AASV Vice-Presidential candidate
Tim Trayer
is formerly from Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. Throughout his
development, a family farm foundation has been part of his on
the job training. During his education at Wilmington College,
Ohio, Tim was exposed to commercial swine production via the college
work study program. Graduating from Ohio State University Veterinary
College in 1979, he returned to a three-person mixed practice
in his hometown area of Hershey, Pennsylvania.
In 1981, Dr. Trayer found the swine industry in Pennsylvania changing with increased confinement and contracting. He participated in confinement management while co-founding the current eight-person food animal practice, Agricultural Veterinary Associates. Since its inception, the practice has been dedicated to food animal production medicine, with species specialization in swine and cattle.
Dr. Trayer became a member of AASP in 1982, and has presented professional papers at Annual AASP meetings, Leman Conferences, and various allied professional meetings. He edited and authored the publication, Boar Stud Isolation and Health Guidelines.
Dr. Trayer has represented AASP at the AVMA as Alternate Delegate from 1993-1996 and as Delegate from 1996-1999. Currently, and until 2005, he is serving on the AVMA Council on Veterinary Services representing private practice food animal.
In association with private practice and AASP activity, Dr. Trayer has interfaced with allied industry. For the biological and pharmaceutical industry, he has held various advisory board positions, conducted field studies, and assisted with safety and titration investigations.
Tim's family, his wife, Debra, and his children, Troy and Amy, have been ardent supporters of his activities. Debra has a teaching degree in elementary education and is currently employed in the Cocalico High School Computer Science Department. The Trayers' activities include music, sports, building fishponds, and traveling. Both Tim and Deb have enjoyed coaching club soccer, supporting marching band and varsity soccer and volleyball. Since its inception, the Trayers have regularly provided input to the Parent Advisory Board at Cocalico High School.
During Tim's recharging and reflective time he can be found at his silviculture projects at his family farm. He and Debra are also Directors of the American Paulowina Association. Religiously, the Trayers attend the Lancaster Society of Friends (Quakers).
As a candidate for AASV Vice President, Dr. Trayer expounds, "Change is an ongoing process; AASP to AASV is an example of the resolve of this organization and its strength. Vision has been a key word for AASV with an integral part in involvement of membership at all levels of the profession with term limits. This philosophy has achieved broad-based support from the local to national veterinary medicine level, achieving a voice for AASV. If a food animal issue arises, the AASV is considered a pivotal player to partnership, which is a testament to our respect in the profession.
"If elected, I expect, and embrace, change as a continual process for the survival of a vibrant AASV. A cornerstone of the AASV has been, and will continue to be, a science-based education process. It is my desire to continue to nurture and identify the key foundation elements of this organization. I would consider representing the AASV a privilege and honor."