2014 AASV Annual Meeting Program
"Our Oath in Practice"
March 1-4, 2014
Sheraton Dallas Hotel
Dallas, Texas
Program Chair: Dr. Michelle Sprague
AASV Committee Meetings
7:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Web-based PRRS Risk Assessment Training for the Breeding Herd
7:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Coordinator: Dr. Derald Holtkamp
Fee: No charge
Limit: 20 participants (AASV membership required)
This training will guide you through the use of the web-based PRRS Risk Assessment known as the Production Animal Disease Risk Assessment Program (PADRAP). PADRAP allows you to view benchmarking reports immediately after submitting an assessment. The website underwent a "facelift" in May 2011 and gained a few new useful features.
Three ways veterinarians have applied the PRRS Risk Assessment:
* Evaluate current biosecurity protocols and/or develop new biosecurity protocols to avoid risk
* Communicate risks and the importance of biosecurity procedures to clients or production personnel
* Aid in the decision to initiate a project to eliminate PRRSv from a breeding herd site and identify modifiable risk factors in an effort to increase the likelihood that an elimination project will be successful long-term.
This session is open to AASV-member veterinarians who have not previously used the PRRS Risk Assessment, as well as those who have previously been trained on the spreadsheet version. Please bring a laptop capable of accessing the Internet via wireless connection using one of the following web browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer.
Session schedule:
7:30 Welcome and introductions (note the early start time!)
Derald Holtkamp
7:45 Application of PRRS Risk Assessment
Egan Brockhoff
8:00 Overview of PRRS Risk Assessment
Dale Polson
8:45 "How to" tour of PADRAP: Resetting/retrieving your password, creating a new production system, setting up a site and survey, navigating through a survey, duplicating and taking multiple surveys
Chris Mowrer
9:45 BREAK
10:00 Hands-on use of the risk assessment; User interview
Dale Polson
12:00 Demonstration of pareto chart and the database and benchmarking tool for risk assessment data, exporting raw data: Interpreting results
Derald Holtkamp
12:30 Training concludes
1:00 - 5:00 PM
Additional fees apply; you must be registered for the regular meeting sessions in order to register for seminars.
Seminar #1: Practice Tips: It's Our Sworn Duty to Share!
Seminar chair: Jay Miller
The very popular practice tips pre-conference seminar is back again this year with even more information for you to utilize in your practice. Once again, this idea-sharing session will feature veterinarians competing for cash and the top spot for the practice tip that will impact our industry the most according to our expert judges. In the past, this very popular session has delivered an abundance of ideas to drive your practice to the next level. Be sure to attend to get the latest information, as there are no proceedings papers!
1:00 You want me to do WHAT??? The crazy world known as the show pig industry!
Amy Wood
1:15 Hashtag!
Abby Harding
1:30 Motivating employees through purpose discovery
Larry Coleman
1:45 More than just a tip
Joshua Barker
2:00 Shipping samples: Regulations and compliance inspections
Melissa Hensch
2:15 Investigations, illusions, and integrity
Carissa Odland
2:30 Diagnosis of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae using antemortem tracheobronchial mucus collection and RT-PCR
Kimberly Crawford
2:45 Communicating to incite action
Aaron Lower
3:00 BREAK
3:30 Feedback tips and tricks
Rebecca Robbins
3:45 Let’s take another look at that pig
Joe Rudolphi
4:00 A veterinarian’s options for inactivating PEDv in hog trailers
Paul Thomas
4:15 Ovugel®: Practical use in gilt breeding programs
Todd Price
4:30 PED survival 101
Matthew Turner
4:45 PED – Because you just haven’t heard enough yet
Pete Lasley
5:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #2: Grow-Finish Biosecurity: Reality or Oxymoron?
Seminar chair: Paul Yeske
With the arrival of PEDv to the industry, many farms and systems are re-evaluating their biosecurity programs to make sure they are effective. One of the biggest challenges is grow-finish, which historically has not been very strict. Truck washes and trucking are also areas that have not received much focus. The panel will give insight into their programs, how they set them up, and what to audit.
1:00 Bench entries: How to get into and out of farms without a shower
Douglas MacDougald
1:30 Visiting multiple sites in the same day
Mike Eisenmenger
2:00 How to keep the truck clean in the loading and unloading process
Brad Chappell
2:30 What did we learn from the packing plant survey and what can we do in the future?
