Volume 6, Number 1

 January and February, 1998

Swine Health and Production

of the
of Swine



President's message
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Editor's note: Bob Morrison will resign as Executive Editor
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Note from the Editors: The peer-review process
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Effect of various stocking methods and extra-label PRRS vaccination on average daily gain
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Steve A. Sornsen, Jeff J. Zimmerman, and Michael B. Roof

Effect of PRRS vaccination on average daily gain: A comparison of intranasal and intranasal-intramuscular administration
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Steve A. Sornsen, Jeff J. Zimmerman, Dale D. Polson, et al.

Using vaccination and unidirectional pig flow to control PRRSV transmission
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Scott A Dee, Reid Philips

Preventing Salmonella infection in pigs with offsite weaning
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Jerome C. Nietfeld, Ingrid Feder, Ted T. Kramer, et al.

Diagnostic notes: A review of swine influenza diagnostics.
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Lani L. Vincent

Pork Quality Assurance
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Practice tip: Blood testing nursery pigs
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Mark M. Engesser

1998 AASP vice-presidential candidates:

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Classified advertisements
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What's your interpretation?
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Also in the print edition: