Call for Abstracts - Research Topics
Plans are underway for the 53rd annual meeting of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians (AASV), to take place February 26 - March 1, 2022 in Indianapolis, Indiana.
As part of the meeting, there will be a session highlighting research projects related to swine health and production. Abstracts are now being accepted to be considered for presentation during the Research Topics session, which will be held Sunday, February 27.
Those interested in making a 15-minute oral presentation may submit a 1-page abstract on applied research related to swine health and production issues (virology, bacteriology, parasitology, environment, food safety, odor, welfare, etc.) to by August 16, 2021. Include the presenting author’s name, mailing address, phone number, and e-mail address with each submission.
Abstracts not selected for oral presentation will be considered for poster presentation. All submitting authors will be notified of the selection results in September. Authors of abstracts selected for oral or poster presentation must provide a paper, formatted for publication in the conference proceedings, by November 12, 2021.
PLEASE NOTE: Participation in the Research Topics oral and poster session is at the presenter’s expense. No speaking stipend or travel expense reimbursement is paid by the AASV. The presenting author is required to register for and attend the meeting in person to make the presentation. Recorded/virtual presentations will not be accepted unless the meeting converts to an entirely virtual event.
It is not necessary to be an AASV member to submit an abstract for consideration or participate if selected. Nonmember participants may register for the meeting at the AASV regular member rate. Qualifying full-time graduate students must join AASV if they wish to register at the graduate student member rate.