2023 AASV Annual Meeting Program
"Be There!"
March 4-7, 2023
Program Chair: Dr. Bill Hollis
The 2023 AASV Annual Meeting will be held on site at the Gaylord Rockies Resort in Aurora, Colorado. Due to cost, staffing, and hotel contract obligations, a virtual attendance option will not be available. As in the past, some presentations will be recorded for AASV members to view after the meeting.
Click on each session heading below to expand that session's program; click again to collapse.
7:00 AM - 12:00 NOON
1:00 - 5:00 PM
Additional fees apply; you must be registered for the
regular meeting sessions in order to register for seminars.
#1: Max Rodibaugh Memorial Practice Tips Seminar: Be Transparent
Seminar chair: Melissa Billing
Come learn valuable lessons from colleagues without even picking up the phone! In this popular preconference seminar, thirteen AASV members share their knowledge on a wide range of topics that will be applicable to both beginner and veteran practitioners. The presenters will be competing for awards sponsored by AASV.
1:00 Welcome and introduction
Melissa Billing
1:05 Proactive decision making
Jeff Luebbe
1:20 Foreign animal disease: Maintaining humanity during the insanity!
Chelsea Hamilton
1:35 Never say “Why me?”
Jim Kober
1:50 Nonverbal communication
Corinne Bromfield
2:05 Lessons learned from an off-site breeding project
Jordan Graham
2:20 Reducing rendering risk
Mary Battrell
3:05 Don’t touch that!
Dyneah Classen
3:20 Mycotoxins: Bins of poison!
R.C. Ebert
3:35 Autofill-biotics
Andy Kryzer
3:50 Teasing boars: Epididymectomy in farrowing house pigs
Terri Specht-Benson
4:05 Be better than before
J.D. Fiechtner
4:20 High-volume brochial alveolar lavage: Long name, quick process for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae exposure
Brent Sexton
4:35 What you need to know for the first 5 years of practice
Mark Hammer
4:50 Conclusion
Melissa Billing
5:00 Seminar concludes
#2: PRRSV Monitoring and Diagnostics
Seminar chair: Daniel Linhares
The PRRSV monitoring seminar brings several “flash research updates” from academia on new developments for monitoring and surveillance systems. It also brings perspectives on applications, challenges, and opportunities from practitioners. To put everything together, there will be two panels for Q&A and discussion involving academia, practitioners, and the audience. Come and join us to learn and share your own perspectives!
1:00 Welcome and introduction
Daniel Linhares
Sampling strategies: Sample types and sampling considerations
1:10 Basics of sampling considerations: Allotment over space and time, sample sizes, and age groups
Gustavo Silva
1:25 Tongue-tip fluids: What they are and how they’re used
Isadora Machado
1:35 Pooling considerations for processing fluids, serum, and family oral fluids
Henry Osemeke
1:45 Using production and clinical data to screen for PRRSV outbreaks
Mafalda Mil-Homens
1:55 Serum, tongue tips, processing fluids, and family oral fluids: When to use each one
Daniel Linhares
2:05 Effect of pen size on oral fluid sampling in grow-finish pigs
Grzegorz Tarasiuk
2:15 A Hanor practitioner's monitoring plan for naïve and positive unstable herds
Jon Tangen
2:30 A Pipestone practitioner's monitoring plan for naïve and positive unstable herds
Adam Schelkopf
2:45 Sampling strategies Q&A panel
Silva, Machado, Osemeke, Mil-Homens, Linhares, Tarasiuk, Tangen, Schelkopf
Molecular and next-generation tools for PRRS detection or characterization
3:25 Review of tools to discriminate between wild-type and vaccine-like strains
Phil Gauger
3:40 What’s new in technologies for PRRSV monitoring in pig populations?
Carmen Alonso
3:50 PRRSV genotypes: What’s new in the lineage system?
Kim VanderWaal
4:00 Cracking the whole genome sequencing code: How to visualize and make sense of results
Giovani Trevisan
4:10 An AMVC practitioner's perspectives on, experiences with, and wish list for molecular testing for PRRSV
Joel Sparks
4:25 A Swine Vet Center practitioner's perspectives on, experiences with, and wish list for molecular testing for PRRSV
Paul Yeske
4:40 Molecular tools Q&A panel
Gauger, Alonso, VanderWaal, Trevisan, Sparks, Yeske
5:00 Seminar concludes
#3: Pen Gestation: We're There!
Seminar chair: Michelle Sprague
As we convert more and more sow farms from stall gestation to pen gestation, I often find myself thinking, “I wish we had known then what we know now.” The primary objective of this seminar is to provide practical information for veterinarians advising clients on transitioning from stalls to pens. Our speakers will be sharing what they have learned through their experiences to help others make this transition more seamlessly.
1:00 Pen gestation systems and considerations
Jennifer Brown
1:45 California Proposition 12
Michael Formica
2:10 Packer perspective on sow gestation housing
Tiffany Lee
3:00 Experiences with conversions to pens and free access stalls
Jake Schwartz
3:30 Retrofits: What to do and what not to do
Hyatt Frobose
4:15 Practical application: Things to know
P.J. Corns
5:00 Seminar concludes
#4: Be a Good Steward: Antibiotics and Sustainability
Seminar chair: Rebecca Robbins
Everyone is responsible for being a good steward: Doing what's right for people, pigs, and the planet. Come learn about new antimicrobial resistance and stewardship resources for swine veterinarians, establishing metrics to measure antibiotic use and sustainability, and research in these ever-changing fields, and engage in discussion about how the practice of swine medicine can enhance the pork supply chain. You will surely learn something new in one or both areas from our diverse lineup of speakers.
