AASV 2012 Annual Meeting Program
Integrating Science, Welfare, and Economics in Practice
March 10-13, 2012
Hyatt Regency Denver
Denver, Colorado
Program Chair: Dr. Tara Donovan
AASV Committee Meetings
7:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Web-based PRRS Risk Assessment Training for the Breeding Herd
Coordinator: Derald Holtkamp
Limit: 20 participants (AASV membership required)
7:30 AM – 12:30 PM
This training will guide you through the use of the web-based PRRS Risk Assessment known as the Production Animal Disease Risk Assessment Program (PADRAP). PADRAP allows you to view benchmarking reports immediately after submitting an assessment. The website underwent a “facelift” in May 2011 and gained a few new useful features.
Three ways veterinarians have applied the PRRS Risk Assessment:
- Evaluate current biosecurity protocols and /or develop new biosecurity protocols to avoid risk
- Communicate risks and the importance of biosecurity procedures to clients or production personnel
- Aid in the decision to initiate a project to eliminate PRRSv from a breeding herd site and identify modifiable risk factors in an effort to increase the likelihood that an elimination project will be successful long-term.
This session is open to AASV member veterinarians who have not previously used the PRRS Risk Assessment, as well as those who have previously been trained on the spreadsheet version. Please bring a laptop with MS Windows 2000, XP, Vista, or Windows 7 capable of accessing the internet via wireless connection.
7:30 Welcome and introductions (note the early start time!)
Derald Holtkamp
7:45 Application of PRRS Risk Assessment
Egan Brockhoff and Kevin Vilaca
8:00 Overview of PRRS Risk Assessment
Dale Polson
8:45 “How to” Tour of PADRAP: Resetting/retrieving your password, creating a new production system, setting up a site and survey, navigating through a survey, duplicating and taking multiple surveys
Chris Mowrer
9:45 BREAK
10:00 Hands-on use of the Risk Assessment; User interview
Dale Polson
12:00 Demonstration of pareto chart and the database and benchmarking tool for risk assessment data: Interpreting results
Derald Holtkamp
12:30 Training concludes
Entrance Examination: American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (ABVP): Swine Health Management
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Seminar #1: Applying Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) in Practice
Seminar co-chairs: Alex Ramirez and Darin Madson
1:00 - 5:00 PM
This seminar is focused on improving the implementation of evidence-based medicine (EBM) in swine medicine. The workshop will be centered on field applications of EBM, not institutional research. Individual and group discussion will be solicited to help guide EBM concepts in both a simple as well as a complex field scenario. After a brief, interactive introduction, individuals will be split into groups. Each group will be facilitated by a member of a practitioner panel recruited to help with this seminar. Groups will work on discussing how they would implement a field trial in their practice to provide evidence on the effectiveness of a new vaccine. A second group activity will involve a more complex clinical problem (Mulberry Heart Disease mortality). This complex problem will be broken down into smaller parts focused on decision-making based on evidence. How do you define the problem? What information is already known? How do you decide on prioritizing interventions as well as how do you monitor the outcomes of the interventions? The goal of this workshop is for participants to understand what EBM is as well as to be aware of how to better implement and interpret information/results from studies (institutional research as well as field research). Ultimately, this workshop will help practitioners improve their implementation of EBM in swine practice.
1:00 Welcome and introduction to EBM
Alex Ramirez and Darin Madson
1:15 Background for examples and case studies
Alex Ramirez
2:00 Example 1: Vaccine effectiveness
Interactive group with practitioner panel member
2:45 How to formulate an answerable clinical question; the difference between statistical and clinical significance
Alex Ramirez
3:00 BREAK
3:20 Example 2: Investigating mulberry heart disease mortality
Darin Madson
5:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #2: Preventing Profit-Robbing Events in Growing Pig Populations
Seminar chair: Mike Eisenmenger
1:00 - 5:00 PM
In today’s competitive environment, we can’t afford to give away profit by allowing preventable profit-robbing events to happen. This session will feature speakers that have “real life” experiences to share. They have dealt with these events and have solutions for you to take home to prevent them from occurring in work or practice.
Speakers will focus on ventilation events that cause dead pigs as well as the science behind why this happens, biosecurity practices that lead to sustainable health, lessons learned in the transportation of weaned pigs through market loads to prevent deaths, and finally, a focus on feed-outs and nutrition as it relates to preventable losses.
