Terminology for classifying swine herds by porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus status

Standardized terminology for the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) status of swine herds is necessary to facilitate communication between veterinarians, swine producers, genetic companies, and other industry participants. It is also required for implementation of regional and national efforts towards PRRSV control and elimination.

Drs Derald Holtkamp, Dale Polson, Montserrat Torremorell, et al have recently authored a paper entitled “Terminology for classifying swine herds by porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus status” published in the January-February 2011 issue of the Journal of Swine Health and Production. The purpose of this paper is to provide a herd classification system for describing the PRRSV status of herds, based upon a set of definitions reflecting the biology and ecology of PRRSV. The herd classification system was developed by a definitions committee formed jointly by the AASV and the United States Department of Agriculture PRRS-Coordinated Agricultural Project, and was approved by the AASV Board of Directors on March 9, 2010. The committee included veterinarians from private practice and industry, researchers, and representatives from AASV and the National Pork Board.

Breeding herds, with or without growing pigs on the same premises, are categorized as Positive Unstable (Category I), Positive Stable (Category II), Provisional Negative (Category III), or Negative (Category IV) on the basis of herd shedding and exposure status. Growing-pig herds are categorized as Positive or Negative. Recommended testing procedures and decision rules for herd classification are detailed.

The authors have made the text of this publication available on the AASV Web site (https://www.aasv.org/public/669HoltkampReprint.pdf) for your reference.

Alternate Student Delegate selected for AASV Board

The AASV Student Recruitment Committee is pleased to announce the selection of Shamus Brown (Iowa State University, 2013) as the incoming Alternate Student Delegate to the AASV Board of Directors.

Shamus grew up in Northwest Iowa working on his family’s farm, which included a 500-sow farrow-to-finish operation. He is currently participating in a dual-degree program to receive a Masters in Business Administration in addition to his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree. He was selected to participate in the Student Seminar and scholarship competition at the AASV 2010 Annual Meeting in Omaha, presenting on the topic “Case study: A rigorous approach to evaluating herd closure and rollover for PRRS virus elimination” and receiving a $2500 scholarship for his efforts. His recent summer internship experiences have included work for Elanco Animal Health, Boehringer Ingelheim, and the ISU Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, conducting research and business analyses in areas related to livestock production and medicine. In 2007, he participated in a study-abroad program in the Ukraine, where he was introduced to Eastern European production agriculture, agribusiness, and agricultural entrepreneurship.

Shamus will assume duties as Alternate Student Delegate during the 2011 AASV Annual Meeting in Phoenix. The former alternate delegate, Jessica Hendrickson, will ascend to the delegate position. Jessica and Shamus will represent student interests within AASV as nonvoting members of the Board of Directors and the Student Recruitment Committee.

Please join in welcoming Shamus to the AASV Board of Directors!

AASV mail no longer being forwarded: Update your check-writing software

The AASV moved to a new location over a year ago, and the postal service is no longer forwarding mail addressed to our old address. While you may have updated your address book with our new address, has your check-writing software been updated? We are seeing many checks that still bear the old address; if mailed in a window envelope, they will fail to reach AASV. We don’t want to miss your membership renewal or meeting registration; please check your records, including your accounting software, and update to our current address: American Association of Swine Veterinarians, 830 26th Street, Perry, IA 50220-2328, USA.

CVM working to address shortage of injectable iron dextran: Status update

The Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) is aware that there is a likelihood of a shortage of the injectable drug iron dextran for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency in baby pigs. The CVM considers iron dextran a medically necessary drug and recognizes that a shortage could result in undue animal suffering and disruption in the swine industry.

In order to address and alleviate the inadequate supply, CVM is not objecting to Bimeda Inc of Lehigh, Iowa, temporarily importing and distributing an injectable 200 mg per mL iron dextran product in the United States from Bimeda MTC Animal Health Inc of Cambridge, Ontario, Canada.

The CVM is committed to working with veterinarians to supply animal drugs for legitimate medical needs and will consider and evaluate other requests from other manufacturers of the injectable iron dextran product to ensure adequate supply in US distribution, as needed.

Veterinarian’s Oath revised

At its November 18-20 meeting, the AVMA Executive Board approved a recommendation from the Animal Welfare Committee (AWC) to amend the Veterinarian’s Oath to clearly identify animal welfare as a priority of the veterinary profession.

The newly revised section of the oath – the committee’s additions appear in italics – reads as follows: “Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health and welfare, the prevention and relief of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources, the promotion of public health, and the advancement of medical knowledge.”

“From today forward, every graduate entering our profession will swear an oath not only to protect animal health but also welfare; to not only relieve animal suffering but to prevent it. That’s a powerful statement defining ourselves and our responsibilities, not a vague symbol,” Dr J. Bruce Nixon, AWC chair-elect, said about the Executive Board action.

For the complete article describing how and why this change occurred, please visit https://www.aasv.org/news/story.php?id=4568. Source:AVMA Press Release, December 2, 2010.

Olsen is recipient of 2010 Science with Practice Award from ISU College of Veterinary Medicine

Dr Daryl Olsen was honored with the 2010 Science with Practice Award from Iowa State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine. The award, presented at the 18th Annual Swine Diseases Conference in Ames, Iowa, on November 4-5, recognizes exemplary integration of science and the art of veterinary practice to benefit swine productivity and welfare.

