Thank you, reviewers
The editorial staff of the Journal of Swine Health and Production
would like to acknowledge
the invaluable assistance of the following individuals for their
service as referees for manuscripts published in 2001:
- Gordon Allan
- Glen Almond
- Sandy Amass
- Robin Anderson
- Mike Apley
- Peter Bahnson
- Ron Ball
- Dave Baum
- Angela Baysinger
- Larry Bitney
- Thomas Blaha
- Jack Britt
- Ron Brodersen
- Mike Brumm
- Brian Buhr
- David Burch
- Allan Carlson
- Joseph Connor
- Peter Davies
- Duane Davis
- Anne Deckert
- Scott Dee
- John Deen
- Cate Dewey
- Stan Done
- Steve Dritz
- Luc Dufresne
- Gerald Duhamel
- Mark Engle
- Gene Erickson
- Thomas Fangman
- Paula Fedorka-Cray
- Robert Friendship
- Ian Gardner
- Robert Goodband
- Patrick Halbur
- Robert Higgins
- Dale Hill
- Lorraine Hoffman
- Scott Hurd
- Gaylan Josephson
- Barry Kerkaert
- Vicky King
- John Kolb
- Donald Levis
- Tim Loula
- Steve McOrist
- Julie Menard
- Xiang-Jim Meng
- Soenke Moehn
- Robert Morrison
- Morgan Morrow
- Ed Pajor
- Gary Parker
- Thomas Parsons
- Maurice Pensaert
- Carlos Pijoan
- Vicki Rapp-Gabrielson
- Suzanne Robert
- Ernest Sanford
- Alan Scheidt
- Nonie Smart
- Barb Straw
- Eileen Thacker
- Robert Thaler
- Mike Tokach
- Jerry Torrison
- Rick Tubbs
- Tina Widowski
- Brian Wilcock
- Robert Wills
- Warren Wilson
- Nathan Winkelman
- Tom Wittum
- Paul Yeske
- Dave Zeman
- Jeff Zimmerman