You should leave this session with clear ideas and strategies on how to prevent loss events centered around feed, water, air, biosecurity and transportation.
1:00 Opening comments
Mike Eisenmenger
1:15 Understanding and preventing ventilation events that cause production losses
Mike Brumm
2:15 Wean-to-finish biosecurity: Lessons learned
Jana Grauerholz-Morgan
3:00 BREAK
3:15 Understanding and preventing transportation losses from the wean event to the packing plant
Chris Rademacher
4:00 Strategies to maximize pig performance: Role of feed and feeding events in wean-to-finish production
Chad Hastad
4:45 Roundtable Q & A
All speakers
Seminar #3: Crisis Management
Seminar chair: Mike Kuhn
1:00 - 5:00 PM
Raising pigs is easy. We all know the basics of good pig health and management, but more and more we are asked to step into new roles. These roles can include such things as managing transportation, euthanasia and weather-related catastrophes. We also continue to grow in our role in various social issues and in social media. The speakers in this session will give insights into their experiences dealing with some of these challenges.
1:00 What’s the balance in your reputation bank account?
Amy Richards
1:45 Rapid response in a weather event: “When the floods came”
Carly Dorazio
2:15 Transportation: “Planning for the unexpected”
Jennifer Woods
3:00 BREAK
3:30 Dealing with a mass euthanasia event
Egan Brockhoff
4:15 When you see your company on YouTube
Howard Hill
5:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #4: Providing Solutions with Impact: Practice Tips with a Twist
Seminar chair: Jay Miller
1:00 - 5:00 PM
Have you attended or participated in the fun and interactive “practice tips” idea-sharing session? This pre-conference seminar takes practice tips to a new level by providing a panel of expert judges that will select one of the presentations to receive the “most impact” award, replacing the audience vote used in past years. Eight veterinarians will present a case, project, or experience they feel would impact the attendees by providing a new solution or approach to a problem. As in the past, these busy veterinarians have not been required to write a paper. The wide range of possibilities for new ideas is sure to provide some take-home solutions with impact!
1:00 Evaluation of flow-based Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae challenges
Clayton Johnson
1:25 Atypical PRRS stability management in a 2500-head sow farm
Marlin Hoogland
1:50 Farrow-to-finish vertical Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae; Pay now or pay later
Todd Wolff
2:15 A no-good, very bad week
Cameron Schmitt
2:40 Rotavirus A, B, and C case study in suckling pigs
Dyneah Classen
3:05 BREAK
3:30 The value of the diagnostician's discretion
Nathan Schaefer
3:55 Add $2.00+ per head to a client's profit without half-dosing any vaccine
Jason Kelly
4:20 Something different
Ian Levis
4:45 Roundtable Q & A
All speakers
Seminar #5: The Changing Face of Swine Health and Swine Practice around the Globe
Seminar co-chairs: Patrick Webb and Rodger Main
1:00 - 5:00 PM
Curious about what the major disease issues are outside of North America? Ever wonder what it would be like to consult in other parts of the world where foreign animal diseases are just another facet in a herd health plan? Wonder what is going on with foreign animal disease planning and policy in the United States? Then come spend an afternoon to learn about the changing face of swine health and practice around the globe. In this informative seminar, participants will learn about major swine health issues from regions around the globe and hear from various AASV members about their consulting experiences in European countries, Russia, and China. Participants will also get up-to-date overviews of foreign animal disease preparedness and response strategies in the United States from USDA and the pork industry. So if you’re curious about international consulting or just want to catch up on emergency preparedness, then this is the seminar for you!
1:00 Swine health: A global perspective
Dave Pyburn
1:30 Opportunities and experiences practicing in emerging markets: Russia
Hans Rotto
2:00 Opportunities and experiences practicing in emerging markets: Eastern Europe
Mike Mohr
2:30 Opportunities and experiences practicing in emerging markets: China
Donna Harris and Dale Hendrickson
3:00 BREAK
3:30 USDA foreign animal disease response strategies and policies
Jon Zack
4:15 Pork industry foreign animal disease preparedness
Patrick Webb
4:45 Roundtable Q & A
All speakers
Seminar #6: Applied Diagnostics and Algorithms
Seminar chair: Eva Jablonski
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
To start the seminar, two expert diagnosticians from Iowa State University and the University of Minnesota will team up to share step-wise diagnostic algorithms by system/syndrome. Focus areas will include enteric disease, respiratory disease, septicemia/joints/CNS disease, and metabolic disease. Discussion will focus on step-wise diagnostic methodology, primary rule-outs, capabilities and limitations of diagnostic tools, and gold-standard tests for confirmatory diagnosis. Seminar participants will leave with a take-home reference guide on how to take a clinical presentation and end up with a treatable pathogen.