Dr Olsen is a swine practitioner at the Audubon-Manning Veterinary Clinic (AMVC) in Audubon, Iowa. Since 1982, he has provided innovative services to clients in southwest Iowa. His clinic operates out of three locations: Audubon, Manning, and Coon Rapids. It is one of the largest clinics in Iowa, employing nine veterinarians and a staff of 20 employees. The clinic has developed a national swine production-management company that is ranked by Successful Farming magazine in the top 10 in the United States in numbers of sows under management. The production-management company is headquartered in Audubon with 35 employees. It has 25 locations in five states, employing close to 300 people.

“Receiving my veterinary degree from Iowa State provided opportunities and benefits beyond my wildest dreams,” Dr Olsen said. “Being recognized by the ISU food-supply veterinarians is an awesome honor and is greatly appreciated.” As he accepted the award, Dr Olsen added, “I want to especially recognize my partners and the entire staff at AMVC. They are the keys to the success of our company.”

Dr Olsen has been an active member of the AASV, serving as its president in 2007. He was the association’s representative on the board of directors of the Professional Animal Auditor Certification Organization from 2003 to 2009. In 2008, he served on the AASV program planning committee for its annual meeting. Dr Olsen has been a strong advocate and supporter of the AASV’s fundraising activities.

Dr Olsen was born and raised on a livestock and grain farm in southeastern South Dakota. In 1978, he graduated from South Dakota State University with a bachelor’s degree in microbiology. He graduated from Iowa State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine in 1982. He is a 2009 graduate of the University of Illinois Executive Veterinary Program in Swine Health Management.

Dr Olsen and his wife, Nancy, have two daughters, Erika and Dena.

The name of the award, Science with Practice, is from the language of the university seal, which emphasizes infusing science into the practice of all university disciplines.

Iowa State University selects new veterinary medicine dean

Dr Lisa Nolan, professor and Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies in ISU’s College of Veterinary Medicine, became dean of the college effective January 15, 2011.

Executive Vice President and Provost Elizabeth Hoffman appointed Nolan following an 8-month nationwide search. Nolan succeeds Dr John Thomson, who is retiring as dean but will remain on the ISU faculty, focusing on outcomes-based medicine and best-production animal practices.

Nolan joined the ISU faculty in 2003 as professor and chair of veterinary microbiology and preventive medicine. She also served as associate dean of academic and student affairs in the College of Veterinary Medicine from 2007 to 2009. Since 2003, she also has been an adjunct professor in the Department of Veterinary and Microbiological Sciences at North Dakota State University, Fargo.

Nolan’s research focuses on bacterial diseases of production animals, including their effects on animal health, human health, and food safety.

Nolan earned her DVM degree (1988) and a master’s (1989) and PhD (1992) in medical microbiology from the University of Georgia, Athens. Nolan is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, the American Association of Avian Pathologists, the American Society for Microbiology, and the International Society of Plasmid Biology. She serves on the editorial review board of the publication Avian Diseases, and since 2005 has been associate editor of Diseases of Poultry (12th and 13th editions).

In addition to authoring many research publications, Nolan also is an award-winning teacher. She was named “Distinguished Educator of the Year” by North Dakota State University’s Blue Key National Honor Fraternity in 2001.

AASV partners with National Pork Board to bring Operation Main Street to veterinary colleges

During its fall board meeting, the AASV Board of Directors approved a proposal by the National Pork Board to engage AASV members and student members in Operation Main Street (OMS), with the goal of bringing the story of pork production to veterinary colleges and local communities.

The newly formed AASV OMS Committee, led by Dr Amy Woods, worked quickly to schedule OMS speaker training for AASV members and student members at the annual meeting in Phoenix. Twenty-four veterinary students (one at almost every US veterinary college) and thirteen veterinarians will receive speaker training enabling them to present the facts about pork production and swine veterinary medicine in their veterinary schools and communities.

In the meantime, the National Pork Board Speakers Bureau has been working to schedule presentations in veterinary schools by AASV members who have already been trained as OMS speakers. The opportunity to host an AASV-member speaker was extended to representatives at every US veterinary school. The response has been very good, and several presentations are already scheduled.

To receive information about the opportunities to receive speaker training or host an AASV speaker, contact Dr Amy Woods or the AASV office (Tel: 515-465-5255; E-mail: aasv@aasv.org).

AASV adds student poster competition to annual meeting

The AASV is pleased to announce the inaugural Veterinary Student Poster Competition to be held during the 2011 Annual Meeting in Phoenix. On the basis of scores received in the original judging of abstracts submitted for the AASV Student Seminar in September, the top 15 abstracts selected for poster presentation have been chosen for judging in the competition.

A panel of three judges will conduct a brief interview of each student presenter and score his or her poster at the meeting on Sunday, March 6. The results will be announced during the AASV Luncheon on Monday, March 7. As sponsor of the competition, Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc will provide the following awards to the poster competitors: 1st place poster, $500; 2nd and 3rd place, $400 each; 4th, 5th, and 6th place, $300 each; 7th through 15th place, $200 each.

The list of students selected to compete, along with additional information regarding the competition, is available online at https://www.aasv.org/annmtg/2011/postercomp.htm.

Latest additions to Swine Information Library

More than 350 proceedings papers have just been added to the AASV’s Swine Information Library. The entire collection (well over 8000) is accessible online as a part of your 2011 membership benefits. You can browse the library at https://www.aasv.org/library/swineinfo/ or find what you’re looking for through the Web site’s search facility.

New content for the 2011 edition of the AASV Swine Information Library already available online includes proceedings papers from the 2010 Allen D. Leman Swine Conference, the 2010 George A. Young Swine Health and Management Conference, the 2010 International Pig Veterinary Society Congress, and the 2010 ISU Swine Disease Conference for Swine Practitioners.