Paul Yeske
3:00 BREAK
Truck wash symposium: Looking inside Pandora’s box and making sense of it
3:30 Genetic supplier’s perspective
Robert Thompson
3:50 System perspectives
Joel Nerem
4:10 System perspectives
Clayton Johnson
4:30 Panel discussion
Robert Thompson, Joel Nerem, Clayton Johnson
5:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #3: Data Management
Seminar chair: Alex Ramirez
The complexity of today’s swine industry necessitates that practitioners have the ability to summarize data in an easy and meaningful way. Data sets are becoming larger and more complex, making it difficult to have a single report that meets everyone’s needs. The purpose of this workshop is to introduce practitioners to the future of data management and to provide hands-on training on how to organize and manipulate data using Microsoft Excel PivotTable features. PivotTables are an easy and powerful tool that can be used in everyday practice. This seminar will also provide practice tips from three different perspectives while providing insight into current and practical uses of data. There will also be a presentation on how one production system is using sequencing information from databases to make better health decisions.
Participants will need their own laptop computer with Microsoft Excel installed to take advantage of the hands-on section of the seminar. The hands-on portion will last 1 hour. Although participants can still learn simply by observing the activity, hands-on experience will maximize the learning and retention of this exercise.
1:00 Introductions and overview
Alex Ramirez
1:05 Challenges and solutions to data confidentiality, integration and access during an animal disease emergency
Tammy Beckham
1:45 Excel PivotTables: Simple yet powerful.
Hands-on exercise: How to prepare data and use pivot tables
Alex Ramirez
2:40 BREAK
3:10 Practice tip: How I use data in my system
Jason Kelly
3:30 Practice tip: How I use data in my system
Matthew Turner
3:50 Practice tip: How use data in my system
Jim Lowe
4:10 Sequence data: Using it in your practice
Chad Smith
4:50 Wrap up
Alex Ramirez
5:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #4: Swine Reproduction Technology
Seminar chair: Ron Brodersen
This seminar will review female swine reproductive physiology and endocrinology within the context of utilizing existing and new tools for reproductive management. Presenters will offer their experiences with induction and synchronization of estrus for timed artificial insemination, usage of post-cervical artificial insemination, efficient open female management, and herd reproduction audits. Sow herd reproduction data will be reviewed, focusing on variation and improvements in herd productivity as well as future trends.
1:00 The physiology behind technologies for control of reproduction in swine
Rob Knox
2:00 Experience with post-cervical AI in a production system
Julie Menard
2:30 Single fixed-time insemination
Grant Allison
3:00 BREAK
3:30 Open female management and reproductive audits
Bill Hollis
4:00 Historical improvement in sow herd productivity and future trends
Ron Ketchem
4:30 Panel discussion
All speakers
5:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #5: Avoiding Black Helicopters
Seminar chair: Liz Wagstrom
Using pharmaceuticals correctly is essential to animal health. Regulatory and customer requirements are changing, and veterinarians and their clients need to be able to protect animal health while documenting compliance with these requirements. This seminar will utilize a case study on penicillin residues to demonstrate federal agency and customer requirements. It will also address upcoming changes in antimicrobial availability and oversight, and explore methods used in other countries.
Penicillin residues in sows: A case study
1:00 Residues from beginning to end: How tolerances are set and violations are investigated by the FDA
Steve Vaughn
1:25 FSIS: A day in the life of a sample
Emilio Esteban
1:50 Residues from a packer's point of view
Barb Masters
2:15 Residue/withdrawal research: How does FARAD help inform us?
Mike Apley
2:40 BREAK
3:05 Producer's point of view: How to avoid the violators list while taking care of your animals
Dyneah Classen
3:30 Residue discussion: Looking for solutions
3:40 AMDUCA in the real world: How do our practices conform?
Mike Apley
4:00 VFDs, growth promotion, disease control and prevention: How FDA's new guidances may affect your practice
Scott Stehlik
4:30 Update on antibiotic use data collection in the European Union
Jennifer Koeman
5:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #6: Operation Main Street Training
Seminar chair: Al Eidson
Co-sponsored by AASV and the National Pork Board
Fee: No charge
Limit: 25 participants (U.S. AASV member veterinarians only)
In 2011, AASV and the National Pork Board partnered to train veterinarians as Operation Main Street speakers with a goal to schedule a speaker in all 28 schools of veterinary medicine. To date, trained veterinarians have presented at 24 of 28 schools, reaching 5000 students through this program.
This training updates participants on what activists are saying about agriculture today, and provides attendees with the needed tools and presentations to address those concerns in a science-based, proactive manner. The objective is to equip veterinarians to speak to veterinary students and professional groups, including dieticians. Unless otherwise indicated, presentations will be made by Al Eidson.
1:00 Welcome, overview, and introductions
Al Eidson
1:15 Antibiotic update
Jennifer Koeman
1:40 A presentation for schools of veterinary medicine
Gene Nemechek
2:40 Industry structure; Social license
3:00 BREAK; Biography photos
3:15 Values-based communications (Center for Food Integrity research)
3:25 “What they hear” (US Farmers and Ranchers Alliance research)
Issue updates and answering common questions:
3:40 Animal care and well-being
4:20 Environment
4:40 Worker health/public safety
4:00 Events at schools of veterinary medicine; Speaking to civic groups, dieticians, and county commissioners
5:15 Training evaluation; Seminar concludes
Canadian Swine Veterinarians
8:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
8:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Additional fees apply; must be registered for the regular meeting sessions in order to register for the seminars.