After a refreshing break, we will reconvene to discuss the next development in oral fluid technology, understanding the use and performance of PRRS ELISA adapted for oral fluids, followed by field experiences from two practitioners who have implemented oral fluid PCR testing in their system/practice. They will share their insights on how oral fluid testing has added value to their practice and diagnostic methods.
Finally, as many practitioners struggle with managing the plethora of diagnostic data that we collect, the session will wrap up with a glance at one unique method of handling diagnostic data.
8:00 A systematic approach to swine diagnostics
Jerry Torrison and Bruce Janke
10:00 BREAK
10:30 Performance of a commercial PRRS ELISA adapted for the detection of PRRS antibodies in oral fluids
Jeff Zimmerman
11:00 Grow-finish surveillance using oral fluids
Jana Grauerholz-Morgan
11:20 Practical application of oral fluid testing in multiplication
Laura Schulz-Dalquist
11:40 Critical vs clinical thinking about health challenges: The role of data aggregation
Jim Lowe
12:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #7: Precision Pharming: The Future of Practical Pharmacology
Seminar chair: Sarah Probst Miller
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
In the future, our responsibility for judicious use of antibiotics will only increase. What does this mean? What will our role be? What tools do we have available to have good “antibiotic housekeeping” on the farms we serve? How can we not inadvertently shut down the US export market? What can we do to reduce the development of antibiotic resistance? This seminar works to answer these questions while providing tools to help us prepare practically for the future.
8:00 The urgency of our responsibility and role, and the reality of our increased future responsibility
Paul Ruen
8:30 Good Housekeeping challenge: Structural considerations on decision making
Scott Hurd
9:00 Practical knowledge to keep yourself from shutting down the US export market: A real-life example and solution
Mary Battrell and Mike Apley
10:00 BREAK
10:15 How do we practice medicine to minimize antibiotic resistance?
Joseph Blondeau
11:15 Practical daily decision making (large system and practice): What influences our choices? What are our limitations? What makes us biased?
Matthew Turner and Egan Brockhoff
12:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #8: Pork Processing Plant 101
Seminar chair: Barry Wiseman
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The objectives of this program are to introduce the participants to the activities and resources available in the pork processing plant. We will have FSIS veterinarians as well as plant employees discuss what happens from the time the truck gets to the plant until the carcasses have been processed. This will include humane handling in the barn as well as all areas of carcass inspection, specifically where pigs are lost. We will discuss detection of antibiotic residues in meat, which is particularly relevant to the export market. And, we will review different plant matrix plans. Our goal is that you should learn everything you never knew you wanted to know about processing plants.
8:00 Which way is up in the plant?
Barry Wiseman
8:30 Role and activities of the Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS)
Maria Esteras
9:10 Understanding matrices
Peter Bahnson
9:40 BREAK
9:55 Confessions of an FSIS Inspector In Charge (IIC)
Barton Richards
10:35 Update on antibiotic residues
Robert Salter
11:05 Operations at a HIMP* plant
Selina Hallan
11:45 Roundtable Q & A
All speakers
12:00 Seminar concludes
*HIMP = HACCP-based Inspection Models Project (HAACP = hazard analysis critical control points)
Seminar #9: Swine Production and Medicine for Veterinary “Students”
Seminar co-chairs: Jeremy Pittman and Angie Supple
The goal of this year’s student pre-conference seminar is to provide information in areas we feel are essential for new and recent graduates based on the experiences of recent graduates. This seminar will supplement the students’ veterinary curriculum, and while focused on swine, the concepts are applicable to all fields of veterinary medicine. The seminar will include topics on development of differential disease lists, interpretation of diagnostic reports and “putting it all together.” A popular component will return: an interactive case study where students will work step-wise through a case in small groups. To end the seminar, we will have an open question and answer session with a panel of recent graduates representing various areas of the industry.
