In June of this year, I had the privilege of working with the veterinarians enrolled in the Executive Veterinary Program (EVP) at the University of Illinois. This was truly a remarkable group of swine veterinarians, with a vast quantity of knowledge, keen, inquisitive minds, and an unimaginable abundance of experience. The EVP program, like many others available at universities across the United States, provides both a breadth and depth of information to swine specialists.
Veterinarians working in the North American swine industry are fortunate in having opportunities for continuing education. The AASP provides an excellent annual conference for both in-depth, pre-conference workshops and up-to-date research and clinical reports. Many universities, such as Iowa State, North Carolina State, Nebraska, and Minnesota, offer annual conferences focusing on current industry issues with an emphasis on their own local areas of expertise. Michigan State University offers a continuing education program via videotape presentations.
The International Pig Veterinary Society meeting provides current research abstracts from around the world. This journal, Swine Health and Production, provides peer-reviewed applied research articles, practice tips, and production tools.
Many other sources of information are available to AASP members, too numerous for me to list in this short editorial. Real life experiences, together with this vast array of continuing education opportunities, prepare each of you for board certification. The boards are specifically designed for private practitioners. A board certified veterinarian is recognized as one who has reached a level of expertise and specialization in swine health management. I am sure you are well prepared to write the initial board examination. The three years between examinations will give a focus to your continuing education. The certification is a badge of dedication and knowledge that shows what you have to offer the swine industry.
Changes at Swine Health and Production
The offices of Swine Health and Production have now moved to Perry, Iowa. The new managing editor is Kim Smith. Welcome, Kim, we look forward to working with you.
Dave Brown, our Publications Editor, will continue with his work on the web page and with many of his duties for the journal, but will be transferring the responsibility for page layout to Tina Smith, who is also in Perry, Iowa. Welcome, Tina. I appreciate the continuing work and guidance provided by Dave Brown. The journal could not happen without his hard work. He is one of the behind-the-scenes people who do not get nearly enough credit for the effort they extend. Currently, he has the longest history with the journal of all SHAP employees, and we depend on him immensely for his guidance.
I certainly appreciate the extended help given to us by both Eileen Kuhlmann and Ruth Cronje, who worked on this issue of the journal. Eileen traveled to Perry, Iowa, to move the SHAP offices and to share her knowledge with both Sue Schulteis and Kim Smith. Eileen's dedication to the journal and her part in keeping the work on schedule was excellent. Eileen has started a job in research at the University of Minnesota. I am sure you will join me in wishing Eileen all the best in her new position.
I would also like to thank Tom Burkgren who interviewed prospective employees and Sue Schulteis who shared the SHAP duties during the transition.