Seminar #7: Pathogen Transmission: From around the World to Your Backyard!
Seminar chair: Megan Inskeep
This seminar will focus on pathogen transmission and how it has the potential to put the US swine industry at risk of contracting foreign animal diseases. It will outline what diseases are most pertinent for the US to be concerned about and describe possibilities of how these pathogens have the potential to cross the border. It will also give perspectives from the diagnostic lab and the field on what veterinarians face with new diseases and how to approach them.
8:00 What are we at risk of? A global perspective
Montserrat Torremorell
8:35 Frequency, dose, and diversity of airborne PRRSv surrounding filtered breeding herds: A seasonal perspective
Scott Dee
9:10 Indirect transmission of swine pathogens: What matters most
Jean Paul Cano
9:45 BREAK
10:05 Pathogen transmission at the border
Kevin Harriger
10:50 Diagnostic perspective: What's next? The lab results aren't what I expected
Greg Stevenson
11:25 Production perspective: What's next? The lab results aren't what I expected
Luc Dufresne
12:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #8: Effective Communication
Seminar chair: Ginger Pelger
Have you ever attended a boring meeting or workshop? Have you pressented to a group of people only to find that several attendees have fallen asleep in the back of the room? Do you feel like you are saying the very same thing at every farm visit, only to have your recommendations ignored? If any of these apply, you need to attend this seminar! By the end of the morning, you will know how to create and deliver engaging presenations or discussions to groups of 1-2 people up to 200! Four I Adult Learning will allow you to adapt your style to the participants and involve them in the communication process. There will be discussion and activities during the seminar, so be prepared to interact with each other!
8:00 Introduction to Four I Adult Learning
Ginger Pelger
8:30 Using adult learning in scientific presentations
Corrie Brown
9:20 Farm talk: Using the 4 I's and DiSC to reach people
Sara Probst Miller
10:10 BREAK
10:40 Communicating agriculture to consumers using 4 I Adult Learning method
Collee Parr Dekker
11:30 Roundtable Q & A: Conclusions and take-home actions
All speakers
12:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #9: Diagnostic Laboratory Synergism for Best Outcomes
Seminar chair: Joseph Rudolphi
Difficult practitioner cases bring out the best of the coordination with the diagnostic laboratories. This seminar will demonstrate how the practitioners, who have experienced difficult cases or hard-to-interpret diagnostic information, and the diagnosticians, who have been challenged to apply their expertise, can come together into a cohesive unit to meld together science and production to solve the issues. Drs. Darin Madson, Richard Hesse, and Kurt Rossow will be challenged to comment on the diagnostic methods used in the cases, and to answer questions from all attendees as they may pertain to specific diagnostic methods. Attendees should be prepared to challenge speakers and panel members with diagnostic questions.
8:00 PCV2 in the sow herd: Pathogen or not?
Jim Lowe
8:30 Writing the PEDV response plan...using a light pencil
Scanlon Daniels
9:15 APP in the sow herd: PCR, serology, culture, now what?
Micah Jansen
9:45 BREAK
10:15 Rotavirus piglet diarrhea: Diagnostic and control strategies; dendograms, feedback, and vaccines
Dyneah Classen
10:45 Mycoplasma serology: The role and importance of sow herd stability
Jamie Lehman
11:15 PRRS isntability in an ARC project: The curse or the blessing of the rules of engagement
Noel Garbes
12:00 Seminar concludes
Seminar #10: Swine Medicine for Students
Seminar co-chairs: Angie Supple and Jeremy Pittman
This seminar has the goal of providing students with supplementary information for their course curricula at school. This year we will provide information on the economics of raising pigs, an important aspect to consider when providing veteriary care for a farm or system. We will also provide a series of short and concise case studies by recent graduates of common and not-so-common problems, highlighting the thought process of a case work-up. We will end with a popular interactive case presentation where students will work in groups to think through a real-life case example.
As always, recent graduates and life-long students are encouraged to participate.
8:00 Introductions and "multi-sourced commingling"
Angie Supple
8:20 Pig Economics 101
Jason Hocker
Case presentations:
9:15 Late finishing diarrhea
Daren Miller
9:30 Post-weaning E. coli
Melissa Hensch
9:45 Neurological disorder of swine
Sara Hough
10:00 BREAK
Case presentations:
10:15 Severe respiratory disease in early finishing pigs
Pete Schneider
10:30 Porcine circovirus type 2: Sorting fact from fiction to develop control strategies
Megan Potter
10:45 Respiratory disease associated with swine influenza virus (SIV)
Pete Thomas
11:00 Interactive case
Jeremy Pittman
12:00 Seminar concludes
All sessions from this point forward are included in the registration fee for the meeting.