Not just for students! While the session is geared towards students, we strongly feel the information and interaction is applicable to all members of AASV.
8:00 Differentials, diagnostics, and decisions
Clayton Johnson
8:45 “Poly-ology”: (pol-ee-ol-uh-jee) noun, 1. the process of combining your vet classes to solve a problem; verb, 2. what vets do every day.
Carissa Odland
9:30 BREAK
10:00 Interactive case study
Jeremy Pittman and Angie Supple
11:15 Roundtable Q & A for students
Panel of recent graduates from varied portions of the swine industry
12:00 Seminar concludes
All sessions from this point forward are included in the registration fee for the meeting.
Research Topics- Note the Sunday MORNING time for this session!
Session Chair: Chris Rademacher
Sunday, March 11
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
8:00 Diagnostic performance of a commercial PRRS serum antibody ELISA adapted to oral fluid specimens: longitudinal response in experimentally-incoculated populations
Apisit Kittawornrat
8:15 Diagnostic performance of a commercial PRRS serum antibody ELISA adapted to oral fluid specimens: field samples
Apisit Kittawornrat
8:30 Economic analysis of PRRS virus elimination from a herd
Derald Holtkamp
8:45 Use of commercial subunit and chimeric vaccines in 5-day-old piglets is effective in protecting from PCV2 viremia and PCVAD in a PCV2, PPV and PRRSV triple challenge model
Tanja Opriessnig
9:00 Evaluation study of interventions for reducing the risk of PRRSV introduction into filtered farms via retrograde air movement (back-drafting) through idle fans
Carmen Alonso
9:15 The effect of PRRS MLV vaccine given by exposure to vaccine saturated ropes
Darwin Reicks
9:30 Evaluating aspirin for reduction of fever and improvement of performance in isowean pigs with uncomplicated PRRS virus infection
Mark Wagner
9:45 BREAK
10:15 Enrofloxacin treatment affects the colonization stage of Haemophilus parasuis in weaned pigs
Nubia Macedo
10:30 Bacterial infection of the navel cord in neonatal piglets: A follow up on prevalence and clinical outcomes
Laura Greiner
10:45 Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns associated with virulence factors in swine Escherichia coli isolates
Tim Frana
11:00 Detection of antibodies against influenza A virus nucleoprotein (NP) in porcine oral fluid specimens using a commercial blocking ELISA
Yaowalak Panyasing
11:15 Detection of airborne swine influenza A virus in experimentally infected pigs under the presence of maternally derived immunity
Cesar Corzo
11:30 Detection of airborne swine influenza A under field conditions
Cesar Corzo
11:45 Influenza A virus genetic diversity in immune pigs
Carlos Diaz
12:00 Session concludes
Sunday, March 11, 12:00 - 5:00 PM (authors present 12:00 - 1:00 PM)
Monday, March 12, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Veterinary Student POSTERS
1. Evaluating the response of pigs vaccinated with two half and two full doses of Circumvent PCV from sows vaccinated with Circumvent PCV prefarrowing
Natalie Baker,
Purdue University
2. Making lemonade from lemons: A case study of eradicating PRRS from a naïve 650 sow two-site farm after an acute PRRS outbreak and simultaneously eliminating Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
Joshua Barker, Mississippi State University
3. Using field serum samples to compare qualitative results between Lawsonia intracellularis ELISA and IPMA at the individual and herd levels
Brian Bishop, Iowa State University
4. Detection of PRRSV and SIV in oral fluids from pigs one week postweaning
Shamus Brown, Iowa State University
5. Does maternally-derived immunity or PCV2 viremia adversely affect PCV2 vaccination response?
Paisley Canning, University of Guelph
6. Comparing feed efficiency and reproductive performance of gestating sows housed in conventional and group gestation
Paisley Canning, University of Guelph
7. Effect of joint sampling technique on bacterial load in synovial fluid samples of swine in a commercial setting
Deanne Day, Iowa State University
8. Surveillance of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae in sows and suckling piglets
Joshua Duff, North Carolina State University
9. Identification of a flow-based Salmonella challenge using a multi-site necropsy survey in a swine production system
Jordan Graham, Iowa State University
10. Comparison of early wean to finish mortality diagnoses between trained veterinary student interns and a diagnostic laboratory