1:00 Welcome
Rebecca Robbins
1:05 Test your antibiotic stewardship: New resources for swine veterinarians
Jessica Bonnema
1:35 Beyond antimicrobial use: How biology and management shape antimicrobial resistance, even in the absence of antibiotics
Noelle Noyes
1:55 FARAD (Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank) resources for swine veterinarians
Derek Foster
2:15 Compounding and regulatory hot topics
Michael Apley
2:30 Antibiotics Q&A panel
Bonnema, Noyes, Foster, Apley
3:05 Sustainable pork: On-farm sustainability measures
Marguerite Tan
3:25 How to perform research in sustainability and establish benchmarks
Erika Johnson
3:45 Sustainable pork: Carbon credits
Molly Peterson
4:05 From maximizing productivity to meeting food system expectations: New demands and opportunities
Charlie Arnot
4:35 Sustainability Q&A panel
Tan, Johnson, Peterson, Arnot
4:50 Wrap-up
Rebecca Robbins
5:00 Seminar concludes
#5: Improving Pig Survivability through Research and Industry Collaboration
Seminar chair: Jordan Gebhardt
Co-sponsored by the National Pork Board and USDA FFAR
The “Improving Pig Survivability” project is a 5-year project encompassing research, education, and extension efforts with the goal of reducing overall mortality in the US commercial swine industry. The project is funded by the National Pork Board and the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) and includes researchers from Iowa State University, Kansas State University, and Purdue University. Research efforts seek to identify factors contributing to swine mortality in commercial production, and to develop strategies and information that can be utilized to reduce mortality and maximize pig survivability. This seminar will focus on key findings generated through the first four years of the project, including key takeaway messages to improve pig survivability.
1:00 Introduction and overview of the Pig Survivability project
Stacie Matchan
1:10 Overview of sow pelvic organ prolapse research
Jason Ross
1:30 Is there a genetic basis for pelvic organ prolapse?
Jack Dekkers
1:50 Sow robustness: Key areas to maximize sow retention
Sergio Canavate
2:10 Early identification of at-risk sows reduces sow mortality
Chris Rademacher
2:30 Managing noninfectious causes of sow mortality
Clayton Johnson
2:50 Sow herd Q&A panel
Ross, Dekkers, Canavate, Rademacher, Johnson
3:30 Overview of nutritional, genetic, and management strategies to influence mortality after weaning
Mike Tokach
4:00 Postweaning mortality: Key findings through data analysis
Edison Magalhaes
4:30 Postweaning Q&A panel
Tokach, Magalhaes
4:45 Overview of available resources and producer tools
Joel DeRouchey
5:00 Seminar concludes
#6: Our Swine Family Health
Seminar co-chairs: Emily Byers Taylor and Christa Goodell
Break from tradition and BE THERE Saturday afternoon to focus on YOU along with your colleagues, partners, and our swine vet family! This seminar is brought to you through a collaboration of the AASV Early Career, DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), and Human Health, Safety, and Wellbeing Committees. A great seminar for AASV members of all ages, experience levels, and backgrounds, it guarantees to stimulate your thoughts and expand your professional development across the categories of physical, mental, financial, and social health.
Hear about ways to better bad habits to keep healthy and safe while navigating a hectic career as a swine veterinarian.
Get engaged with a food and farming advocate ready to deliver insights promoting you, your work, and your clients – along with guidance to recognize, navigate, and support yourself and others when times get tough.
Consider your financial health, the value of benefits, planning for the future, and the power of negotiation as you learn from an expert who is both a successful DVM and a contract attorney.
Top it off with our social health panels of AASV colleagues prepared to answer questions from different perspectives that influence how we can prioritize healthy social interactions to get the most out of people, teams, farms, and communities.
This interactive seminar promises to be engaging, and your active participation will be greatly encouraged.
1:00 Our physical health: Tips for keeping swine vets healthy and safe
Heather Fowler
1:45 Our mental health: Because it matters!
Michele Payn
2:30 Our financial health: Creating a secure financial future
Lance Roasa
3:45 Our social health: “Be there” across the generations
Panel moderated by Emily Byers Taylor
Mindi Bracy, Brandi Burton, Tara Donovan, Hunter Everett, Peggy Anne Hawkins, Jeff Husa, Locke Karriker, Wesley Lyons
4:15 Our social health: “Be engaged” in fostering inclusive communities
Panel moderated by Wesley Lyons
Bryant Chapman, Lauren Glowzenski, Seth Krantz, Wesley Lyons, Michele Payn, Victor Ochoa
5:00 Seminar concludes
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Veterinary students, join us to test your swine knowledge, meet new people, and have some fun! Merck Animal Health is hosting a student dinner and trivia and sponsoring prizes. Teams will be randomly assigned the night of the event. Students, sign-up HERE by Friday, February 25th.
6:00 - 7:00 AM
Join us for an hour of fun and interaction in this
yoga class offering mind, body, and spirit workout based on YogaFit.
Options will be provided for all levels from the beginner (first timer)
to advanced yoga enthusiast. You will feel physically charged and
mentally ready to go into sessions for the remainder of the day! Mats will be provided - or bring your own. Everyone is welcome, but please sign up at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/yoga-class-at-aasv-tickets-492729265497 by February 10.
