As many of you know, the journal publishes a list of recent reviewers in every November-December issue to recognize and thank them for their contributions to the journal. I went back to re-read my messages from previous November-December issues as it is always good to reflect. I feel that my 2018 and 2019 messages still sum up how I feel about how lucky this journal is to have dedicated reviewers, editorial board members, staff, and authors. The title and content of my message from November-December 2019 “Never too many thank yous!” is still true.1 Likewise, the title and content of my message for November-December 2018 “Remembering and giving thanks” also still rings true.2 There is a specific paragraph I would like to highlight from my November-December 2018 message. In the last paragraph I said:
It seems that the epidemic of “busy schedules” continues to escalate with many of us experiencing increased work demands, and it perhaps seems to be approaching a pandemic phase. I recognize it is often difficult to take on additional work and I hope you can now remember that reviewing a paper thoroughly is a big job requiring the time of many people. …active recruiting of peer-reviewers remains challenging. Once again, thank you to those who take on extra work during this epidemic of busy schedules.2
That almost seemed like dramatic foreshadowing, eh? (eh - a little Canadian colloquialism). Here we are living and experiencing a global pandemic and in 2018 I thought it was cleaver to use the epidemic/pandemic metaphor. But to be serious, I know almost everyone’s schedules have changed, and some have changed dramatically as a result of the pandemic. Yet, nearly 100% of our review requests were answered with a yes! So, I feel it is extra prudent for me to thank all the reviewers who have contributed to the journal this year. Thank you.
I ask you to turn to the page of peer reviewers who have volunteered their time and expertise and pause to appreciate their contributions. I also ask you to turn to the inside of the front cover and recognize the editorial board members and staff that make this all happen. And, last but not least, a thank you to the AASV Industry Support Council for their support.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed, and continues to contribute, to the success of the journal and for being part of the team!
I hope you enjoy this issue of the journal.
1. O’Sullivan, T. Never too many thank yous! [editorial]. J Swine Health Prod. 2019;27(6):311.
2. O’Sullivan, T. Remembering and giving thanks [editorial]. J Swine Health Prod. 2018;26(6):303.
Terri O’Sullivan, DVM, PhD
Executive Editor