Aubrey Hauswirth, Iowa State University
11. Comparison of various diagnostic samples as a means of diagnosing Mycoplasma hyosynoviae
Jared Jacobson, Iowa State University
12. Hypernatremic dehydration of newborn piglets secondary to insufficient lactation
Attila Mihály KERTÉSZ, Szent István University, Budapest
13. Is diarrhea preceded by changes in the normal intestinal microbiota?
Heather Kittrell, Louisiana State University
14. A comparison of tracheobronchial, oropharyngeal, and nasal swabs to determine the Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae status in suckling piglets
Kurt Kuecker, Iowa State University
15. Effectiveness of clove oil (Eugenia aromaticum) as an anthelmintic
Amy Kunkel, Iowa State University
16. Retrospective analysis of pig condemnation data: Implications for national disease surveillance
Jeffrey Ling Min Than, Massey University
17. Outlining the need for better sow hoof management: A study into the correlations between long phalanges and reproductive performance
Wesley Lyons, University of Tennessee
18. Modification of swine oral fluid samples to enhance the sensitivity for detecting porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSv) isolation and genomic sequencing
Daren Miller, Purdue University
19. The role of colostral immunity in reducing PRRS virus replication and its impact on survivability in the suckling pig
Michael Nagorske, University of Minnesota
20. Characterization of pre-wean mortality in a sow farm
Amelia Naher, Washington State University
21. Diagnosis of Mycoplamsa hyorhinis and Mycoplamsa hyosynoviae in pre-slaughter animals by serology and real-time PCR
Brent Pepin, Iowa State University
22. Prevalence of shoulder sores on three sow farms
Anna Petrowiak, University of Minnesota
23. Risk assessment of PRRS vaccine virus transmission from a vaccinated nursery to a PRRSv negative sow farm through weaned pig trailers
Casey Rabbe, University of Minnesota
24. Evaluation of rope chewing method to acclimate PRRS virus for replacement gilts
Abigail Redalen, University of Minnesota
25. Estimating the role of geography as a risk factor for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection in the growing pig
Caleb Robb, Iowa State University
26. Impact of number of females per pen on fallout rate in group gestation
Elissa Schlueter, University of Minnesota
27. Detection of Mycoplasma hyopneumonia cell-mediated immunity in a field case study
Megan Schnur, Purdue University
28. An evaluation of the effects of environmental enrichment on the incidence of 2-week pre-farrow vulva biting in a pen gestated sow farm with individual electronic sow feeders
Michael Slattery, Iowa State University
29. Use of fine needle aspiration and cytology to describe injection site lesions post-PCV2 vaccination
Renee Taphorn, Iowa State University
30. Finding the keepers: The influence of observed parameters on gilt retention and productivity
Lisa Thompson, North Carolina State University
31. Automated control and synchronization of gilt inseminations via electronic sow feeding
Jonathan Van Blarcom, Univeristy of Pennsylvania
32. Patterns of pig behavior relevant to oral fluid sample collection
Drew White, Iowa State University
Research Topics POSTERS
1. Visualisation and estimation of pig losses due to disease (PRRS) or other management problems
Andreanne Caron
2. Influenza viruses from swine with increased genetic diversity
Susan Detmer
3. Adaptation of a commercial PRRS serum antibody ELISA to oral fluid specimens
Apisit Kittawornrat
4. Evaluation of cross-protection of FluSure XP® against a heterologous gamma cluster H1N1 swine influenza virus challenge
Mike Kuhn
5. Comparison of whole herd exposure programs to produce PRRSv negative offspring from PRRSv positive breeding herds
Daniel Linhares
6. New discoveries in anti-PRRSV immunity
Michael Murtaugh
7. Comparison of serological assays for Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (serotypes 1-9) using serum from pigs experimentally infected with APP or vaccinated with APP bacterins
Tanja Opriessnig
8. Herd closure for 140 days after PCV2 exposure stabilizes the population
Tanja Opriessnig
9. Automated feedback of autogenous pathogens in large pen gestation to reduce piglet diarrhea
Thomas Parsons
10. Effect of Denagard® liquid concentrate on plasma and milk concentrations of tiamulin in sows
Paul Pitcher
11. Novel PRRSV ORF5a protein is not immunoprotective but drives GP5 glycosylation
Sally Robinson