Research Topics
8:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Session chair: Chris Rademacher
8:00 Differential diagnosis of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome infection and vaccination by one-step real-time reverse transcription PCR assays
Michael Murtaugh
8:15 Pigs selected for increased feed efficiency are less affected by experimental infection with the PRRS virus
Jenelle Dunkelberger
8:30 Factors associated with N-specific IgG response in piglets experimentally infected with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
Andrew Hess
8:45 Detection and characterization of influenza A virus endemic circulation in neonatal and nursery pigs in a farm using an inactivated influenza vaccine
Phil Gauger
9:00 Influenza A virus infection and diversity in commercial pig herds
Andres Diazs
9:15 Maternally derived antibodies induce vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease in weaned pigs challenged with heterologous virus
Daniela Rajao
9:30 Evaluation of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) production impact and management strategies for stability in sow herds
Dane Goede
9:45 Pathogenesis of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in post-weaned pigs
Drew Magstadt
10:00 BREAK
10:15 Isolation and characterization of porcine epidemic diarrhea viruses associated with the 2013 disease outbreak in US swine
Jianqiang Zhang
10:30 Utility of oral fluid sampling and testing for monitoring PEDV in herds
Leslie Bower
10:45 Development of an alphavirus RNA particle-based vaccine against porcine epidemic diarrhea virus
Mark Mogler
11:00 A commercial PCV2a vaccine and an experimental PCV2b vaccine both protect against challenge with a 2013 variant mPCV2b
Tanja Opriessnig
11:15 Comparative detection of Lawsonia intracellularis, Salmonella, and Brachyspira from oral fluids and feces
Timothy Frana
11:30 Evaluation of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) for detection of Lawsonia intracellularis in feces and oral fluids
Ryan Strobel
1:45 Effect of antibiotic treatment on the development of Haemophilus parasuis disease and seroconversion
Nubia Macedo
12:00 Session concludes
Sunday, March 2, 12:00 - 5:00 PM (authors present 12:00 - 1:00 PM)
Monday, March 3, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
POSTER SESSION: Veterinary Students (#1-43)
Sponsored by ZOETIS
Posters #1-15 have been selected for judging in the Student Poster Competition, sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc.
1. Variation in sow vocalizations during restraint
Matthew Cook, University of Pennsylvania
2. Evaluation of PRRSV contamination of driver's boots and foot pedals during feed truck deliveries
Amy Daniels, University of Illinois
3. Oral-fluid collection from gestating sows housed in large static pens
Lauren Glowzenski, University of Pennsylvania
4. Comparison of maternally derived antibodies in weaned pigs following pre-farrow or pre-breeding vaccination of dams with FluSure XP
Jessica Johnson, University of Minnesota
5. Evaluation of swine transport vehicle decontamination practices
Justin Kuecker, Iowa State University
6. The impact of pooling nasal swab samples on the diagnostic sensitivity of influenza A virus RRT-PCR
Carrie Lee, University of Minnesota
7. Dermestes maculatus infestation of swine barns
Christine Mainquist, Iowa State University
8. The evaluation of PRRSv transfer via tattooing in the suckling piglet
Chad O'Connor, University of Illinois
9. Oral fluids from individually-housed, "untrained" sows: Baseline parameters
Brent Pepin, Iowa State University
10. Comparison of different blood storage and transport temperature effects on PRRSV ELISA results
Lauren Scruggs, Auburn University
11. Effect of tulathromycin or ceftiofur crystalline free acid injection on post-weaning performance and economic return in porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infected pigs
Christopher Sievers, Iowa State University
12. Using placental umbilical cord serum to determine porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) status of breeding herd
Tyler Te Grotenhuis, Iowa State University
13. Effects of an iron dextran injection at weaning on pigs’ blood hemoglobin status and nursery performance
Shannon Walsh, Ontario Veterinary College
14. Novel use of DNA traceback for genetic selection in the Canadian swine industry
Christina Yamazaki, Atlantic Veterinary College
15. Improved pre-weaning surveillance using oral fluids: A pilot study
Lisa Yeske-Livermore, Iowa State University
16. On-site testing of oral fluids for ceftiofur residues using beta-lactam SNAP testing
Sarah Balik, Iowa State University
17. Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae vaccination strategies and challenge in a field setting
Cody Branstad, Iowa State University
18. Metaphylactic use of tulathromycin in finishing pigs to control multifactorial porcine respiratory disease
Courtney Brumbaugh, Purdue University
19. Monitoring the compliance of the vaccination procedures of 30,535 pigs
Colleen Crozier, North Carolina State University
20. Comparison of regional limb injection to systemic medication for the treatment of septic lameness in breeding female swine
Luke Duckworth, Texas A&M University
21. Effect of pre-farrow vaccination for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae on the bacterial prevalence in offspring at weaning
Jon Ertl, University of Minnesota
22. A comparison of sampling methods for Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium
Will Fombelle, University of Illinois
23. Efficacy of commercial water treatment products to inactivate PRRS virus
Marissa Garry, University of Minnesota
24. Antemortem joint fluid sampling and optimization of transport material for the recovery of lameness-associated Mycoplasma in swine
Whitney Holt, Iowa State University
25. Age of susceptibility and infectious dose of Clostridium difficile in neonatal suckling pigs
Kayce Kobs, Iowa State University
26. A study on pre- and post-suckling serum total protein and influences by different day one pig care interventions
Scott Kramer, Michigan State University
27. Value of health and production performance improvement resulting from the treatment of sows exhibiting post-farrowing vaginal discharge
Brittney McLamb, North Carolina State University
28. Assessment of sample methods for detecting and estimating prevalence of Lawsonia intracellularis, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae, and Salmonella spp in wean to finish pigs
