Volume 7, Number 1 |
Swine Health and Production
ContentsPresident's message From the Editor Effect of oral tiamulin on
the development of porcine proliferative enteropathy in a pure-culture
challenge model How to use partial budgets
to predict the impact of implementing segregated early weaning
in a swine herd Use of antimicrobials in
swine feeds in the United States Pharmacological intervention
in swine reproduction Diagnostic notes: AASP Vice-Presidential candidate:
David P. Madsen AASP Pork PRODUCER PARTNERSSM activities Also in the print edition:
President's message
From the Editor
Effect of oral tiamulin on the development of porcine proliferative enteropathy in a pure-culture challenge model.
Kent Schwartz, Jeff Knittel, Don Walter, et al.
How to use partial budgets to predict the impact of implementing segregated early weaning in a swine herd
Steven D. Drum and William E. Marsh
Use of antimicrobials in swine feeds in the United States
Catherine E. Dewey, Barbara D. Cox, Barbara E. Straw, et al.
Pharmacological intervention in swine reproduction
Roy N. Kirkwood
Diagnostic notes:
Diagnostic porcine polymerase chain reaction assay: The future
is here
Lyle J. Braun and Christopher C.L. Chase
AASP Pork Producer Partners(TM) activities
AASP Vice-Presidential candidate: David P. Madsen 41
News 44
Guidelines to authors 45
What's your interpretation? Inside back cover
Classified advertising Back cover