12. PCV2 shedding after challenge by infected semen in PCV2 vaccinated and non-vaccinated conventional gilts
Giuseppe Sarli
13. The incomplete elimination of PRRS virus using traditional methods; A retrospective case study in 7 herds
Gordon Spronk
Industrial Partners POSTERS
1. Recent developments in euthanasia equipment
Clive Scrivens
2. The effect of space and feeder type on grow-finish performance
Darwin Kohler
3. The effect of space and feeder type on grow-finish performance
André Broes
4. Control, stabilization and elimination of a 1-4-4 PRRS field strain from a breeding herd utilizing Ingelvac PRRS MLV® as a tool
Noel Garbes
5. PRRSV vaccination trials using replicon particles
Mark Mogler
6. Evaluation of the efficacy of a live yeast (Levucell SB®) against porcine proliferative enteropathy (PPE or ileitis) in a challenge model
Dan Rosener
7. Post-cervical insemination (PCIA): Timing and implementation at the sow farm
Isaac Huerta
8. Diagnostic and treatment strategies for controlling ascarid infestations in sow herds
Jeremy Pittman
9. Effect of a Husbandry Education™ program on high value nursery pigs
Lucina Galina
10. Preventing iron deficiency by avoiding an iron gap in modern pig production
Stefaan Van Gorp
1:00 - 5:15 PM
Concurrent Session #1: Student Seminar
Session co-chairs: Alex Ramirez and Peter Davies
1:00 A pilot study to evaluate the PRRSV carrier status of vasectomized boars in herds attempting PRRSV elimination
Sam Holst, University of Minnesota
1:15 Use of buffered Swiffer® cloth for collection of PRRSv from the snout and face of growing pigs
Kevin Dobesh, Iowa State University
1:30 Assessing production parameters and economic impact of swine influenza, PRRS and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae on finishing pigs in a large production system
Cara Haden, Iowa State University
1:45 Haemophilus parasuis seroprofiling with OppA universal test
Bethany Stammen, Ohio State University
2:00 Indirect transmission of PRRS virus in the farrowing rooms of a 6000-sow herd
Megan Thompson, University of Minnesota
2:15 Investigation of a novel retrograde air movement intervention to prevent aerosol transmission of PRRSv
Michael Nagorske, University of Minnesota
2:30 Effect of waste environment on survival of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae
Trevor Schwartz, Iowa State University
2:45 BREAK
3:15 Early weaning impairs gut mucosal defense and exacerbates clinical disease in F18 E. coli infection
Brittney McLamb, North Carolina State University
3:30 An evaluation of Stalosan F powder for deactivation of PRRSv
Casey Rabbe, University of Minnesota
3:45 A new wrinkle in PRRSv PCRs for swine oral fluid specimens
Marisa Rotolo, Iowa State University
4:00 A pilot study evaluating prevalence of PCV2 viremia in the breeding herd
Kelsey Altholz, North Carolina State University
4:15 Comparison of the effect of ceftiofur crystalline free acid and procaine penicillin-G administered at either birth or processing on suckling piglet health and performance
Jonathan Tangen, Iowa State University
4:30 Survey of vitamin D levels in swine serum across different stages of production
Jessica Abbott, Iowa State University
4:45 Evaluation of using oral fluids from Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae positive gilts to acclimate weaning age pigs
Emily Kuntz, University of Illinois
5:00 Evaluation of sample collection and handling strategies to increase success of PRRSv-ORF5 sequencing in oral fluids
Paul Thomas, Iowa State University
Concurrent Session #2: Industrial Partners
Session chair: Isabelle Moreau
1:00 Laboratory studies on Circumvent® PCV M combination Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae porcine circovirus type 2 vaccine
Brad Thacker
1:15 Field evaluations of Circumvent® PCV M combination Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae porcine circovirus type 2 vaccine
Brad Thacker
1:30 Scientific and practical considerations regarding the use of a novel, injectable anti-infective in swine: Zuprevo® from Merck Animal Health
Timothy Kniffen
1:45 Effects of administering non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin or ibuprofen) through the water as possible interventions to mitigate the adverse effects of vaccination on nursery pig performance
Scott Fry
2:00 Mycotoxin solutions from Novus International Inc. mitigate the negative effects of deoxynivalenol on pigs
Karen Lehe
2:15 Tylan premix impact on Full Value Pig metrics
Ginger Pelger
2:30 Evaluation of fecal shedding by a high-throughput qPCR assay in a Lawsonia intracellularis challenge
