BREAK
3:15 Impact of managing gilt service interval on gilt performance
Sasha Gibson
3:30 Effect of feeding one or two pulses of Aureomycin® chlortetracycline on the performance and health of grower-finisher pigs
Eva Jablonski
3:45 Justifying longer duration uses of tetracyclines, penicillins and sulfonamides in feeds and water: A summary of US usage and resistance patterns
Jeremy Mathers
4:00 Practical review of reproductive testis pathology in the boar
Juan Luis Ubeda
4:15 Shed/spread and reversion to virulence studies of an SIV RNA vaccine in pigs and mice
Kurt Kamrud
4:30 Swine influenza in Europe: An update on epidemiological data, diagnosis and control
Thais Vila
Session #4: Industrial Partners
Session Co-chairs: Mike Senn and Brad Gramm
1:00 Identification, differentiation, and evaluation of Streptococcus suis isolates obtained from clinical cases for autogenous vaccine production
Boh Chang Lin
1:15 The role of reproductive technologies in genetic improvement at the commercial level
John Sonderman
1:30 Immunogenicity and safety of a single-dose chimeric PCV1/2 vaccine
Greg Nitzel
1:45 Comparison of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae vaccination
Joe Connor
2:00 Excede® for Swine Sterile Suspension for the control of swine respiratory disease (SRD)
Michael Senn
2:15 A passion for solutions for claw lesions, lameness, longevity and welfare
Mark Wilson
2:30 Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of enrofloxacin (Baytril® 100) in swine
Mark Papich
2:45 BREAK
3:15 Effects of Denagard plus chlortetracycline or oxytetracycline in-feed antimicrobials on growth performance of growing-finishing pigs
Jay Jacela
3:30 A comparison of Denagard, Denagard/CTC and Pulmotil on nursery pig growth performance and economic return
Dale Mechler
3:45 Interpreting carbadox susceptibility test results for E. coli and Salmonella bacteria
Brad Gramm
4:00 TTV: What we know this year
Rexanne Struve
4:15 Sample preparation, nucleic acid extraction and real-time PCR amplification of SIV, PCV2 and PRRS in oral fluids
Ricardo Munoz
4:30 Determination of the effect of a fully oxidized B-carotene dietary supplement on the immune system and growth performance of weaned pigs
Daniel Hurnik
4:45 RNA particle FMDV vaccine proof of concept study in cattle
Kurt Kamrud
POSTER SESSION: Veterinary Students
Sunday, March 7, 12:00 – 5:00 PM (authors present 12:00 - 1:00 pm)
1. Comparison of alternative sample collection methods for PRRS testing
Jessica Abbott, Iowa State University
2. Comparison of two gilt synchronization protocols
Kyle Alberti, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
3. Evaluating PCV2 viremia and antibody response in piglets and virus in colostrum of vaccinated sows from different parities
Natalie Baker, Purdue University
4. Monitoring porcine circovirus 1/2 in pre-suckled piglets from sows vaccinated withSuvaxyn PCV2- an inactivated chimeric porcine circovirus type 1- 2 vaccine
Natalie Baker, Purdue University
5. Prevalence of PCV2 in the cord blood of newborn pigs from vaccinated dams
Natalie Baker, Purdue University
6. Development of a novel real-time paradigm for monitoring E. coli O157:H7: Photonic growth patterns of bioluminescent E. coli O157 transformed with two unique plasmids
Joshua Barker, Mississippi State University
7. A comparison of three diagnostic techniques to measure porcine IgG and the effects of passive immunity level on vaccine response to porcine circovirus type 2 and M. hyopneumoniae vaccination at weaning
Paisley Canning, University of Guelph
8. Field evaluation of an avirulent live Haemophilus parasuis vaccine
Joshua Duff, North Carolina State University
9. Management of an outbreak of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) in a nursery facility
Charlotte Friendship, University of Guelph
10. Farm records used as a valuable resource in Victorian piggeries
Brianna Groubert, Purdue University
11. Use of Ingelvac® PRRS MLV in a protocol to control and eliminate NA strain of PRRS virus in two large breed to wean sites as part of an area regional control project
Abbey Harding, University of Illinois
12. Evaluation of a shoulder decubital ulcer treatment method in sows
Amber Hazel, University of Minnesota
13. Eliminating PCV2 viremia in neonatal pigs through vaccination of the replacement gilts
Becky Hobson, Iowa State University
14. Penetrating vs. non-penetrating captive bolt euthanasia in nursery pigs
Jared Jacobson, Iowa State University
15. Actinobaculum suis tube agglutination titer and production parameters of sows
Attila Mihály Kertesz, Szent István University, Budapest
16. Correlation of clinical diarrhea, histopathological lesions and diagnostic tests for grow-finish enteritis with a focus on Brachyspira hyodysenteriae
