AASV 2018 Program Planning Committee
The 2018 Scientific Program Planning Committee is led by AASV President-elect and Program Chair, Dr. C. Scanlon Daniels. The committee meets in May to begin developing the conference program, which will be published online in October.
C. Scanlon Daniels, Program Chair
Peggy Brinkman
Eric Burrough
Emily Byers
George Charbonneau
Marie Culhane
Attila Farkas
Joseph Fent
Micah Jansen
Brad Leuwerke
Daniel Linhares
Abby Patterson
John Prickett
Alex Ramirez
Caleb Robb
Steve Sornsen
Chase Stahl
Pete Thomas
Lisa Tokach
Jon Van Blarcom
Todd Williams
Nathan Winkelman
Pam Zaabel