6:30 - 8:00 AM
7:00 - 8:00 AM
Is it ok to sing Joy to the World in March? Why, yes it is! Join us Sunday from 7:00-8:00 AM at the AASV Praise Breakfast in the Willow Lake 3,4 and 5 room (Level 3). There are 10,000 Reasons (yes, we will sing this song too) to attend, three being Drs. Sara Hough, Marie Culhane and Angela Baysinger sharing witness guided by moderator Dr. Sarah Probst Miller on how God’s great encompassing love moves in their daily life and work. Responsive readings written and coordinated by Dr. David Baum and led by Drs. Rexanne Struve and Monte Fuhrman will precede. All are welcome to feed their stomachs and souls with breakfast, praise, and companionship on this journey. If you play an instrument or sing, send a note to Dr. Probst Miller at sarah@agcreate.com. We would love to have you join us in leading song.
Additional fees apply; you must be registered for the regular
meeting sessions in order to register for the seminars.
8:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
#7: Boar Stud Health, Biosecurity, and African Swine Fever Preparedness
Seminar chair: Deanne Hemker
The focus of this preconference seminar is to provide attendees with current information on health challenges, biosecurity procedures, and African swine fever preparedness for boar stud facilities.
The seminar will begin with a discussion on impacts to business continuity from an ASF incursion in the US and how best to limit those. Attendees will be presented novel research on ASF infection dynamics in a boar stud and subsequent semen transmission. The seminar will transition into biosecurity, with practitioners from various sectors of the industry providing specific examples of biosecurity protocols utilized for supply entry, boar entry, and semen delivery. This will be followed by a discussion on PRRSV breaks in boar stud facilities and lessons learned from conducting outbreak investigations. The seminar will conclude with a discussion on semen quality analysis focused on compensable versus non-compensable semen traits.
The information covered in this seminar will be valuable for practitioners who work routinely with boar studs, but also for practitioners with sow farm clients, as these topics have impacts on downstream production.
8:00 African swine fever working group for business continuity
Ben Blair
8:30 New: African swine fever boar infection dynamics and semen transmission results
Darwin Reicks
9:10 Certified Swine Sample Collector Program: Applicability to boar studs
Pam Zaabel
9:20 Semen traceability and standardized shipping requirements
Doug Groth
9:40 African swine fever Q&A
Blair, Reicks, Zaabel, Groth
Boar stud biosecurity: Supply entry, new boar entry, and semen delivery
10:20 Megan Hood
10:30 Joe Fent
10:40 Bob Thompson
10:50 Boar stud biosecurity Q&A panel
Hood, Fent, Thompson
PRRSV breaks: Lessons learned
11:05 Jeff Harker
11:20 Bob Thompson
11:35 PRRSV breaks Q&A panel
Harker, Thompson
11:40 Compensable versus non-compensable semen traits
Gary Althouse
12:00 Seminar concludes
#8: Data Integration to Support Real-Time Decision Making
Seminar chair: Gustavo Silva
Co-sponsored by USDA NIFA Award 2022-68014-3666
The world we live in today continuously generates tons of data from different sources. The swine industry is no exception. This seminar presents and describes tools and technologies already available to veterinarians and producers to integrate different data streams to support real-time decision making. Speakers will share their experiences in the development and application of such tools in the field and share thoughts on how to create the most value from their datasets.
The primary target audience is veterinarians, production managers, and nutritionists. Each presentation includes 3 minutes for questions and answers. Come and join us in this discussion!
8:00 Welcome
Gustavo Silva
8:02 Experiences moving to cloud data: Return on investment on cyber-infrastructure and benefits
Ximena Paz Portal
8:22 Developing a real-time disease classification system based on real-time diagnostics
Swaminathan Jayaraman
8:39 Using technology to understand biosecurity compliance: Does it work in the field?
Andreia Arruda
8:56 Combining and analyzing streaming environment data for anomaly detection
Brett Ramirez
9:13 Integrating operational data to detect early signs of PRRSV introduction into sow farms
Mafalda Mil-Homens
10:00 Forecasting of nursery mortality and identification of the main drivers before placement
Edison Magalhaes
10:24 Experiences monitoring wean-to-finish barns 24/7 to make faster decisions
Caleb Shull
10:48 Practical experience of using feed software for allocation and harvesting projections
Jorge Estrada
11:12 Use of computer vision technology to identify production deficiencies and set marketing strategies
David Rosero
11:36 The next frontier of business intelligence for the swine industry
Beau Peterson
12:00 Seminar concludes
#9: New Technologies
Seminar chair: Angela Baysinger
For any new technology to be valuable to pig/pork producers, it must satisfy an operational need. Specific operational needs are defined by use cases. This seminar will cover new technologies from a producer use case perspective.While there are a number of different use case categories, we will focus on four: 1) telehealth, 2) animal behavior, 3) early disease detection, and 4) biosecurity management.
8:00 Introduction
Angela Baysinger
8:05 What is required for effective technology adoption into farms, producers, and systems? The big picture
Dale Polson
Engaging the human-technology interface: Telehealth
8:35 Telehealth in poultry: Potential for the swine industry
David Speller
8:45 Digital tools that are transforming quality of care by driving employee engagement, accountability, and ownership
Matthew Rooda
8:55 Digital health records: What is available and how they work
Chris Sievers
9:05 Telehealth questions and answers
Speller, Rooda, Sievers
Animals, assets, and environment: Animal behavior
9:15 Technologies for measuring normal and abnormal breeding animal behaviors: Their influence on performance
Matt Culbertson
9:35 Technologies for counting and estimating weight in pig barns
David Rosero
9:55 Next generation grow-finish swine health and growth monitoring
Tami Brown-Brandl
Animals, assets, and environment: Early disease detection
10:35 “Wearable” technologies for the early detection and diagnosis of disease episodes
Jim Lowe
10:55 Complementary audio and sampling technologies for the early detection and diagnosis of disease episodes
Carmen Alonso
Animals, assets, and environment: Managing biosecurity
11:15 Technical and human considerations when applying technologies to improve human sanitation on swine and poultry farms
Jean-Pierre Vaillancourt
11:30 Biosecurity from 30,000 feet: Web-based platforms enabling an epidemiological perspective. Above the trees to see the forest(s)
Rebecca Robbins
11:45 Managing biosecurity Q&A panel
Vaillancourt, Robbins
11:55 Wrap-up
Angela Baysinger
12:00 Seminar concludes
#10: Swine Medicine for Students
Seminar co-chairs: Jeremy Pittman and
Angela Supple
This seminar is designed to supplement the education of students and recent graduates with topics specific to swine medicine, delivered in a way to provide key learning objectives and “take homes.” Topics focus on areas to which students and recent grads don’t usually receive sufficient exposure.
This year, based on feedback from previous sessions, we will focus on 1) the input costs to raise a pig through weaning, nursery, and market, and 2) a basic understanding and evaluation of the key metrics to evaluate on sow farm records. We will conclude the session with interactive cases, where attendees will use their new skills to evaluate some “real world” sow records and determine some potential differentials for the “problem.”
8:00 Introduction
Jeremy Pittman and Angie Supple
8:05 What does it cost to raise a pig?
Chase Stahl
9:00 Sow farm records 101
Matt Ackerman
10:30 Interactive cases: Sow farm records
Matthew Ackerman
12:00 Seminar concludes
#11: Understanding Swine Business
Seminar chair: Tyler Bauman
It’s time to set down Diseases of Swine and pick up a copy of "Business 101." This seminar is focused solely on expanding your knowledge beyond the bugs and drugs by cultivating a greater understanding of the business aspects specific to the swine industry. Each speaker brings a unique insight of the swine industry business and will leave you with the tools to BE a swine veterinarian magnate!
8:00 Global pork exports update
Dan Halstrom
8:40 The business side of pork production
David Bomgaars
9:30 Assessing return on investment (ROI) and risk (and other financial jargon)
Jeff Diesen
10:20 Combining health decisions with a business view
Ryan Strobel
11:00 What is the company scoreboard and what are my player stats?
Shamus Brown
11:40 Swine business Q&A panel
Halstrom, Bomgaars, Diesen, Strobel, Brown
12:00 Seminar concludes
All sessions from this point forward are included in the conference registration fee.
8:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Session co-chairs: Chris Rademacher
8:00 Spatiotemporal relative risk distribution of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in the southeastern United States
Felipe Sanchez
8:15 In-silico characterization of the relationship between PRRSV prevalence at the individual piglet level and prevalence at the litter level in a farrowing room
Onyekachukwu Henry Osemeke
8:30 Refining PRRRS-2 genetic classification based on global ORF5 sequences and investigation of geographic distributions and temporal changes
Jianqiang Zhang
8:45 Investigating whether PRRSV can reach groundwater after manure-spreading events
Joaquin Alvarez-Norambuena
9:00 Hand sanitation protocols to decrease the risk of influenza transmission in pigs and from pigs to people
Joaquin Alvarez-Norambuena
9:15 Divergent pathogenicity between highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) strains in swine
Bailey Arruda
9:30 Modeling the introduction and control of African swine fever within commercial swine populations in the United States
Abagael Sykes
10:15 Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 15 outbreak investigation: Comparative whole genome sequencing of pan-North American isolates
Alyona Michael
10:30 Dynamics of infection of disease-associated Streptococcus suis (DASS) in the lactation phase
Robert Mugabi
10:45 Antibody response to rotavirus A and C in gilts and their piglets after prenatal natural planned exposure
Deepak Kumar
11:00 Effect of rotavirus vaccination of gilts prior to farrowing following natural planned exposure at breeding on piglet growth, prevalence of diarrhea, and preweaning mortality
Lindsey Britton
11:15 Assessing the efficacy of different combinations of time and temperature to inactivate PRRSV and PEDV
Mafalda Mil-Homens
11:30 Attenuation phenotypes and protective efficacy of cell culture adapted PEDV non-S INDEL strain
Loni Schumacher
11:45 Impact of sow farm PED outbreaks on the downstream nursery performance in the absence of PRRS acute herds
Edison Magalhaes
12:00 Session concludes
Sunday, March 5, 12:00 - 5:00 PM (authors present with posters 12:00 - 1:00
Monday, March 6, 8:00 - 5:00 PM
POSTER SESSION: Veterinary Students (#1-#20)
Posters #1-15 will be judged in the Student
Poster Competition, sponsored by United Animal Health
1. Comparison of high-performing and low-performing suckling pig fecal microbiome
Elisha Snezek, University of Georgia
2. An investigation of the number of pigs in gestation pens that will chew on a rope during oral fluid collection
Brenna Werner, University of Minnesota
3. Evaluation of ozone viricidal effects on porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus within semi-truck cabs
Alexandra Bishop, Iowa State University
4. Serial dilution of serum samples to assess the relative antibody levels generated by ELISA serotests for common swine pathogens
Erin Larsen, Lincoln Memorial University
5. Investigation of factors associated with the receipt of an etiologic diagnosis for suckling piglets at a veterinary diagnostic laboratory
Morgan Johnson, Iowa State University
6. Tissue submission quality of nursery-age enteric cases and effect on receiving a diagnosis
Lauren Tidgren, Iowa State University
7. A field study examining the effects of a novel maternal pheromone on performance and livability of weaned pigs
Braden Steidley, Oklahoma State University
8. Pharmacokinetics of extravascular maropitant citrate in swine
Jessica Gebert, Lincoln Memorial University
9. Evaluating the economic impact of an autogenous influenza vaccine in the finishing phase with a pre-post analysis utilizing closeout data
Kaci Way, The Ohio State University
10. Evaluation of market trailer hygiene and transmission of porcine enteric coronaviruses
Sarah Albers, University of Wisconsin
11. Evaluation of chemical treatments to deactivate PRRSV in water sources
Austin Janssen, Iowa State University
12. Evaluation of the relative PCR cycle times (Ct) of rotavirus A and C in natural planned exposure (NPE) materials, colostrum deprived piglets, and environmental samples
Alexis Berte, Iowa State University
13. Antibiotic use for the treatment of lameness in sows
Bridget Cincotta, University of Pennsylvania
14. Lessons from swine biosecurity outreach programs directed to small producers and show pig exhibitors
Juan Hernandez Cuevas, The Ohio State University
15. Impact of foot trimming on gilt productivity and foot health
Amanda Patev, University of Pennsylvania
16. The effect of dietary zinc on Clostridioides difficile colonization and pathogenicity in neonatal piglets
George DeMers, University of Pennsylvania
17. A survey of rectal temperatures immediately after transport and body weight gain for the first 17 days post placement for weaned pigs transported an extended distance during the summer months
Hannah Lathom, North Carolina State University
18. Evaluation of the administration cost of feedback
Paul McDonald, Purdue University
19. The effect of nucleoprotein reassortment on influenza A virus transmission in swine
Megan Neveau, Iowa State University
20. Serologic profiling and viral monitoring of influenza in a large production system
Andrea Prowant, Iowa State University
SESSION: Research Topics (#21-#48)
21. Evaluation of sanger sequencing detection of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) in in vitro co-infections
Joaquin Alvarez-Norambuena
22. Fine-scale analysis of influenza A virus in swine reveals persistent clade circulation and limited clade diversity within owners
Bailey Arruda
23. Detection and localization of atypical porcine pestivirus in the reproductive tract of a persistently infected boar
Gyula Balka
24. Impact of wean age on Streptococcus suis and Mycoplasma hyorhinis colonization dynamics during nursery period
Alyssa Betlach
25. Longitudinal study of atypical porcine pestivirus infection dynamics in pigs from birth to market reveals persistent infection in piglets with congenital tremors
Alexandra Buckley
26. Use of a viability PCR assay for the detection of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
Albert Canturri
27. Prevalence and risk factors for Lawsonia intracellularuis detection in vaccinated and non-vaccinated swine sites
Ting-Yu Cheng
28. Study of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae gene mutations associated with antimicrobial resistance in field samples
Cipriano De Abreu
29. Rethinking PCV2 surveillance: Revealing the value of dynamics over time
Gillian Greaves
Evaluation of the virucidal activity of Intervention® against PRRSV 1-4-4 L1C and PRRSV 1-7-4
Erin Kettelkamp
31. Progression of the newly emerged PRRSV L1C 144 variant in breeding herds
Mariana Kikuti
32. Tongue tips fluids: a new specimen for PRRSV detection from dead pigs
Isadora Machado
33. Which factors are relevant to identifying high nursery mortality groups under field conditions?
Edison Magalhaes
34. Forecasting swine nursery mortality under field conditions
Edison Magalhaes
35. Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus encephalitis and myelitis: A retrospective study of cases diagnosed at the Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory from 2016 to 2022
Marta Mainenti
36. Addressing biocontainment through environmental contamination assessment in farms housing PRRS lineage 1C 1-4-4 positive pigs
Claudio Marcello Melini
Evaluation of infectiousness and virulence of the newly emergent and virulent Minnesota PRRS virus variant
Claudio Marcello Melini
38. Ten-year retrospective analysis of bacterial pathogens associated with influenza infections in pigs (2012-2021)
Mariana Meneguzzi
39. Neurosensory lesions in field cases of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection
Alyona Michael
40. Use of family oral fluid to detect influenza A virus in the breeding herd
Daniel Moraes
41. Effect of storage temperature and time on PRRSV RNA detection by RT-qPCR
Berenice Munguia-Ramirez
42. The effect of freeze-thaw on PRRSV RT-qPCR results
Berenice Munguia-Ramirez
43. The impact of management practices in response to fifty PRRSV herd outbreaks in breed-to-wean herds between 2018 and 2022 in the midwestern US
Rodrigo Paiva
44. Assessment of the risk factors associated with weekly sow mortality rate under the condition of a production system in the midwestern United States during 2019-2021
Rodrigo Paiva
45. Virulence comparison of PRRSV 1-4-4L1C variant strain and other PRRSV strains in experimentally inoculated pigs
Gaurav Rawal
46. Bayesian latent class analysis of the sensitivity and specificity of a novel PCR and indirect ELISA for African swine fever virus antibody
Rachel Schambow
47. Influence of barn fill rate on nursery pig exit weight
Haley Schwecke
48. Vaccination with an Escherichia coli F4/F18 vaccine improves piglet performance combined with a reduction in antimicrobial use and secondary infections due to Streptococcus suis
Frederic Vangroenweghe
POSTER SESSION: Industrial Partners (#49-#71)
49. Improving composting knowledge and competencies to create an impactful mortality management educational method
Sarah Probst Miller
AgCreate Solutions/Pork Avenue Training Portal
50. A survey of Streptococcus suis across sow production and neonatal piglets
Samantha Hernandez
Arm & Hammer
51. Assessment of the hyper-local ambient environment in large pig barns
Dale Polson
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health
52. Control of cockroaches in swine facilities with new insect growth regulator Exhalt
Gene Spellman
Central Life Sciences
53. Utilizing lung lesion scoring to monitor swine respiratory disease in a commercial swine farm in the Philippines
Mary Grace Alba
Elanco Animal Health
54. The first swine vaccine to show protection against ileitis, salmonellosis and colibacillosis
Curtis Stutheit
Endovac Animal Health
55. The effect of feeding Salmate DHA+ on sperm production and quality in boars, including field data
Darwin Reicks
Feedworks USA
56. Effects of Furst Strike Direct on mortality and injectable treatments in nursery pigs
Fredrik Sandberg
Furst-McNess Company
57. eCVI integration with AgView from National Pork Board streamlines data sharing
J. Tyler Holck
58. Comparative performance study of three commercial vaccines against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and porcine circovirus type 2
Mike Degroot
59. Monitoring PCV2 and PCV3 infection
Alvaro Hidalgo
60. Long-term usage of a formaldehyde-based feed mitigant does not have a negative effect on sow performance metrics
Dillon Mellick
Kemin Animal Nutrition and Health
61. Productivity profile in a boar stud in southern Brazil: Genetic index and collection interval
Raquel Ausejo
MB Swine Reproduction
62. Understanding IAV-S diversity over time using the Sequivity® dashboard
Channing Sebo
Merck Animal Health
63. Isolate, antigen concentration, and adjuvants are important when developing autogenous vaccines
Steve Tousignant
Newport Laboratories
64. Biosecurity and biocontainment methodology for swine feed to prevent animal disease
Jake Erceg
65. Effects of an additional iron dextran injection administered to piglets on differential gene expression at weaning
James Pierce
66. The use of AmbitineTM in late finishing diets and the effect on growth performance and carcass measurements
Stacie Crowder
67. Utilizing feed allocation system (FAS) data to populate AgView for foreign animal disease preparedness
J. Tyler Holck
PrairiE Systems
68. Maternal genetics contribute to enhanced, natural robustness to PRRS in finishing pigs
Heloiza Irtes
Topigs Norsvin USA
69. Evaluation of NSAIDs on weaning/vaccination stress and a subsequent PRRS challenge
Brian Payne
Veterinary Pharmaceutical Solutions
70. Towards the identification of a marker of claw quality in sows using partial least squares analysis and classification and regression trees
Lucas Rodrigues
Zinpro Corporation
71. Characterization of the metabolic conditions contributing to agalactia in sows
Jamie Studer
1:00 - 5:45 PM
Concurrent Session #1: Student Seminar
Session co-chairs: Andrew Bowman and Justin Brown
1:00 Evaluation of on-farm point-of-need testing using influenza A virus in swine (IAV-S) as a model
Adam Tatnall, University of Illinois
1:15 Comparison of IFA versus ELISA for assessing maternal and post-vaccination PCV2 antibody levels
Erin Russell, Lincoln Memorial University
1:30 Prevalence of IAV-S in unvaccinated postweaning piglets
Alyssa Ruston-Bray, University of Illinois
1:45 Water-based foam depopulation in swine: Evaluating brain activity, animal behavior, and logistical aspects
Jack Korenyi-Both, The Ohio State University
2:00 Impact of amine-based cleaner on the control of coccidiosis in piglets
Ellen Gibbs, University of Missouri
2:15 Everything that grows is not gold; Evaluating the effect of sampling techniques on culture of disease-associated Streptococcus suis from diseased nursery-aged pigs
Amber Vegter, Iowa State University
2:30 Evaluation of the IgA response to attenuated-live oral Lawsonia intracellularis vaccine
Kendall Sattler, Purdue University
3:15 Evaluation of various grueling protocols on nursery pig performance and survivability
Carly Bates, Iowa State University
3:30 Mucin 4 is a marker of necrotizing bronchiolitis in influenza A virus infection
Rachel Kanefsky, Tufts University
3:45 Comparison of tongue tips, serum, and processing fluids for PRRSV monitoring in neonates
Taylor Jansen, Purdue University
4:00 Pharmacokinetics of oral clonazepam and its effect on serum cortisol in growing pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus)
Gregory Shanks, University of Tennessee
4:15 Comparison of environmental sampling methods to detect PRRSV on contaminated surfaces
Hope Dohlman, Iowa State University
4:30 Efficacy of PRRSV vaccination regimens to overcome maternal immunity in PRRSV-positive weaned pigs
Adam Steffensmeier, Iowa State University
4:45 Evaluation of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus maternal antibody interference in commercial wean pig populations using a PRRS modified live virus vaccine
Mallory Wilhelm, Iowa State University
5:00 Assessing tongue samples from mortalities as additional PRRSV and IAV-S surveillance on protected nursery and finishing sites
Dylan Wulfekuhle, Iowa State University
5:15 Session concludes
Concurrent Session #2: Industrial Partners
Session co-chairs: Cesar Corzo and Mary Battrell
1:00 The compentency impact after initiating a new training program in the boar stud
Megan Hood
AgCreate Solutions/Pork Avenue Training Portal
1:15 Epitope analysis confirms a bivalent PCV2 vaccine is relevant to the diversity of current global strains
Meggan Bandrick
1:30 Grow-finish model assessing ceftiofur crystalline
free acid intervention for control of umbilical infections and hernias
in a commercial production system
Lauren Glowzenski
1:45 Medium chain fatty acids fed to sows during
gestation and lactation and the subsequent effects on the health and
performance of the progeny
Stacie Crowder
2:00 Top financial planning tips for veterinarians
