Thank you to all who attended our recent AASV Annual Meeting: “Built to Last – Celebrating 50 Years of Progress.” The meeting exceeded expectations for the AASV’s primary mission, to provide education for swine veterinarians. It was a historic and memorable event not only because it was the organization’s 50th anniversary, but for many other reasons as well:
- The AASV Executive Director baton passed from Dr Tom Burkgren to Dr Harry Snelson, and the Director of Communications from Dr Snelson to Dr Abbey Canon.
- The AASV Foundation reached its goal of $2 million.
- The release of the Golden Anniversary Video, Veterinarian’s Oath, and other video vignettes.
- African swine fever (ASF) and much more.
This is an effort to provide a brief overview of the meeting for both those who did or did not attend, and to offer a few of many memories, quotes, and facts for the record.
By the numbers

50 – The number of years since 30 veterinarians started the American Association of Swine Practitioners organization in 1969 at the American Veterinary Medical Association meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
14 – The number of AASV’s “Golden” members who joined the AASV as charter members in 1969 and have maintained continuous membership for the past 50 years! Drs Dave Madsen and Conrad Schmidt were in attendance this year and were honored as Golden members.
100 TCID50 – The minimum infectious dose of ASF in water, as reported by Kansas State University’s Dr Megan Niederwerder.1
$10,500 – The highest AASV Foundation live auction bid, for a trip of a lifetime to New Zealand for two, donated by AMVC and PIC and purchased by Dr Mark Fitzsimmons. A total of $80,000 was raised for the foundation.
Awards and scholarships

“On all these issues, Tom was the champion of science over emotion.” – Dr David Reeves, surrounded on stage by staff, current board officers, and past-presidents, described a plethora of accomplishments during Dr Tom Burkgren’s 25-year tenure as AASV's executive director.
“What a wonderful place to have as my veterinary home for an entire career.” – Dr Steve Henry upon receiving the AASV Heritage Award. One of only 5 recipients of the award recognizing lifelong outstanding achievement in swine medicine.
“The idea of helping new graduates who are actively paying off their debt burden is fantastic.” – Dr Chelsea Stewart, the inaugural $5000 scholarship recipient from a generous $110,000 AASV Foundation contribution by the Dr Conrad Schmidt and Family Endowment.
“But most members are recognized by first name only (Tom, Harry, Sue, Joe…), reminds me of the old comedy series Cheers theme song ‘Where Everyone Knows Your Name’.” – Dr Ron White in his acceptance letter, as read by Dr Darrell Neuberger, for the Technical Service/Allied Industry Veterinarian of the Year Award.
“We made it!” – Dr Paul Ruen, chair of the AASV Foundation, upon reaching the big hairy audacious goal of $2 million for the AASV Foundation to ensure our future and leave a legacy.
“This year marks the 15th anniversary of the awards program.” – Dr Reid Phillips announcing the 2019 Boehringer Ingelheim Awards for Advancing Research in Respiratory Disease recipients, providing over $1.3 million to over 50 swine respiratory disease researchers since 2004.
Session presenters and the Golden Anniversary Video
“That began from an idea from our students, so our students have been great assets for us.” – Alex Hogg Memorial Lecturer Dr Deb Murray giving credit to an AASV student for the original idea of analyzing processing fluids for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus.
“My story, is your story, is our story!” – Howard Dunne Memorial Lecturer Dr John Waddell explaining that we all started somewhere and are always continuing to pass on our swine knowledge.
“Every day more than 6000 people die of malnourishment.” and “US agriculture is the ‘China’ of the agriculture world.” – Brett Stuart of Global AgriTrends discussing food scarcity and the role of US agriculture.
“What about a vaccine? What vaccine, there isn’t one!” – Dr Klaus Depner, invited speaker from Germany, replying to an attendee’s query about the future of an ASF vaccine. He then facetiously and pessimistically indicated there may be an ASF vaccine by 2049.
“…sharing and learning from at least three generations of veterinarians from all over the world.” – Dr Laura Batista on her meeting highlights. Veterinarians from 30 countries attended this prestigious international meeting.
“There is no doubt in my mind that in the end, the word that summarizes AASV well is family.” – Dr Alex Ramirez, an AASV past president, noting the endearing use of family reunion, extended family, etc in the Golden Anniversary Video when describing our organization.
Thanks again to everyone who helped make the meeting such a special event, including the attendees, speakers, invited guests, planning committee, sponsors, technical table exhibitors, auction donors and bidders, and the AASV staff. Special thanks to Dr Sarah Probst-Miller and her team at AgCreate for the exceptional videos. And of course, thanks to all of you for being part of our AASV family.
Nathan Winkelman, DVM
AASV President
1. Niederwerder MC, Stoian AMM, Rowland RRR, Dritz SS, Petrovan V, Constance LA, Gebhardt JT, Olcha M, Jones CK, Woodworth JC, Fang Y, Liang J, Hefley TJ. Infectious dose of African swine fever virus when consumed naturally in liquid or feed. Emerg Infect Dis. 2019;25(5). doi:10.3201/eid2505.181495.