Dana Beckler
2:45 BREAK
3:15 Utilization of a blend of novel feed ingredients improves lactating and reproductive performance of sows during summer heat stress
Joseph Hahn
3:30 Aivlosin® (tylvalosin) a new oral macrolide developed for veterinary use in swine
Elizabeth Abbott
3:45 A molecular approach to the characterization and intra-species differentiation of porcine Pasteurella multocida strains associated with pneumonia and progressive atrophic rhinitis
Boh Chang Lin
4:00 A review of recent supplemental iron industry practices and current usage of Uniferon® 200 (iron dextran complex injection, 200mg/ml) in baby pigs
Herschel Gaddy
4:15 Effect of Solutein given to boars in isolation on discard rate and sperm quality
Darwin Reicks
4:30 Efficacy of PCV2 vaccination with Circovac® under Mexican conditions
Rodolfo Sanchez
4:45 Impact of sow longevity on lifetime performance
Sasha Gibson
Concurrent Session #3: Industrial Partners
1:00 Updated reagents for amplification of a new North American porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus strain
Cate O'Connell
1:15 The effects of dietary bacitracin on gut health and performance in heat stressed pigs
Adam Moeser
1:30 Fostera PCV2 efficacy
Greg Nitzel
1:45 PRRS attenuation of a virulent North American PRRS virus isolate on CD163-expressing cell lines, and demonstration of efficacy against a heterologous challenge
Jay Calvert
2:00 The positive effect of genomic selection on genetic progress
John Sonderman
2:15 Use of statistical process control analysis and a proforma spreadsheet to evaluate the effects of Regano in gestation and lactation diets on sow enteric health and piglet performance
Thomas Gillespie
2:30 Review of the Phibro Animal Health Brachyspira spp survey project
Douglas Weiss
2:45 BREAK
3:15 Clostridium difficile antitoxin in neonatal swine
David Carter
3:30 A comparison of injection site lesions and performance differences in nursery pigs vaccinated with PCV2-Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae combination vaccines
Erin Johnson
3:45 Evaluation of airborne shedding of Ingelvac PRRS modified live vaccine from growing pigs raised under commercial conditions
Paul Yeske
4:00 The effect of PCV2 vaccination on semen quality in mature breeding boars
Amanda Sponheim
4:15 Reviewing skip-a-heat
Juan Carlos Pinilla
4:30 Mixed-sex vs. split-sexed penning. Does it matter?
Gene Shepherd
4:45 The many uses of CDCD pigs in human research
Rexanne Struve
Concurrent Session #4: Industrial Partners
1:00 Electronic sow feeding; Individual animal care in a group-housed barn
Jeff Shoening
1:15 Commercial test herd use: Data partnership to increase genetic progress in prolificacy and longevity
Justin Fix
1:30 The effect of topical anti-infective application at castration and tail docking of baby pigs versus doing nothing
Michael Strobel
1:45 The evaluation of Wean-D on suckling pig performance
Aaron Schaffer
2:00 Evaluation of the efficiency of one dose of autogenous MJPRRS® vaccine in reducing PRRS virus replication and mortality in PRRS naiive 21-day old pigs prior to and during viremia
Mark Wagner
2:15 Electrostatic particle ionization (EPI) improves nursery pig performance and air quality
Chris Rademacher
2:30 Unique strategies to address bacterial contamination of boar semen
Isaac Huerta
2:45 BREAK
3:15 What AVMA PLIT can do for you and your business
Rodney Johnson
3:30 Nursery, finishing and wean-to-finish benchmarking analysis
Tom Stein
3:45 Protection against swine influenza virus following replicon particle vaccination
Ryan Vander Veen
4:00 Replicon particle administration prior to challenge reduces PRRSV viremia
Mark Mogler
4:15 Impact of in-feed antibiotic regimens on pig performance and expression of clinical and subclinical diseases
Michael Brumm
4:30 Impact of Denagard plus chlortetracycline in pigs on improving disease control as measured by improved growth performance
Keith Erlandson
4:45 Examining the impact of water line cleaning, disinfection, and pH reduction on nursery pigs
Andrea Pitkin
5:00 Fat-soluble vitamin needs for nursing and weaned pigs
Rob Stuart
GENERAL SESSION: Integrating Science, Welfare, and Economics in Practice
Program chair: Tara Donovan
8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
8:00 Howard Dunne Memorial Lecture
Integrating science into practice to improve business viability – and getting it right
Dean Boyd
9:00 Alex Hogg Memorial Lecture
Science, welfare, and economics: Are they cornerstones or just a balancing act?