Andrew Kleis
Insight Wealth Group
2:15 Utilizing hybridization-based next generation sequencing for swine-related pathogen detection
Benjamin Hause
2:30 Reduction of antibiotic usage in commercial boar semen production through accurate dosage of antibiotics (ADA)
John Quackenbush
Minitube USA
2:45 Improved performance feeding Baseline in sows and related impact on inflammation biomarker
Tom Petznick
3:15 A modified live virus prime/autogenous boost
vaccination approach stimulates broadly neutralizing antibodies and
improved protection to PRRSV
Benjamin Hause
Cambridge Technologies
3:30 Viral isolation and sequencing demonstrate flies
and gnats may serve as vectors of swine rotaviruses and sapovirus in
Allison Knox
Central Life Sciences
3:45 Effect of various levels of stabilized fish oil source on sperm quality and production in boars
Mark Wilson
Feedworks USA
4:00 Conditions of storage and preincubation of boar
seminal doses and its effect on motility and kinetic parameters measured
with Magavision SCI
Raquel Ausejo
MB Swine Reproduction
4:15 Influenza strategies, from serology to vaccination
Pravina Kitikoon
Merck Animal Health
4:30 An evaluation of the use of Sequivity® PPV2
prescription vaccine to reduce the impact of lameness in growing pigs
from a high health commercial farm
Deb Murray
Merck Animal Health
4:45 Circumvent® CML: A newly licensed commercial vaccine for the protection against PCV2a, PCV2d, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, and Lawsonia intracellularis
Brett O'Brien
Merck Animal Health
5:00 Biosecurity and biocontainment methodology for swine feed to prevent animal disease
Paul Yeske
5:15 Sow herd performance following vaccination of PRRS naive sows with a modified live PRRS vaccine
Corrine Frugé
Elanco Animal Health
5:30 Pulmotil® AC used for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae eradication with herd closure
Paul Yeske
Elanco Animal Health
5:45 Session concludes
Concurrent Session #3: Industrial Partners
Session co-chairs: Clayton Johnson and David Pyburn
1:00 The effects of different dietary levels of supplemental vitamin D, 25-OH-D3, and vitamin E on nursery pig performance and vitamin status
Jon Bergstrom
DSM Animal Nutrition & Health
1:15 Clinical manifestations of mycotoxin-contaminated feed in swine
Sara Hough
DSM Animal Nutrition & Health
1:30 Improving sow livability through selection for better structure and reproductive health
Mitch Christensen
Topigs Norsvin USA
1:45 Transforming pig care with PigFlow
Matthew Rooda
2:00 Precision pig weights using LeeO
Abigail Jenkins
PrairiE Systems
2:15 PCR detection of ASFV nucleic acid in oral swabs from clinical and nonclinical sows of three swine farms in Vietnam
Christa Goodell
Longhorn Vaccines and Diagnostics
2:30 Evaluation of airborne shedding and production setback postweaning from Pharmgate PRRSGard® vaccine in commercial conditions
Erin Kettelkamp
Pharmgate Animal Health
2:45 Comparative efficacy of Aivlosin and tilmicosin for treatment of swine respiratory disease in nursery-age pigs
Cary Sexton
Pharmgate Animal Health
3:15 Impact of nurse sow strategies on preweaning and nursery performance
John Sonderman
DNA Genetics
3:30 Enterotoxigenic E coli populations across sow herds and neonatal piglets were reduced after using a Bacillus-based product
Samantha Hernandez
Arm & Hammer
3:45 Efficacy of Tilmovet AC for PRRS control by water medication in nursery pigs
Ulrich Klein
4:00 Impacts of salinomycin and crude protein on coccidiosis-burdened nursery pigs
Mitch Nisley
4:15 Factors affecting different claw lesions in sows: Lessons from a partial least squares approach
Lucas Rodrigues
Zinpro Corporation
4:30 Addressing the "why" and "how": Tips for integrating telemedicine into swine veterinary practice
Gil Patterson
4:45 Effect of blends of organic acids and monoglycerides on growth performance, diarrhea and systemic inflammation of Escherichia coli F18 challenged weaned pigs
Ying Chen
5:00 VetAssure ATP: Applications for the US pork industry
David Pyburn
5:15 Identifying and evaluating anti-inflammatory compounds that inhibit African swine fever virus
Theresia Lavergne
Natural Biologics
5:30 Time to PRRS negative response in gilts injected with Ivomec
Grant Allison
5:45 Session concludes
Concurrent Session #4: Industrial Partners
Session co-chairs: Cameron Schmitt and Taylor Spronk
1:00 Case report of a PCV2d-based vaccine in a clinical PCV2d challenged flow
Melissa Billing
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health
1:15 DFM Pak® improves manure characteristics to influence environmental and health benefits in the pit, the pen, and in the air
Jake Lee
United Animal Health
1:30 Post-weaning feed and water outage event with concurrent mycotoxin exposure additively impacts gut morphology and performance of nursery pigs
Julie Mahoney
United Animal Health
1:45 Effect of water enriched with Nextein APF® on weaned pigs after long duration transport under summer conditions
Tyler Bauman
2:00 Effects of zinc oxide and mannan-rich fraction (Actigen®) effects on nursery swine performance and removals
Jose Soto
2:15 High-health herd response to activated phenolic molecules, APMTM (GI-ReviveTM)
Andrew Bents
Precision Health Technologies
2:30 Efficacy of Enterisol Salmonella T/C® in reducing the shedding and colonization of multidrug resisetant monophasic Salmonella enterica serovar I 4,[5],12:i:-
Fernando Leite
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health
2:45 A methodology for assessing the economic value of early disease detection in growing pigs
Dale Polson
