Introducing JSHAP Spotlight

Welcome 2021 and so long 2020. Here we are entering a new year of publications, knowledge, information, and likely more change. Despite the pandemic putting a curve ball into the timelines, goals, and plans of many, the time sure seems to have gone by quickly since my last new-year message. This year will continue to bring many new things our way. The continuation of many meetings being offered virtually, including this year’s AASV Annual Meeting, has minimized our face-to-face networking opportunities and the ability to really connect with one another. With minimal opportunities for face-to-face meetings forecasted for the time being, the journal staff wanted to bring something fresh to the journal, as well as recognize the contributions of many individuals. We wanted to bring the people to you!

I would like to introduce the JSHAP Spotlight section. You can find JSHAP Spotlight directly below the table of contents and only one page-turn from the front cover. Every issue will feature a member of the JSHAP Editorial Board. Have a look and read about the contributions of your colleagues.

You may also note a few changes with the font and layout of the journal. The journal staff has been working hard to streamline the font type and sizes to optimize both online screen reading as well as print reading. These changes will also help journal staff to index the manuscripts for search engines. Some of the changes are subtle, but I can tell you the behind the scenes work that has gone into this has been substantial. I have learned more than I thought possible about font types, sizes, bullets, hanging indents, etc. The information and learning just keeps on going.

I hope you enjoy this issue and that the information it brings keeps you inspired.

Terri O’Sullivan, DVM, PhD
Executive Editor