Hannah Lowe, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine
17. The incidence of scrotal hernias, cryptorchidism, incision complications and impaired growth performance pre-weaning of surgically castrated pigs: An observational study
Daren Miller, Purdue University
18. Producer experiences with electronic sow feeding (ESF)
Gilbert Patterson, University of Pennsylvania
19. Re-evaluation of a low-cost protocol for reducing the risk of aerosol spread of PRRS virus
Andrea Pitkin, University of Minnesota
20. Effect of feeding Sacchaeomyces cerevisiae to sows on piglet weaning weight
Casey Rabbe, University of Minnesota
21. Performance comparison of the new IDEXX PRRS X3 ELISA with the current 2XR ELISA
Abigail Redalen, University of Minnesota
22. Risk-based surveillance for bacterial respiratory infections in growing pigs
Kristen Reynolds, University of Guelph
23. A comparison of diagnostic sampling procedures for detection of porcine reproductive and respiratory (PRRS) virus infected weaned pigs in endemically infected farms
Elissa Schlueter, University of Minnesota
24. An evaluation of the “Load, Close, and Homogenize” protocol with modified-live vaccination for PRRSv stabilization in 5 breeding herds
Michael Slattery, Iowa State University
25. Rotavirus serogroup prevalence and characterization post dam vaccination in four breeding farms
Chase Stahl, Iowa State University
26. A systematic review of the association between Helicobacter spp. and the development of gastric ulcers in swine
Sarah Taylor, University of Guelph
27. "Gilty secrets": Preliminary trends from a gilt retention cohort study
Lisa Thompson, North Carolina State University
28. Euthanasia by electrocution in 5 kg to 15 kg nursery pigs
Evan Van Beusekom, University of Minnesota
29. Automated control and synchronization of gilt inseminations via electronic sow feeding
Jon Van Blarcom, University of Pennsylvania
POSTER SESSION: Research Topics
Sunday, March 7, 12:00 – 5:00 PM (authors present 12:00 - 1:00 pm)
1. Evaluation of Brachyspira species associated with clinical disease for antimicrobial susceptibility using a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) method
Kristin Clothier
2. Vaccine failure? Analyses of influenza A vaccine and outbreak viruses in swine
Susan Detmer
3. Genetic and antigenic characterization of recent human-like (δ-cluster) swine influenza virus isolates
Ben Hause
4. The detection of influenza over time by real time PCR in oral fluids from swine challenged with either Ohio '07 H1N1 or Illinois '09 H3N2
Christa Irwin
5. Detection of anti-PRRSV antibodies in oral fluid samples from individual boars using a commercial PRRS ELISA
Apisit Kittawornrat
6. Pig-associated Lawsonia intracellularis in on-farm Dipteroid fly stages
Steven McOrist
7. PRRS infection at the time of PCV2 vaccination does not impact vaccine efficacy in conventional pigs
Tanja Opriessnig
8. Safety and efficacy of live attenuated influenza vaccines against pandemic H1N1 in swine
Lindomar Pena
9. Periparturient fecal intestinal parasite egg counts in swine
Jeremy Pittman
10. Porcine peri-weaning failure to thrive syndrome (PFTS): Part I: History, clinical presentation, epidemiological studies and antemortem diagnostics
Jeremy Pittman
11. Porcine peri-weaning failure to thrive syndrome (PFTS): Part II: Gross lesions, histopathology and diagnostic analysis
Albert Rovira
12. Cross-protection of pigs vaccinated and challenged with delta-1 and delta-2 sub-cluster H1 swine influenza viruses
Vicki Rapp-Gabrielson
13. Induction of robust antigen-specific IFN-gamma responses in pigs using alphavirus-derived replicon particles
Brandon Russell
14. Manipulation of commensal gut microbiota as a tool to decrease the effect of respiratory disease in swine
Kyle Schachtschneider
15. Effect of PCV2 vaccine on carcass composition in two farms with different health status
Cristina Venegas-Vargas
POSTER SESSION: Industrial Partners
Sunday, March 7, 12:00 – 5:00 PM (authors present 12:00 - 1:00 pm)
1. Albac® vs Stafac®: Effect on performance and carcass characteristics of growing-finishing pigs
Daniel Nelson
2. Pursuing American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (ABVP) certification in Swine Health Management
Jim Kober
3. Comparison of the production and number of full-value-hogs sold between ABF and non-ABF swine herds
Darwin Kohler
4. Additive effects of PCV2 and Lawsonia intracellularis vaccination in a controlled field study
Xaver Sidler
5. Estimates of opportunity costs associated with mortality and inadequate growth rates in the US
John Deen
6. Determination of the minimum inhibitory concentration of commonly used commercial modified live bacterial vaccines to florfenicol