Daniel Meyer, Iowa State University
29. Characterization of the GP5 glycoprotein of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus pathogenicity
Sally Moseley, St. Matthew's University
30. Cognitive bias in gestation sows: A new window on sow welfare?
Megan Murray, University of Pennsylvania
31. Evaluation of a one-dose autogenous Mycoplasma hyosynoviae vaccine to control grow/finish lameness in finishing pigs
Chris Olsen, Iowa State University
32. Trichinella: The role of swine practitioners
Marianne Parent, Atlantic Veterinary College
33. Behavioral assessment of gestating sows via ear-mounted accelerometers
Lynn Pavlovic, University of Pennsylvania
34. Biological pain indicators for the characterization of piglet pain during and after processing
Kelly Pertzborn, Iowa State University
35. Development of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome outbreak investigations program for breeding herds in regional projects in Iowa
Scott Radke, Iowa State University
36. The role of parity and prevalence on transmission of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae to offspring: A case study
Caleb Robb, Iowa State University
37. Genetic and geographic variation of PRRSV among the sites of a single company
Megan Schnur, Purdue University
38. Monitoring mortality rates for the evaluation of alphavirus RNA particle vaccines
Channing Sebo, Iowa State University
39. Comparison of chlortetracycline and tiamulin concentrations in feed, plasma, and oral fluids with pathogen MICs in treated commercial swine sites
Joel Sparks, Iowa State University
40. Comparative evaluation of snout wipes for use in influenza A virus surveillance
Christine Szablewski, The Ohio State University
41. Investigation of the use of ketoprofen on dystocic sows post-farrowing for improving piglet performance
Ryan Tenbergen, Ontario Veterinary College
42. Development and validation of ELISA testing for serological monitoring and surveillance of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus
Benjamin Wier, University of Minnesota
POSTER SESSION: Research Topics (#43-83)
43. Effect of the electrostatic particle ionization technology on PRRSV and influenza aerosols under experimental conditions
Carmen Alonso
44. Pathogenesis of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDv) in CDCD neonatal piglets
Paulo Arruda
45. Translactational analgesia technology for the improvement of swine welfare during castration and tail docking
Jessica Bates
46. Molecular epidemiology of influenza A virus infections in swine at agricultural fairs
Andrew Bowman
47. Antimicrobial susceptibility of pathogenic microorganisms isolated from swine intensive production systems in Chile
Macarena Cortez-Jara
48. Comparative evaluation of one and two dose PCV/Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae vaccination protocols in swine challenged with PCV and M. hyopneumoniae
Bobby Cowles
49. Effects of castration on preweaning mortality
Bobby Cowles
50. The impact of immunological castration on wean to finish body weight variation
Bobby Cowles
51. Description and administration success rate of regional limb intravenous perfusion in swine
Brandon Dominguez
52. Efficacy and safety of a one dose one bottle porcine circovirus/Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae combination vaccine
Daniel Fredrickson
53. Detection of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in air samples at varying distances to epidemic farms in Oklahoma
Dane Goede
54. Growth and cost analysis of immunologically castrated pigs fed distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS)
Erin Harris
55. Use of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to determine the vaccine uptake following different vaccination schedules against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M hyo) - practical interest
Marc Henninger
56. Relationship between prevalence and severity of lung lesions at slaughter and performance of pigs
Marc Henninger
57. Safety of Draxxin® 25 Injectable Solution (tulathromycin 25 mg/mL) in swine for treatment and control of swine respiratory disease
Doug King
58. Innovative air filtration strategies at the exhaust fans of a quarantine building
Valerie Letourneau
59. Immunological castration controls boar taint in male pigs
Marnie Mellencamp
60. Dynamics of influenza A virus in aerosols and oral fluids from acutely infected swine populations
Victor Neira-Ramirez
61. Relationship of microscopic lesions and viral load in fetal implantation sites for type 2 PRRSv infected pregnant gilts
Predrag Novakovic