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health
3:15 Evaluation of meloxicam in sows post-farrowing on piglet performance
Brian Payne
Veterinary Pharmaceutical Solutions
3:30 Novel virulence-associated gene frequency across capsular serotypes and sequence types in Streptococcus suis
Steve Tousignant
Newport Laboratories
3:45 Developing a model protocol for tracking antibiotic use and AMR monitoring across a large-scale commercial swine production system: The IMAGINE project
Taylor Spronk
National Pork Board
4:00 Virabloc impacts viability of an ASFV surrogate (Emiliana huxleyl) virus in feed: Implications for ASFV transmission in today's global supply chain
Ashley Wagner
Essential Ag Solutions
4:15 Important concepts on the Swine Monitoring Program
Edgar Tapia
IDEXX Laboratories
Overview of the benefits of Furst Protect in sows and nursery pigs
Fredrick Sandberg
Furst-McNess Company
4:45 Evaluation of the vaccination in lactation with ERYSENG® PARVO/LEPTO in the follicle genesis, stress-related hormones and other parameters vs a nonvaccinated control group
Joaquin Miguel
5:00 Effects of an additional iron dextran injection administered to piglets on hemoglobin, performance, and carcass response
Merlin Lindemann
5:15 Session concludes
8:30 - 11:00 PM
Dr. Jack Shere
6:30 - 7:30 AM
How do we know where all our pigs went without animal identification and an effective traceability system? Is our current traceability system a fairy tale? We have invited Dr. Jack Shere, USDA-APHIS Associate Administrator in charge of emergency planning and response, to attend the AASV Annual Meeting in Colorado. Join Dr. Shere during his special Q&A session, "Wake up with USDA," Monday morning, March 6, 6:30 - 7:30 AM in Cottonwood 6-7. Please plan to attend this unique opportunity to learn more about traceability and the veterinarian’s role. Get your questions answered and express your concerns during this late-breaking addition to the Annual Meeting.
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
SESSION: Be There!
8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Program chair: Bill Hollis
8:00 Howard Dunne Memorial
Be there. Be the leader for the pig, the client, the customer
Egan Brockhoff
9:00 Alex Hogg Memorial Lecture
Seizing opportunity within swine veterinary medicine
Attila Farkas
Co-sponsored by HOG SLAT
10:30 Ten industry needs you can meet right now, so be smart and be prepared ... get involved
Gordon Spronk
11:30 Lessons learned from the poultry industry for housing and health
Craig Rowles
12:30 Session concludes
Co-sponsored by the AASV FOUNDATION
12:30 - 2:00 PM
Concurrent Session #1: Build Back Biosecurity and Make Health Great Again!
2:00 - 5:30 PM
Session chair: Amber Stricker
2:00 Stranger than fiction: PRRS in a remote farm
Corrine Frugé
2:20 Outbreak of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 15 in central Iowa in the winter of 2021-22
Isadora Machado
2:40 Biosecurity: Why do we do it and who do we do it for?
Brandi Burton
3:00 Farm Health Guardian: What we have learned so far
Brad Chappell
3:20 Biosecurity Q&A panel
Frugé, Machado, Burton, Chappell
4:00 Impactful investments: Measuring return on investment (ROI) for biosecurity
Pete Thomas
4:20 Water biology: The next frontier for biosecurity
Gabi Doughan
4:40 Management and facility factors that impact biosecurity and biocontainment
Jordan Graham
5:00 Biosecurity: What is the US missing? An international perspective
Eveline Willems
5:20 Biosecurity Q&A panel
Thomas, Doughan, Graham, Willems
5:30 Session concludes
Concurrent Session #2: Disease (PRRS and ... )
2:00 - 5:30 PM
Session chair: Chase Stahl
2:00 PRRS: The fight continues
Clayton Johnson
2:45 Revenge of E. coli – but wait, there’s more …
Deborah Murray
4:00 Sapovirus: Diagnosis to solution … a cooperative success
Tom Petznick
4:30 Remind me about Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP)
Jon Van Blarcom
5:00 Disease Q&A panel
Johnson, Murray, Petznick, Van Blarcom
5:30 Session concludes
Concurrent Session #3: Foreign Animal Diseases: Be Prepared - Be Aware
2:00 - 5:30 PM
Session co-chairs: Marie Culhane and Marisa Rotolo
2:00 Introduction
Marie Culhane and Marisa Rotolo
2:05 What’s going on? African swine fever global update
Karyn Havas
2:30 What’s new? African swine fever vaccine update
Douglas Gladue
3:25 Who can test for foreign animal diseases?
Pam Zaabel
3:50 How can we get prepared together? US SHIP
Rodger Main
4:15 What is targeted, science-based African swine fever surveillance?
Marie Culhane
4:40 When does being prepared pay off? Japanese encephalitis: The Australian experience
Chris Richards
5:25 Wrap-up and take-home messages
Marie Culhane and Marisa Rotolo
5:30 Session concludes
6:30 - 8:30 PM
Bid at https://aasvf.cbo.io until:
7:00 PM MST
8:30 PM
7:00 - 8:00 AM
8:00 AM - 12:00 NOON
SESSION: Important Conversations: Be Engaged and Committed for a Common Goal
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Session co-chairs: Matthew Turner and Jordan Gebhardt
8:00 The time is now to eliminate porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV)
Paul Yeske
8:30 PEDV exposure, a tool for elimination
Karine Talbot
9:00 Experiences in removing planned PEDV exposure for acclimatization in a large commercial production system
Lauren Glowzenski
9:30 PEDV elimination/exposure Q&A panel
Yeske, Talbot, Glowzenski
10:30 Veterinary medicine and swine nutrition at AMVC
Jason Hocker and Trey Kellner
11:15 Veterinary medicine and swine nutrition at JBS
Darin Madson and Kyle Coble
12:00 Session and meeting conclude