Lisa Tokach
10:00 BREAK
10:30 Swine immunology: What does it take to make the immune response “take”?
Chris Chase
11:15 Evidence-based population medicine: Reactive and proactive decision making in a commercial setting
Daniel U. Thomson
12:05 The behavior of the diseased or injured pig: How do we aid convalescence and improve pig welfare?
Suzanne Millman
Concurrent Session #1: Rotavirus and Dysentery: Physiology, Immunology, and Practical Knowledge
Session chair: Brian Payne
Moderator: Adam Moeser
2:00 - 5:30 PM
2:00 Physiology and immunology of the gut
Adam Moeser
2:30 Rotavirus: Viewpoint of a diagnostician
Kurt Rossow
3:00 Rotavirus: Practical control and treatment
Luc Dufresne
3:30 BREAK
4:00 Dysentery: Strengths and limitations of current Brachyspira diagnostic methods
Eric Burrough
4:30 Dysentery: Practical control and treatment
Egan Brockhoff
5:00 Roundtable Q & A
All speakers
5:30 Session concludes
Concurrent Session #2: Respiratory and Systemic Disease
Session chair: Deborah Murray
2:00 - 5:30 PM
2:00 PCV2 infection/disease in the breeding herd: An update
Darin Madson
2:15 PCV2 vaccination in sows: What other factors to consider?
Julie Menard
2:30 Update on immunology, vaccinology, and diagnostic trends for swine mycoplasmas
Erin Strait
2:45 Mycoplasma hyorhinis: Not just an incidental finding
Deborah Murray
3:00 Managing Mycoplasma hyosynoviae in grow-finish pigs
Laura Bruner
3:15 Roundtable Q & A
Madson, Menard, Strait, Murray, Bruner
3:30 BREAK
4:00 Brief overview of flu vaccinology and immunology
Marie Gramer
4:15 Pigs and flu: What to do?
Matt Allerson/Carissa Odland
4:30 SIV: Sow farm vaccination strategies
Laura Schulz-Dalquist
4:45 Successful strategies for pushing SIV out of sow farms
Aaron Lower
5:00 Roundtable Q & A
Gramer, Allerson, Odland, Schulz-Dalquist, Lower
5:30 Session concludes
Concurrent Session #3: When Nutrition is the Differential
Session chair: Rodger Main
2:00 - 5:30 PM
2:00 What’s “known” about the effects of nutrition on animal health?
Rodger Main
2:30 Today’s economic realities…the game has changed
Steve Dritz
3:00 BREAK
Series of case-based examples:
3:30 DDGS: Nutrient variability can affect performance
Harold Tilstra
3:50 Metabolic bone disease
Megan Potter
4:10 Influence of particle size
Ian Levis
4:30 What veterinarians should know about feed quality assurance/quality control
Wayne Cast
5:00 What do I submit and what’s normal?
Darin Madson
5:30 Session concludes
Session chair: Tara Donovan
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
8:00 Global coordination for swine influenza virus surveillance and research: What are we missing from the big picture?
Amy Vincent
Regional Control and Elimination of PRRS
Session chair: Montse Torremorell
9:00 Regional PRRS elimination update: Where are we, where are we going?
Bob Morrison and Lisa Becton
9:30 What are regional programs trying to accomplish: Control vs elimination? Protocols for advancing on the PRRSV herd classification scale
Jim Lowe
10:15 BREAK
10:45 Toolkit for regional success and some challenges along the way
Noel Garbes
11:05 It’s all about people: The role of community expectations
Dyneah Classen
11:25 Exposing the brutal facts and challenges of PRRSV regional elimination in pig-dense areas
Tim Loula
11:45 Panel discussion and take-home messages: What have we learned from these cases?
All speakers
12:00 Meeting concludes