62. Novel platform for simultaneous detection of antibodies against Apx toxins I, II, III and IV to determine Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae exposure
Tanja Opriessnig
63. High prevalence and genetic diversity of porcine bocaviruses (PBoV) in US pigs and identification of multiple novel PBoV species
Tanja Opriessnig
64. Luminex® application for PCV2 serological diagnosis
Tanja Opriessnig
65. Evidence for association of emerging parvoviruses in pigs with cases of porcine circovirus associated disease
Tanja Opriessnig
66. Influenza A virus (IAV) surveillance using pre-weaning oral fluid samples
Yaowalak Panyasing
67. Evaluation of the electrostatic particle ionization (EPI) technology to reduce the risk of PRRS infections
Gil Patterson
68. Modified live PRRSv vaccination is efficacious following challenge with eight genetically diverse PRRSV isolates
Abby Patterson
69. Investigating risk factors for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae piglet colonization during the lactation period
Maria Pieters
70. Evolution of sow productivity in the last ten years in American and European swine herds
Carlos Pineiro
71. Cross-protection of Flusure XP® in pigs challenged with a gamma cluster H1N1/pH1N1 reassortant swine influenza virus
Vicki Rapp Gabrielson
72. Vaccine related protection against PCV2 fetal infection in conventional gilts
Giuseppe Sarli
73. Preliminary virology and pathology of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDv) in the United States, spring 2013
John Schiltz
74. GWAS for reproduction traits and antibody response in PRRS infected sows
Nick Serao
75. A major gene for host response to PRRSV infection
Nick Serao
76. Next generation sequencing of the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus genome
Rohan Shah
77. Understanding genome-enabled selection
Kenneth Stalder
78. National PRRSv Incidence Project
Steve Tousignant
79. Collaborative information system for PRRS management: from farm to cell phones
Lily Urizar
80. Production and economic aspects of pig production sites involved in PRRS area regional control projects in Canada
Lily Urizar
81. Prevalance of different respiratory pathogens during post-weaning and fattening period in Belgian and Dutch pig herds using a tracheobronchial swab technique
Frederic Vangroenweghe
82. A PCV2a based ORF2 subunit vaccine cross protects against challenge with a recent PCV2b strain
Dirk Werling
83. Cause of death for hogs that die during transport to an abattoir
Kathy Zurbrigg
POSTER SESSION: Industrial Partners (#84-95)
84. Administration of Oral Pro: Vitamin D3 plus E in drinking water of gestating sows
Grant Allison
85. Reduction of wild-type PRRS virus shedding in aerosol of growing pigs by modified-live virus vaccination at weaning
Joel Nerem
86. Hemicell® HT 1.5x and Zymannase® use to control a consumed immunogen in the form of
β-1,4 galactomannan and
β-1,3 glucan
Jon Ferrel
87. Non-living vector vaccines: Introduction to RNA particles and real-time application in the field
Joel Harris
88. Development of a new IDEXX ELISA for the detection of PRRS antibodies in swine oral fluids
Christa Goodell
89. Commercial farm evaluation of sow reproductive performance using OvuGel® with a single fixed-time artificial insemination protocol
Stephen Webel
90. Utilizing progesterone assays to troubleshoot reproductive problems and augment the use of PG 600® and MATRIX™
Jamie Lehman
91. Improvement of pig performance parameters after piglet and sow vaccination against PCV2
Thais Vila
92. Weaned sow cohort benchmark analysis
Tom Stein
93. Heterogeneity among Mycoplasma hyosynoviae field strains characterized by soluble protein profiling, antigen recognition using immunoblotting, and PCR-RFLP fingerprinting
Boh Chang Lin
94. Recent experiences with tylvalosin (Aivlosin®) intervention for the eradication of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in commercial swine operations
Mark Roozen
95. Safety, efficacy, and duration of immunity of a PRRSv MLV vaccine in 1 day-of-age pigs
Brett O'Brien
1:00 - 5:15 PM
Sunday Concurrent Session #1: Student Seminar
Session co-chairs: Alex Ramirez and Peter Davies
Sponsored by ZOETIS
1:00 Use of oral fluids for detection of Ascaris suum eggs
Daniel Boykin, North Carolina State University
1:15 Efficacy of different heat bulbs and reflectors in a commercial sow barn
Alexandra Buckley, Michigan State University
1:30 Utilizing molecular diagnostics to determine the acclimation dose based on the current PRRSv status of the pigs
Ethan Spronk, University of Minnesota
1:45 Evaluation of age-dependent vaccination on piglet antibody response to FosteraTM PCV
Andrew Kryzer, University of Minnesota
2:00 Infection with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and Streptococcus suis changes the pharmacokinetics of ceftiofur hydrochloride in nursery pigs
Deanne Day, Iowa State University
2:15 Evaluation of aerosol shedding in growing pigs following administration of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus vaccine
Anna Samson, Colorado State University
2:30 Comparison of liquid cyclonic air collectors for detection of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
Katherine Wedel, University of Minnesota
2:45 BREAK
3:15 Development and evaluation of a Lawsonia intracellularis fecal test that differentiates infected from vaccinated animals (DIVA)
Ryan Strobel, University of Minnesota
3:30 Potential environmental contamination of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) by livehaul vehicles
Alexander Hintz, University of Wisconsin
3:45 A comparison on the influence pooling has on Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae Real-Time™ polymerase-chain reaction diagnostic assay results for both bronchial and oropharyngeal swab samples from piglets
Levi Johnson, Iowa State University
4:00 Identification of risk factors for PRRSv infection in finishing sites with PRRSv negative placed pigs
Laura Carroll, North Carolina State University
4:15 Assessment of colostrum management strategies at commercial sow farms using immunocrit ratios
Brianna Peters, University of Tennessee
4:30 Dynamics of Mycoplasma hyosynoviae detection and clinical presentation
Jake Schwartz, University of Minnesota
4:45 The effect of cross fostering on PRRS transmission and litter performance
Brigitte Mason, University of Illinois
5:00 An investigation into preweaning piglet mortality in three farrowing systems
Elizabeth Stiles, University of Pennsylvania
5:15 Session concludes
Sunday Concurrent Session #2: Industrial Partners
Session co-chairs: Brad Thacker and Dan McManus
1:00 Mecadox: Recent research on control of swine dysentery
Dwain Guggenbiller
1:15 A single-dose, PCV2a based ORF2 subunit vaccine cross-protects against challenge with a recent PCV2b strain
Marc Eichmeyer
1:30 Efficacy of a Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Choleraesuis experimental combination vaccine against S. Typhimurium challenge in growing pigs
Troy Kaiser
1:45 Evaluation of the prevalence of PCV2 viremia in Canadian breeding herds and piglets
Blaine Tully
2:00 Field comparison of PCV2 vaccines: A retrospective production data analysis
Brad Thacker
2:15 Circumvent® PCV G2: Standard efficacy and duration of immunity studies
Brad Thacker
2:30 Feeding the sow every day; reliability and uptime of electronic sow feeders
Jeff Schoening
2:45 BREAK
3:15 Skycis efficacy in a grow-finish facility
Mike Brumm
3:30 Dietary modulation of the intestinal immune response
Mike Spurlock
3:45 Selection for disease tolerance in terminal lines of pigs
Mark Weaver
4:00 Immunologic considerations for the use of inactivated multivalent swine influenza vaccines
Douglas Stine
4:15 Effect of post-weaning electrolyte supplementation on the performance of nursery pigs
Dan McManus
4:30 Defining, evaluating and understanding of iron deficiency and anemia in modern swine production
Christian von der Recke
4:45 Session concludes
Sunday Concurrent Session #3: Industrial Partners
Session chair: Tara Donovan
1:00 Effect of an organic acid blend on performance of nursery pigs fed diets with and without antibiotics
Betsy Newton
1:15 A cost-effective alternative to finishing depopulation for swine dysentery
Rachel Korty
1:30 Bioequivalence vs. product content: Pioneer and generic pharmaceuticals
David Nash
1:45 Building confidence in generic animal drugs
Lonnie Luther
2:00 Quantitative imaging flow cytometry and porcine semen fertility evaluation: A new insight in semen quality and fertility
John Verstegen
2:15 Nursery, finishing and wean-to-finish performance data benchmarking
Tom Stein
2:30 A novel Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae ELISA, specially designed for high specificity
Eric van Esch
2:45 BREAK
3:15 A comprehensive, full chain and US meat sector economic analysis of the adoption of Improvest® by the US pork industry
Dennis DiPietre
3:30 Draxxin at weaning for control of swine respiratory disease in a natural infection
Doug King
3:45 Efficacy and safety of a two-dose, one-bottle porcine circovirus/Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae combination vaccine
Richard Swalla
4:00 Gilt management for 35 PSY
Juan Carlos Pinilla
4:15 Elimination of two consecutive swine influenza subtypes in a large breed-wean herd
Bob Thompson