Robyn Fleck
7. Bacteriospermia in commercial porcine semen and resistance to antibiotics
Isaac Huerta
8. Effectiveness of varied time and temperature on inactivating PRRS virus in transport vehicles
Bob Thompson
9. In vitro activity of oregano essential oil against common pig pathogens
Marnie Mellencamp
10. Comparison of extended boar semen cooling times for semen packaged in bags and tubes
Kilby Willenburg
11. Mycoplasma suis: A re-emerging pathogen in today’s swine industry?
Erin Strait
MONDAY, March 7
GENERAL SESSION: Evidence-Based Practice: How do we get there?
Program Chair: Randy Jones
8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
8:00 Howard Dunne Memorial Lecture
Evidence-based practices: Myths and applications
Locke Karriker
9:00 Alex Hogg Memorial Lecture
Science-based medicine: What are the application barriers?
Joe Connor
10:00 BREAK
10:30 Evidence-based swine welfare: Where are we and where are we going?
Anna Johnson
11:30 Political advocacy
Wes Jamison
Concurrent Session #1: Breeding Herd Health Management
Session Chair: David Baum
2:00 - 5:40 PM
2:00 Infectious disease syndromes of the breeding herd
Michael Yaeger
2:30 PCV2-associated reproductive failure
Darin Madson
3:00 Using breeding herd records to diagnose reproductive disorders
Michelle Sprague
3:30 BREAK
4:00 The ABC’s of swine rotavirus infections
Linda Saif
4:40 Unintentional consequences of live virus inoculation
Mark FitzSimmons
4:55 Ways to measure feedback quality
Paulo Arruda
5:10 Introducing high health animals into positive farms
Matt Ackerman
5:40 Session concludes
Concurrent Session #2: Grow-Finish
Session Chair: Matthew Turner
2:00 - 5:30 PM
2:05 New (and old) tools for dysentery diagnostics
Kent Schwartz
2:30 Practitioner experiences with swine dysentery
Perry Harms
2:50 Mycoplasma hyorhinis: Epidemiology of infection in endemically infected farms
Maria Jose Clavijo
3:15 Mycoplasma hyorhinis: Practitioner experiences
Charles Surprenant
3:35 BREAK
4:00 Practitioner experiences with metabolic bone disease
Brad Leuwerke
4:20 Influenza: Who cares?
Marie Gramer
4:40 Porcine peri-weaning failure to thrive syndrome: Case presentation 1
Steve Henry
4:50 Porcine peri-weaning failure to thrive syndrome: Case presentation 2
John Harding
5:00 Porcine peri-weaning failure to thrive syndrome: Case presentation 3
Jeremy Pittman
5:10 Post-weaning grower fallbacks
Kurt Rossow
5:20 Peri-weaning failure to thrive syndrome: Roundtable Q & A
Steve Henry, John Harding, Jeremy Pittman, Kurt Rossow
5:30 Session concludes
Concurrent Session #3: Antibiotics and Welfare
Session Chair: Jeff Kaisand
2:00 - 5:30 PM
2:00 Inside the beltway and beyond: Antibiotics
Bobby Acord
2:30 Antibiotics and the R’s: Mechanisms of resistance
Paula J. Fedorka-Cray
2:55 Chemicals and the R’s: Residues
Patty Bennett
3:30 BREAK
4:00 Inside the beltway and beyond: Welfare
Bobby Acord
4:20 “We Care”
Dallas Hockman
4:35 Answering the call to on-the-farm care
Sarah Probst Miller
4:50 Canadian experience: Pain management
James Egan Brockhoff
5:05 Swine welfare potpourri: Briefing on euthanasia research results, PQA+ and other Pork Checkoff efforts
Sherrie Niekamp
5:30 Session concludes
TUESDAY, March 8
Session Chair: Paul Yeske
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
8:00 What have we really learned from PRRS research?
Montse Torremorell
8:50 PADRAP: Production Animal Disease Risk Assessment Program
Derald Holtkamp
9:10 Biosecurity non-negotiables: Breeding stock
Tom Petznick
9:30 BREAK
10:00 Biosecurity non-negotiables: Grow-finish
Jason Verbeck
10:20 Life inside the bubble: What’s it like to have a filtered sow farm?
Darwin Reicks
10:40 What do we do with negative pigs?
Tim Loula
11:00 Are we ready to move forward with elimination?
Scott Dee
11:45 PRRS Roundtable Q & A
12:00 Meeting concludes