Dr Nathan Winkelman was installed as the president of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians on March 12, 2019 during the association’s 50th Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. He succeeds Dr C. Scanlon Daniels, who is now immediate past president. Dr Jeffrey Harker has ascended to president-elect. The newly elected vice president is Dr Mary Battrell.
AASV President Dr Nathan Winkelman (UMN ’84) was raised on a diversified crop and livestock farm near St James, Minnesota. Nate received a BS degree in animal science and DVM from the University of Minnesota. Upon graduation, he joined a swine-exclusive veterinary practice in Morris, Minnesota, with Drs Rod Johnson and Tony Scheiber. Currently, Dr Winkelman is a partner with Dr Adam Mueller in Swine Services Unlimited, Inc, a swine research and consulting practice in Rice, Minnesota. He has served on the AASV Board of Directors and currently sits on the AASV Foundation Board. In addition, Dr Winkelman is an active participant in the National Pork Board’s Operation Main Street program giving presentations to various groups to raise awareness about modern pork production.
When asked to comment on the future of AASV and his tenure as president, Dr Winkelman said, “We have just celebrated 50 years of AASV progress and may well see as much technological change, swine disease control and elimination, and progress into the next half century as in the last. I’m proud to represent a group of swine veterinarians dedicated to improving the health and welfare of their clients’ pigs.” He continued, “Strong AASV leadership will work diligently with our allied industry partners and affiliated organizations on our current challenges and opportunities facing the global and domestic swine industry. Heightened awareness regarding transboundary disease prevention, preparedness in case of a foreign animal disease outbreak, and improving market access for ag exports are issues front and center.” Speaking directly to AASV members, Winkelman concluded, “Please let us know your concerns and how we can serve you better at any time. Thanks again for the opportunity to serve as your AASV president.”
AASV President-elect Dr Jeffrey Harker (Purdue ’94) grew up on a diversified livestock and grain farm in south central Indiana. After graduation, Dr Harker joined Dr Max Rodibaugh at Swine Health Services as an associate veterinarian and then became a partner in 2001. Their practice (now AMVC Swine Health Services) is dedicated to swine and serves a very diverse swine clientele ranging from small show pig herds to contract growers in integrated production. Dr Harker has served on the AASV Board of Directors, has represented AASV in the American Veterinary Medical Association’s House of Delegates, and has served on the AASV Annual Meeting Planning Committee. Dr Harker has also been involved with the National Pork Board’s Operation Main Street program since it began several years ago.
AASV Vice President Dr Mary Battrell (ISU ’95) was born and raised on a diversified crop and livestock family farm in Albany, Ohio. She earned a bachelor’s degree in agriculture from The Ohio State University followed by a master’s degree in animal science with a focus in ruminant nutrition from the University of Tennessee. Upon graduation, she moved to Iowa and worked as a sales representative for the Upjohn Company.
Dr Battrell earned her doctor of veterinary medicine and a master’s degree in swine production medicine from Iowa State University in 1995. She began her veterinary career in North Carolina working for Dr Fred Cunningham, then was employed at Brown’s of Carolina for three years before joining Pharmacia as a technical services veterinarian. Since 2000, Dr Battrell has worked for Smithfield Hog Production, where she is currently the staff veterinarian for Smithfield Hog Production’s East Central Region and is responsible for the health and well-being of 140,000 sows farrow-to-finish. She has been actively involved in the development of the Smithfield Animal Care Program and their Contingency Plan for a Foreign Animal Disease. Dr Battrell was the 2018 recipient of the AASV Swine Practitioner of the Year award.
When asked to comment on what this election meant to her, Dr Battrell responded, “I am grateful for the opportunity to become more involved in the continued success of this association. AASV has so many talented members and allies. I am confident that working together we will accomplish great things for our pigs, producers, and this association.”
Dr Battrell and her husband, Wayne Banks, reside in Garland, North Carolina, with their son Don Banks.
AASV Past President Dr C. Scanlon Daniels (ISU ’98) grew up on a family owned and operated livestock enterprise in central Iowa. He attended Iowa State University where he received a BS in animal science and a DVM. He also has an MBA from the University of Guelph. Dr Daniels has been previously employed as a staff veterinarian by Iowa Select Farms and Seaboard Foods. Currently, he operates a diversified food-animal veterinary practice, laboratory, and multi-species contract research organization in Dalhart, Texas. Dr Daniels has been active in multiple AASV committees and has served on the AASV Board of Directors representing District 7 on two occasions.

AASV members receive discount on the 11th edition of Diseases of Swine – now with color photos

The classic veterinary reference Diseases of Swine has been completely revised and is now available to order at www.wiley.com. Members of AASV receive a 20% discount when purchasing the book using the order promo code available at www.aasv.org/members.
Diseases of Swine has been the definitive reference on swine health and disease for over 60 years. This new edition has been completely revised to include the latest information, developments, and research in the field. Now with full color images throughout, this comprehensive and authoritative resource has been redesigned for improved consistency and readability, with a reorganized format for more intuitive access to information.
The book’s editors, Drs Jeffrey Zimmerman, Locke Karriker, Alejandro Ramirez, Kent Schwartz, Gregory Stevenson, and Jianqiang Zhang, are all AASV members and faculty at Iowa State University.
Diseases of Swine covers a wide range of essential topics on swine production, health, and management, with contributions from more than 100 of the foremost international experts in the field. This revised edition makes the information easy to find and includes expanded information on welfare and behavior.
Written for veterinarians, academicians, students, and individuals and agencies responsible for swine health and public health, Diseases of Swine is considered by many to be an essential guide to swine health.