4:30 PEDv in the US pig industry: Avoiding our future vulnerabilities
Hank Harris
4:45 RNA particles: A novel application for efficient development of FAD serologic assays
Luis Gimenez
5:00 Session concludes
Sunday Concurrent Session #4: Industrial Partners
Session co-chairs: Joe Rudolphi and Nathan Winkelman
1:00 Regulatory restrictions ease with digital solutions
Conrad Schmidt
1:15 Comparison of filter efficiency stability in used air filters
Steven Devine
1:30 Using litter oral fluids from weanling pigs to monitor PRRS status in commercial sow farms - field study
Christa Goodell
1:45 Parity differences in reproductive performance and progeny performance
Chad Yoder
2:00 Normal vs optimal levels of fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E for growth and reproduction
Rob Stuart
2:15 Field evaluations using OvuGel® for single fixed-time artificial insemination
Charles Francisco
2:30 A case study: Oral Pro Vitamin D3 plus E to aid in control of PRRS virus circulation in three sow farms
Grant Allison
2:45 BREAK
3:15 Effect of birthweight on finisher performance and profitability
Chad Bierman
3:30 Detection of compliance to PCV2 vaccination using a delayed type hypersensitivity test (DTH test)
Antonio Callen Mora
3:45 DLI ileitis immunity in pigs and sows given a high dose Lawsonia intracellularis mucosal homogenate challenge
Nathan Winkelman
4:00 Development and validation of the VetMAX™-Gold SIV subtyping kit
Darcy Myers
4:15 The effectiveness of tylvalosin (Aivlosin® Type A Medicated Article) against porcine proliferative enteropathy (PPE; ileitis) in swine
challenged with Lawsonia intracellularis
Dan Rosener
4:30 Why you need CDCD pigs for your research. Specifically, why you need Struve Labs International CDCD pigs for your research
Rexanne Struve
4:45 Session concludes
GENERAL SESSION: Our Oath in Practice
Session chair: Michelle Sprague
8:00 Howard Dunne Memorial Lecture
The pig always wins
Daryl Olsen
9:00 Alex Hogg Memorial Lecture
The PED challenge: Application of our veterinary oath to represent the interest of the pig
Mark Engle
10:00 BREAK
10:30 Today it is PED. What will tomorrow bring? Watching the eastern horizon
Jer Geiger
11:00 Meeting our collective oath: USDA comprehensive and integrated swine surveillance
John Clifford
11:30 Lessons learned and future application
Butch Baker
Monday Concurrent Session #1: PRRS & SIV
Session chair: Jason Kelly
2:00 Northwest Indiana PRRS ARC project: What is success?
Megan Inskeep
2:30 Techniques for reducing intra-herd spread of PRRS
Jim Lowe
3:00 Update from the AASV PRRS Task Force: What is working and what is next?
Bob Morrison
3:30 BREAK
4:00 Making sense of SIV diganostics for application on the farm
Marie Culhane
4:30 Connecting the dots between swine influenza A virus surveillance and vaccines
Amy Vincent
5:00 Update from the AASV Influenza Committee
Joe Connor
5:30 Session concludes
Monday Concurrent Session #2: Mycoplasma and Enteric Management
Session chair: Shamus Brown
2:00 Update on Mycoplasma research
Maria Clavijo
2:30 Use of parity segregation in Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae elimination
Laura Bruner
2:45 Clinical management of Mycoplasma hyosynoviae
Cameron Schmitt
3:00 Clinical management of Mycoplasma hyorhinis
Deb Murray
3:15 Mycoplasma suis: Strategies for control
Megan Potter
3:30 BREAK
4:00 Rotaviruses: The only constant is change
Dick Hesse
4:15 Clinical management of rotavirus
Doug Groth
4:30 Management of hemolytic E. coli in recently weaned pigs
Craig Rowles
5:00 Diagnostic interpretation of a wean-to-finish mixed enteric disease
Eric Burrough
5:30 Session concludes
Monday Concurrent Session #3: Animal Welfare
Session chair: Lisa Tokach
2:00 Pain management options
Annette O'Connor
2:30 AMDUCA: What worked in 1997 is NOT working so well in 2014
Hans Coetzee
3:00 Euthanasia: Moving away from blunt force trauma
Kate Dion
3:30 BREAK
4:00 Transitioning away from the gestation stall: Sow considerations
Laurie Connor
4:30 Transitioning away from the gestation stall: It's all about the people
Jose Rojas
5:00 The welfare of transportation
Anna Johnson
5:30 Session concludes
GENERAL SESSION: Loos Tales and Loose Stools
Session chair: Michelle Sprague
8:00 To die or not to die
Trent Loos
9:00 NPB-funded PEDv research summary
Paul Sundberg
9:15 PEDv pathogenesis and diagnostics
Kyoung-Jin Yoon
9:45 BREAK
10:15 Epidemiology and economic impact of PEDv
Bob Morrison
10:45 A practitioner's perspective on PEDv
Luc Dufresne
11:15 Charge to AASV
Joe Connor
11:45 Open microphone: Membership's charge to AASV
Michelle Sprague, facilitator
12:00 Session and meeting conclude