News from the National Pork Board
Infographic highlights Pork Checkoff’s 2016 Antibiotics Work

Inforgraphic thumbnailThe National Pork Board is leading the conversation to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria and preserve the responsible on-farm use of antibiotics in pork production. The Pork Checkoff, funded directly by America’s 60,000 pig farmers, defined its three-point antibiotic stewardship plan in mid-2015 and has delivered on its pledge of promoting research, pig-farmer education, and consumer and influencer outreach during 2016. A recently created infographic helps to visually show the multifaceted approach taken by National Pork Board over the past 12 months on the antibiotics issue.

This infographic highlights that work. (Click the small image of the infographic to see the full-resolution version.)

For more information, contact Mike King at or 515-223-3532.

Bachmeier joins National Pork Board

Laura Bachmeier, who recently completed a Master of Science degree in meat science and muscle biology from North Dakota State University, has joined the National Pork Board as director of pork safety. Her master’s research project focused on benchmarking pork quality at the retail level and in-laboratory from major retailers. As an undergraduate, the native Minnesotan held various swine-related internships, including those with Murphy-Brown LLC and Audubon Manning Veterinarian Clinic.

For more information, contact