Early in my career with the AASV, I came to realize that its members really believe in the organization. It comes down to more than just weighing the cost-to-benefit equation of paying dues. Members believe in the mission of the AASV. They believe that there is value to belonging to an organization that will increase their knowledge while also representing them on multiple levels, in diverse settings, and on subjects that are important. They believe that an organization is stronger than any one individual because of member input, participation, and leadership. The AASV has often been described as a family by outsiders attending our annual meeting. I think this speaks very well of the common characteristics shared by our members, including the beliefs that swine veterinarians do important work, that pigs and people are the reason we do what we do, and that relationships are vital to both personal and professional life.
I have been blessed to have been a member of the AASV family for 40 years, beginning as a veterinary student, then practitioner, and then as an employee. The blessing of knowledge from AASP was invaluable at the beginning of my career as a young practitioner. As I grew more experienced, however, the value of knowledge never diminished as new challenges in practice arose and as the pork industry evolved. Despite changes in the industry, an important fact remains today: pigs need veterinarians. If that remains true, and I believe it will, then veterinarians will always need to increase their knowledge.
As an employee of AASV, I have been blessed in several ways. Early in my time with AASP I experienced the blessing of insightful and bold volunteer leadership as the AASP officers and board of directors chose to establish a stand-alone office with full-time staff. After the 2019 Annual Meeting, I will have had the blessing of serving under 26 presidents and more district directors than I can count. Each contributed their time and talents to the organization while expecting nothing in return. Each decision made by the leadership was made with thoughtful consideration. As an association executive, I could ask for nothing more than that.
I have been blessed with working alongside skilled and committed coworkers. Over the years I have had to do little in terms of human resource management, other than ensure that each person had the resources needed for the job and then to stay out of their way. The AASV would not be the organization it is today without the hard work and dedication of every staff person. I could not have asked for better people to work alongside. The AASV will do well to continue to give them the same type of support and appreciation given me during my tenure.
A pastor at my church once asked an elderly lady this question: “If given the opportunity at the time of your death, you could leave your kids some words of wisdom, what would they be?” She replied with no hesitation, “Give thanks!” Two simple words but still a powerful message.
Thank you to each and every member of AASV over the years! Thanks for your support and kind words! It has been a distinct honor and pleasure to work for you. Thank you to those members who were a pain in the ass! You know who you are, but do not worry because I benefited more from the challenges and swift kicks than I would have from soft treatment.
Thank you to the leadership of AASV! Each of you was accountable for your position and treated it with respect and appreciation. You had my back during my time at AASV. You never second-guessed or micro-managed my decisions or my work. There was never a single day in the last 25 years when I regretted working for you. For an association executive, that’s rare.
Thank you to my staff at AASV! I am in awe of your professionalism, talents, intellect, humor, dedication, and hard work. There is no way I could have done my job to the best of my ability without each one of you. To put it simply, you are the best!
Finally, thank you to my wife, Sue Kimpston, and my kids, Kay and Joey! Your love, your care, and your presence make my life complete.
That’s it! Last time! Take care and God bless!
Tom Burkgren, DVM
Executive Director